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Optional Self Score
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

What is Self Score?

Scorebuddy allows you to grant Employees the ability to create scores for themselves. The Employee will have access to predesignated scorecards and they can use these to create self-evaluations in the same manner as any other Evaluator.

Why would I grant my staff the ability to self score?

Self evaluation can be a powerful part of a quality and coaching program. Employees who perform self evaluation are likely to feel more involved and empowered in their own development and will gain key insight into their own strengths and areas for improvement. Letting Employees self score can be a great way to get Employees invested in your Quality program and its goals whilst helping to avoid burnout.

How do I set this up?

You can turn Self Score on for any or all Employees via their staff profile or the staff upload method (for more about staff upload see here)

To turn on the ability to self score for an Employee via their staff profile just click 'Self Score' and submit your changes.


You will also need to make the relevant scorecards available to the Employee. This is done via the Scorecard Settings page (see more here) for the scorecard/s you wish them to be able to use. Only those scorecards which have 'Display for Self Score' enabled will be made available to them.


How does the Employee score themselves once this is enabled?

Once Self Score is enabled a "Score' button will appear on the the Employees dashboard. Clicking this will take them to Group selection page (if they have more than one assigned), then the Scorecard selection page (allowing them to select from only those Scorecards you have selected 'Display for Self Score' for) and then onto the Scoring page itself. From here they just complete the form in the same manner as any other evaluation on the platform.

The Employee will be able to use Comments, Causes, Save Draft and all other features that you have built into your Scorecard.


Once they have submitted their score they will have the option to notify their Supervisor that this has been done. Their result will also be automatically pushed to their dashboard.

Do you have any tips for implementing self-score?

  • Consider using specific scorecards for Self Score. You can use the scorecard 'Copy' function (see more here) in order to use your existing scorecards as a template.
    Consider what changes you might make to have these function best for self evaluations. Do you wish to change your Causes (to identify 'Will' or 'Skill' perhaps, helping to highlight training needs)? Do you wish to retain any Fail All elements you have active? Do certain questions need adding/removing/re-wording? Does your weighting need to be adjusted?
    Using a specific Scorecard can also help you to separate out standard evaluations and Self Score evaluations when it comes to reporting and viewing Dashboards.

  • Ensure your Employees receive the necessary training in order to understand what is expected of them in this exercise and how to use the tools they will need to self-evaluate (call recorders, note systems, the Scorebuddy platform etc).
    Employees are likely to be far too self-critical (or occasionally overly generous) with their scoring as they begin this exercise. Take time to help them understand the criteria for your scorecards and what they should be looking for as they self-evaluate

  • Ensure that coaching is being provided, just as it would for any standard evaluation. Feedback with the Employees, investigating how and why they selected particular answers, what they feel they did well/could have done better, how you might have scored that particular interaction, will be pivotal to your agents engagement, growth and the exercises success.

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