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Adding Causes
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Why should I add Causes to my Scorecard?

Using Causes is intended to help with Root Cause Analysis and is a useful way to drill down to the reasons your Employees are failing to meet the requirements you assess using your Scorecard.

The data you can gather from efficient use of Causes can give you insight into pain points in your training, coaching, systems or even business processes.

How do they work in Scorebuddy?

This feature works in a similar way to Comments (find out more about these here).
For each Scorecard you can add a bank of predetermined reasons for the cause of failure (or success) which are linked to a question or a section and appear in a dropdown at the time of scoring next to the Comments.

How do I add these?

  • The Causes page is accessed from behind the 'More' dropdown on the Scorecard Edit page.

  • Click 'Add Cause' to add a new cause to your scorecard or use the Edit/Delete buttons to make changes to existing causes (Note: you can multi select Causes for deletion using the radio buttons down the left hand column. The New Cause button will then change to 'Delete' and can be used to remove Causes in bulk)

  • Select the Section and Question to which you would like to assign your new cause and input the text of this cause in the box below. You may assign several causes to a question in a single input by separating them with a comma or semicolon.


Are my Evaluators restricted to selecting a single cause when they create a score?

This is up to you. You can allow multiple causes to be selected per question by enabling 'Multiple Causes per Question' in your Scorecard settings (see more here)

If 'Multiple Causes per Question' is left unticked in Scorecard Settings, an Evaluator will have to isolate and select a single Cause per question when completing a score.


Am I able to make my Causes mandatory fields?


As soon as you have added your first Cause to your Scorecard you will notice that another column is added to the question flag table on the Question Details page (see more here)

Causes are made mandatory by setting the flag against the Answer Choice which, when given in a score, you require that your Evaluators select a Cause for.

mandatory causesgif-min.gif

In the above example an Evaluator creating a score will be need to select a cause whenever the answer choice of 'No' is given during scoring for questions 1 and 2. If this occurs they will be unable to save the score until a cause (or causes, depending on your Scorecard Settings) has been selected.

If 'Yes' is given as the answer for a question, they will not be required to select a cause.

I am getting 'Error 0012' when creating my Causes. Why is this happening?

This is due to the use of non-alphanumeric characters in your Cause text input. Please see more in this article.

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