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Auto-Like post feature
Written by CS Team
Updated over a week ago


Auto-Like post option lets the system visit the page and like a post that will get the contact’s attention.

By liking the post, the system will find post that will notify the contact, thus increase acceptance rates for your campaigns. Having this option enabled allows you to have an extra interaction besides messages.

How does it works?

This feature is compatible with all campaign types except Existing Contacts. This is the first action the campaign will take before sending invites, messages, or open InMails.

The system can like a post, repost, or a repost with a thought as long as it notifies the prospects

In case there is no post to like, the campaign will display a message in the logs like the one below.

If there is a post to like, then it will show as below

NOTE: only the contacts who haven't had an interaction before will be eligible for a post like. ie: if a contact has been sent a message/invite/InMail before, the system will not like a post.

How to add it to an existing campaign?

  1. Stop the campaign you would like to add it to

  2. Go to the message sequence tab

  3. Locate the As the first step section

  4. Click Like the latest Post

  5. Save changes

  6. Start the campaign

How to add it to a new campaign?

When configuring the messages, in the message sequence tab, the first option you will see is the like the latest post option, check the box to activate.

Once you clicked on it, continue configuring the account as usual, then click save.

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