API calls allow any 3rd party system to interact with our system. There are several ways to make an API call. You can make API calls with programming languages, command line tools, API client frameworks, and others.
In this article, we will be using API client frameworks, which is Postman. You can download Postman here.
Once you have download the software, you will see this screen
Here, you will be making your API calls. To get started right away, click on workspaces > my workspace, or feel free to create a new workspace.
How to start making API calls?
Before you start, In some cases, you would need your token. You can get it by going into settings > LinkedIn account settings > scroll down and you will see Account API token
Hover over the collection name until you see the three dots, click them and click on add request.
After clicking, add request, you will see an interface. Start by placing the URL where we are going to be making the request to. In this case, we will be making the request to https://app.salesflow.io/api/statistics/GetCampaignStatistics but this can change depending on the request.
Once placing the URL, we need to enter the parameters. We are getting campaign statistics, and this request requires accountId, campaignId, and token in the parameters tab. To add the parameters, simply type the name of the parameter in the key field.
So far, it should look like this
After entering those values, click send, and you should get a 200 OK status as below
Once you click send, the info will be shown
What actions can I make with API calls in Salesflow?
Currently, the actions available for API calling are:
Get Campaign Statistics
This method retrieves campaign statistics for a given campaignId
Method: GET
accountId – selected accountId
campaignId – selected campaignId
token – API token, obtained for selected accountId
The result will be
Import Member
This method allows to add a new contact (campaign member) to a given campaign (the same can be done with CSV import feature)
Method: GET
accountId – selected accountId
campaignId – selected campaignId
token – API token, obtained for selected accountId
linkedInUrl – LinkedIn profile URL of a contact to be added
(optional): firstName, lastName, occupation, location
The result will be
Update Contact
This method allows to update an existing contact (campaign member), meaning to change the existing details.
Endpoint: https://mvc.salesflow.io/api/members/(insert member ID)
Method: POST
memberId – selected memberId
accountId – selected accountId
token – API token, obtained for selected accountId
Body Parameters
GetContact (by memberId)
This method allows you to get contact (campaign member), and to display all the information about it.
Endpoint: https://mvc.salesflow.io/api/members/{memberId}
Method: GET
memberId – selected memberId
accountId – selected accountId
token – API token, obtained for selected accountId
The result will be
GetContact (by public identifier)
This method allows to get contact (campaign member), and to display all the information about it, but instead of a memberId it uses the public identifier.
Endpoint: https://mvc.salesflow.io/api/members/
Method: GET
publicIdentifier – member’s public identifier
accountId – selected accountId
token – API token, obtained for selected accountId
The result will be
Delete Contact
This method allows to delete contact (campaign member), directly from a campaign.
Endpoint: https://mvc.salesflow.io/api/members
Method: DELETE
memberId – selected memberId
accountId – selected accountId
token – API token, obtained for selected accountId
The result will be
List Contacts (by public identifiers)
This method allows to get a list of available contacts by provided public identifiers.
Method: POST
Query parameters:
accountId – selected accountId
token – API token, obtained for selected accountId
Body parameters
publicIdentifiers: collection of public identifiers
NOTE: public identifiers can't be null or empty, they can have more than 20 elements.
The result will be
List Contacts (by campaignId)
This method allows to get a list of available contacts (campaign members) for a selected campaign.
Method: GET
Query parameters
accountId – selected accountId
campaignId – selected campaignId
token – API token, obtained for selected accountId
List campaigns
This method allows to get a list of available campaigns
Method: GET
Query parameters
accountId – selected accountId
token – API token, obtained for selected accountId
The result will be
Start a Campaign
This method allows you to start a campaign.
Method: POST
Query Parameters
campaignId – selected campaignId
accountId – selected accountId
token – API token, obtained for selected accountId
The result will be
List Accounts
This method allows to get a list of accounts by using the API Token.
Method: GET
Query Parameters
token – API token
The result will be
Create Webhook
This method allows you to create a Webhook.
Method: POST
Query Parameters
accountId – selected accountId
token – API token, obtained for selected accountId
Body Parameters
Name – webhook name, required, maximum length = 255
Url – webhook url, required, maximum length = 511
DisableForMutedContacts – optional, nullable boolean, if true – will not get triggered for muted contacts
Request Body:
The result will be
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