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Scoutpad as a Group Membership

Assign different roles (Group Admin/User) and share data with your team

Jonas Krüger avatar
Written by Jonas Krüger
Updated over a year ago

The good news is that if you get your head around the group policy, this can be done quite easily. We wanted to run you through the amazing possibilities of collaboration with your team that are possible with Scoutpad. 

Group Membership

A group-membership allows your club to set up a comprehensive library of player and match reports which can be accessed by all authorised users of Scoutpad. In the user-management section, the group admin can approve users and the access they get.

Why is this important? The admin can get his hands on all uploaded scouting reports by his scouts in just a few seconds after the observed match. The admin has full control of who's in his group and what he sees. He can get access to all favorites of his group members at any time. In the squad management the admin can track and monitor the player perfomances of all match reports and filter for players and scouts.

Differences between User and Group Admin

As a group-admin you can edit various levels of user access. Create profiles for your club members and assign special roles to them. By assigning roles, you give them access to the specific screens and functions they need to crush their job. The two main types of user roles are:

  • User: only access to his account, the matches he scouts and the players or lists he creates

  • Group Admin: access to every report, player and watchlist; he can change the group and subscription settings 

Pro Features for Group Admin

  1. All match reports created by his group members are displayed under REPORTS OF MY GROUP. For clarity, the reports can be filtered by scouts, leagues and teams.

  2. The group admin can view the player lists of his team members at any time by simple drop-down at PLAYERS BY.

  3. As group admin you can organize your scouting and assign matches to team members.

  4. You can create custom indicators for your group.

It's also possible to list several group admins at the same time. You can also change roles after you assign them (just in case you don't want the cleaning staff to get access to your summer transfer plans).

Youth team planning

With the different access levels (group admin/user) you are able to create separate accounts for your youth areas such as U15, U16 and U17. Within this account, the players of the respective youth teams can be managed and, if necessary, potentially interesting players can be observed. The group admin can access all players and lists of the whole group within his account.

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