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How to work with shadow teams

Organize and share your teams using our dedicated feature.

Jonas Krüger avatar
Written by Jonas Krüger
Updated over a year ago

With an easy-to-use drag and drop system you are able to back-up your team depth and detect gaps. By adding saved players from your self-created and categorized watchlist you can build your team of the future. This will support you in participating on short term and long term squad changes. The club's own players from the youth and amateur divisions can also be classified in this way.

Create a shadow team

Open the newly added shadow team section in the navigation bar on the left of your dashboard and click on ADD A NEW SHADOW TEAM. After creation choose a team name and select the right team formation.

You are now ready to add players by search for names from our previous created watchlist. To include players from your group members, please tap on checkbox SHOW GROUP WATCHLIST

Edit shadow team

When defining ideal line-ups, you can specify multiple players for each role and sort them with priority. Click on the position circle to add a player from your watchlist. By tapping on the player name you have three options:

  1. Open the player detail page to get more detailed information about the player.

  2. Move player up or down to priotize which player is more focused.

  3. Remove player from the shadow position.

Work as a Group Admin

As on the watchlist, a Group Admin can access all created shadow teams of the group members. At OVERVIEW all teams created are listed by date supplemented by the info who is the creator of the shadow team. The Group Admin can filter for individual shadow teams of scouts. 

Shadow teams of team members can be edited just as easily as teams you have created yourself. All changes are then visible to the creator of the shadow team, too.

Tap on the trash icon to permanent delete a shadow team. Be aware: If you delete a team members shadow team, the team will also be deleted from the account of the team member. Click on duplicate to replicate a shadow team.

Remark: The shadow feature is only part of our paid plans. In our free plan you can't create a shadow team.

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