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How do I signup for a free trial?

Workflow for 14-day free trial period as a first time new customer

Jonas Krüger avatar
Written by Jonas Krüger
Updated over a year ago

All our paid plans come with a 14-day free trial period for new accounts. User can sign up for a free trial as follows: 

  1. Go to our Pricing page, choose a plan you would like to try out and tap on TRY FOR FREE. Alternatively, you can click on this button:

  2. Enter your complete name and your e-mail address.

  3. Please verify your e-mail address by clicking the button in the e-mail we sent you.

  4. Set up your password and click on CREATE ACCOUNT.

NOTE: Your subscription will not automatically transferred into a paid subscription. If you wish to continue your account, please select a subscription plan and enter your billing details. The free trial automatically ends 14 days after sign-up.

How does the free trial work?

  1. As a first time new customer when you sign up for Scoutpad, you will be given a free trial period of 14 days.

  2. During the trial period you can add an unlimited number of team members to your group, it's 100% free. Just send us a message with your team contacts.

  3. After your free trial period your subscription will not automatically enter a paid subscription (unless you've already actively selected a plan and entered a payment method). You´ll receive a notification before your trial expires.

  4. If you wish to continue using Scoutpad, please submit your billing details before the end of the trial period or downgrade to free plan. Without choosing a subscription plan you are not able to create any new reports after your trial end, but you still get access to your existing data.

If you have not made any changes to your account as described in part 4 above, your account will be frozen at the end of the trial period. This means that you will still be able to log in and access your data at any time. All your team’s data will still be safely stored on our servers – nothing will ever be deleted unless you'll delete your account. To create new game reports and add data, you must either sign up for a paid subscription or downgrade to our free plan.

Trial Extension

Our 14-day free trial gives you a taste of Scoutpad and time to evaluate if it’s right for you. However, we understand that sometimes 14 days aren’t enough. You can request a one-time trial extension to continue trying out the features of Scoutpad

You can check your trial expiration date in your ACCOUNT SETTINGS (Home Menu - Settings - Subscription & Billing). Next to your Subscription Plan, it says YOU HAVE HAVE X DAYS LEFT IN YOUR FREE TRIAL. After your trial expires, you’ll will receive an email from us with the subject YOUR TRIAL HAS EXPIRED.

If you have any questions or want to request more time to try out the features, contact us, and an advisor would be happy to assist you. We're here to give you the appropriate time and resources you need to get started with Scoutpad successfully. Alternatively, you can subscribe to our free plan.

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