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Employee Appraisal
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

What is an Appraisal?


An Appraisal is a function in Scorebuddy with which you are able to record the inputs and outcomes of an appraisal/review with an Employee. The Appraisal page will give you the performance data for your selected Employee for the given time interval all in one place. You are also able to set Goals, assign Tasks and Courses and Accept/Review results from within the page.

These Appraisals will be recorded on the platform and then be available to the Employee and the Supervisor to refer back to.

What can I do on the Appraisal page?

An Appraisal is set up on the GROW coaching model (Wikipedia link) and is broken down into 4 sections:. Hover over the "i" information button on any of these sections headers on the page for a handy guide.

Data is saved as you submit it, so don't worry if you need to leave the page and return later, everything will still be there waiting for you.


Set a Goal for the Employee. Just type your Goal into the text field. Your Goal will automatically be saved.



See the employees overall performance across all scorecards/results as well as the individual results themselves.
Click into the Agent name or Score for any result to see it in full, and access the Review/Accept functions.



Type your Options notes into the text field and these will be automatically saved.
You can also access the Course assignment pop up by clicking "Add Course".



Click "Add Task" to bring up the Task assignment pop up.


Finally, you have the option to add a Comment to the Appraisal and record it as being Complete.
Enter your comment in the text field and click "Add Comment" to submit it.

Once you are happy and the Appraisal is concluded, click "Mark as Complete" (this can be undone later, if necessary). All the data you have inputted is saved, so if you would rather mark the Appraisal as complete at a later date, you may do so.


How do I create an Appraisal?

There are two pages from which an Appraisal can be created.

Staff page

As an Admin or Supervisor, it is possible to create an Appraisal from the Staff page. Click "More" next to the Employee you would like to create the Appraisal for, and select "Appraisals" from the dropdown.

You will be taken to the Appraisals page for that Employee. From here you can access any existing Appraisal (just click it's title), Edit the appraisal (change the due date and date interval for the data) or delete an Appraisal.

From the Appraisals page, click "New Appraisal".


Name: Set a name for the Appraisal. This will default to "(current month) Appraisal", but can be changed.
​Employee: This will default to the Employee you selected More > Appraisals for. Return to the Staff page to create an Appraisal for a different Employee.
​Due Date: Set a due date for your Appraisal.
​Appraised Date From/To: This determines what results are included in your "Reality" section and is based on result's Score Date.

Click "Add Appraisal" to complete. The Appraisals page will refresh and will now include your newly created Appraisal. Click it's name to to be taken to to it.

Supervisor Dashboard

Supervisors can also access Appraisals from their Dashboard. Click "Staff Coaching" followed by "Appraisals" to access.


They will be taken to the Appraisals page filtered by the Employees who are assigned to them.
The functionality of the page is the same as if accessed via the Staff Page, except that when creating a new Appraisal, they can select which Employee to create it for via the dropdown.


How can Employees interact with their Appraisals?

Information on how an Employee would interact with their Appraisals can be found in the article here.

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