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November KiwiSaver Survey Terms and Conditions
November KiwiSaver Survey Terms and Conditions

The November KiwiSaver Survey (Survey) is run by Sharesies Limited (Sharesies) and is governed by these terms and conditions.

Sharesies Help avatar
Written by Sharesies Help
Updated over 4 months ago
  1. The purpose of the Survey is to gather information from you about aspects of KiwiSaver - including but not limited to your views on certain topics relating to KiwiSaver and your level of engagement with your own KiwiSaver scheme. Any personal information will be collected in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Results generated and shared from the Survey will be anonymised.

  2. Following Participation in the Survey you will be provided with an opportunity to enter a prize draw to be facilitated by Sharesies Limited for one (1) of five (5) $50 NZD Sharesies Gifts (Sharesies Gifts) redeemable on the Sharesies platform.

  3. By participating in the Survey, you agree to all applicable terms and conditions including these terms and conditions, our Sharesies Gift Terms & Conditions and our Terms & Conditions.

  4. The Survey and associated Sharesies Gift prize draw will run from 8 AM 6th November to 11:59 PM 22nd November 2024 (Survey Period).

  5. Entry in the Survey is open to NZ residents who currently hold an account on the Sharesies platform.

  6. To enter the Survey and be eligible to go into the draw for a Sharesies Gift prize, you must complete the November KiwiSaver Survey and share your email address before the Survey Period ends. Sharesies staff and their immediate family are not eligible to receive Sharesies Gifts

  7. The Sharesies Gift prizes will be allocated at random to five(5) winners (the Winner/s). A Winner cannot receive more than one (1) Prize.

  8. Sharesies will select the winners by random draw and allocate the Sharesies Gifts on 26th November 2024.

  9. The five winners will be notified via the email provided on completion of the November KiwiSaver Survey. If Sharesies has not received any communication from a Sharesies Gift prize winner by 29th November 2024. Sharesies may, in its discretion: deem the winner to have forfeited their selection and prize and draw another winner in accordance with these terms and conditions.

  10. Sharesies Gift prizes are not redeemable for cash and money from a Sharesies Gift must be invested before being withdrawn.

  11. Sharesies does not accept responsibility for competition entries that are lost, invalid or delayed in transit, regardless of cause, including for example, as a result of any equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, network, service, computer hardware or software failure of any kind.

  12. Sharesies reserves the right to suspend, change or cancel this Survey and associated Sharesies Gift prize draw at any time without notice.

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