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Time Periods: pre-defined and custom
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Learn how to configure date ranges for your dashboard and reports


You can select the time period (or date ranges) of your Dashboard and Reports in 2 different ways:

  • Pre-defined ranges: these time periods are dynamic periods like "last 30 days", last week" and so on. They will change depending on what day you are viewing your dashboard or generating your report. For example, "last 30 days" on June 30th will display data between July 30th and June 30th, but on August 31st it will display July 30th to August 30th.

  • Custom: you can pick any start date and end date, and these will remain static. meaning they will remain the same what ever date you are viewing your Dashboard or running your Report.

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