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Reports for general trend overview
Reports for general trend overview
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Analytics reports which provide a Summary

  • 6.1 Groups summary

  • 6.2 Card type

  • 6.3 Points of Failure

  • 6.5 Compliance overview

  • 5.1 Overall Team Trend

  • 5.2 Points of Failure by Team

  • 4.3 Performance against Target

Features common to all reports

  • Ability to export data to .XLS

  • Set data interval between Week, Month or Quarter

  • Click values in table to drill down and see the underlying data

  • Click table headers to sort columns by ascending or descending order

  • Ability to download charts/histograms as various image formats


A look at each report

6.1 Groups summary

Gives the user an overall average per Group (across all Scorecards used) as well as the number of results below target and above target.



Report 6.1 has a very helpful drill through: the user clicks on the name of the Group or one of the Groups and can have a breakdown of the performance of that particular Group by Scorecard.

Report 6.2 Card type

Allows the user to compare overall performance by Scorecard Category for a single Group.

This report uses the Scorecard Category that is assigned when the Scorecard is created. Find out how further categories can be added here.

Report 6.3 Points of Failure

Should be run by customers who use Fail All answers and/or Fail Section answers in their scorecards (learn more about these here).

The report will provide an overview of the number of Fail All and Fail Section answers per group and it also records the number of scores created (No of events).
The user can drill down to the list of results and Employees with Fail answers by clicking one of the values.

Report 6.5 Compliance overview

Is particularly helpful for customers who use Compliance type sections in their Scorecards (learn more about Compliance type sections here).

Report 6.5 will give the user an overview of all the Group Pass and Fail Rates. There are two additional drill down reports available: when clicking on the Group name, the report on Pass and Fail rates per Team will be displayed and when clicking on the Team name, the Employees' Pass and Fail Rates will be shown.

Report 5.1 Overall Team Trend

Should be run to have a summary of Teams' average percentage trend (across the different Scorecards used for auditing Employees in the Team) and to compare Teams.

Just like the other Analytics reports, there are drill down options to get the detailed list of scores behind the averages or to look at the scores and Employees behind the below target count.


Report 5.1 has a very helpful drill through: the user clicks on the name of a Team and a second report showing the average percentage by Supervisor will be displayed. A further drill through is available when clicking on a Supervisor name : a third report showing the average percentages by Employee.

Report 5.2 Points of Failure by Team

Should be run by customers who use Fail All answers and/or Fail Section answers in their scorecards (find out more here).

The report will provide an overview of the number of Fail All and Fail Section answers per Team and it also records the number of scores created (No of events). The user can drill down to the list of results and Employees with Fail answers by clicking on the number.

Report 4.3 Performance against Target

Offers a performance overview from the point of view of Target achievement by Scorecard Event type (learn more about Event Types here).

Below the table, the trend chart shows the trend of the Above Target performance by Event type and the pie chart shows the overall target achievement of the Scorecard.

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