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About KiwiSaver

How the Sharesies KiwiSaver Scheme works

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Written by Sharesies Help
Updated over a week ago

KiwiSaver is a long-term savings scheme that you can generally only access at the retirement age - currently 65 - or when purchasing your first home.

With the Sharesies KiwiSaver Scheme, you can choose from five base funds to invest in, which cover conservative, balanced, and growth options. You can also add your own self-select investments (‘your picks’). No more than 50% of your investment plan can be allocated across your picks, to a max of 5% in each.

Unlike the money in your Sharesies Wallet, you can’t withdraw any KiwiSaver contributions you make (or your KiwiSaver balance as a whole) unless you either retire, purchase your first home, or qualify for a small range of other circumstances.

With the Sharesies KiwiSaver Scheme, contributions from your income and employer are deposited on your behalf. If you’d like to make extra contributions, you can top up via Inland Revenue (IRD).

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