Sellar Credit Information
Where can I find more information about my Sellar Credit account and its settings?
Click on your Sellar Credit balance in the top left of Sellar to access your Sellar Credit information.
From here you can see:
You Credit Balance
Your Credit Limit
Next payment amount
Next payment date
You can also edit which venues and users have access to use Sellar Credit. Find out how to change this here (link)
HOKODO Dashboard
You can find even more information and options on the HOKODO Dashboard.
You are able to access the HOKODO dashboard through Sellar:
Click on you Sellar Credit balance in the top left of Sellar.
Use Manage in HOKODO to head over to the dashboard.
From here you can:
Request a higher Credit Limit. Found how to do this here.(link)
Edit your Direct Debit information
See past and upcoming payments