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Teams: Your Teams
Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over a week ago

How do I Navigate to Teams?

Teams can only currently be accessed via the Alpine sheep system, which can be found by going to and logging in with your sheepCRM user credentials.

Click on Teams in the top navigation to access the new Teams section.

ℹ️ A note on nouns. We tend to call these dynamic groups "Teams" - and we'll reference them as "Teams" in our documentation - but you might think of them as "Groups", "Clubs", "Sections", "Chapters" or "Registers". Our config allows you to pick the noun of your choice and this will be used in future releases of the CRM.

How do I Find a Team?

By default, all active teams will be listed in a table, showing the name, category and summary of the team. Non-active teams can be seen by clicking on all teams in the left-hand navigation. Click on a team to manage it.


The table of teams can be narrowed down further by entering the name or category of a team. Entering a few letters will start to reduce the table to only show matching teams.

Quick switch

When a team is selected, in the navigation you can click on the team name, bringing in a dropdown list of other teams in your flock. This list can be filtered by entering the name of the team you wish to look for. Click on another team to quickly switch between teams.


With a team selected, the default tab will show all of the contacts that make up the team. Accepted contacts as well as contacts who are in the process of joining, or have cancelled can be seen by selecting the relevant views from the left hand navigation.

How do I Send a Message to all Contacts within a Team?

Contacts in the selected view can be sent an email, SMS or in-app message through sheepCRM by clicking on the mail icon located in the top right. This will bring up a modal window with the email settings and field to enter a message.

Type of message

Select whether the message should be email, SMS or in-app. In-app messages will be displayed to the contact when they log into their sheepApp account.

Message template

Select an existing template to use for the message. These templates are defined in settings. Please note that any changes to a template in this modal do not overwrite the saved template.


If the message type is an email or in-app message, enter a subject line for the message.


Enter the message to be sent to the contacts. If a template has been selected, the content from the template will be pre-filled. This can be changed as needed. Content in the message can be filled with template tags.

For more information on template tags, please see this article:

Once the details and messages have been filled in, click on the save & preview button to view a preview of the message with the options to send message, send a test to yourself or go back and make changes. Please note that some options may not be present based on the type of message selected.

Once happy to send the message, click on send to send out the message to the selected contacts. If the SMS or email option is selected, the messages will be queued to be sent out.

Please Note: Messages that are sent in batches, depending on the number of recipients, can take a little time to process before all messages will be sent.

Copying email addresses

If you prefer composing an email through your own email client. You can alternatively click on the copy emails to clipboard icon located next to the email icon and have all primary email addresses copied to your clipboard, ready to be pasted into a spreadsheet, email client or word doc.

How do I Export all Contacts in a Team?

Contacts can be exported into a XLS document for manual processing by clicking on the export icon (arrow pointing down) located in the top right, next to the copy emails icon.

How do I Add a New Contact to a Team?

To add a new contact to the team, click on the add contact button located in the top right. This will bring up a modal with the ability to select the contact to add to the team as well as set the status of their application for the team.

Set the status to accepted to have the new contact treated as a member of the team. Other statuses, such as applied can be used if you wish to manage the contact's application before treating them as active members.

How do I View/Edit a Contacts Role, Status or Tag whilst in Teams?

Clicking on a contact will bring up a sidepanel with the contact's details with various tabs including membership, health information, payments and messages. Depending on your account permissions and flock configuration, you may see different tabs.

Contact summary

By default, the first tab is the summary. This tab will show basic contact information, along with group membership information. Other sections enabled by your flock will have summaries on this tab to allow quick viewing of core information.

Changing the team role of the contact

On the summary tab, scroll down to the teams summary panel and click on the change details option to bring up a modal window with the team status and team role for the contact.

Click on the role field and start entering a role to apply. As you type letters, the dropdown will show existing roles that match the entered letters. Click on an existing role to set the contact's role. Please note that roles are created and managed in settings.

Changing the team status of the contact

On the summary tab, scroll down to the teams summary panel and click on the change details option to bring up a modal window with the team status and team role for the contact.

Click on the status field and select a status from the dropdown list. For active team members without any need for processing, select the accepted status. If you need to process an application before the contact should be considered a team member, select the applied or started statuses.

Adding tags to a contact within a team

Tags can be added to the contact record itself, but also the group membership record that links the contact record to the current team or group. On the summary tab, scroll down to the teams summary panel and click on the change details option to bring up a modal window with the team status, team role and the option to add or remove tags for the contact.

How do I Remove a Contact from a Team?

On the contacts summary tab, scroll down to the teams summary panel and click on the change details option to bring up a modal window with the team status and team role for the contact.

If you wish to keep a record of the contact as part of the team, but deny any active member benefits, change the status field value to cancelled.

Alternatively, click on the delete option in the bottom right of the window and confirm the deletion. This will remove the team membership record entirely. Please note that this change is permanent and can not be undone.

How do I View Contact-Specific Sessions?

If your flock supports sessions, the selected contact will have a sessions tab. Click on this tab to view all active and future sessions that the contact is a part of.

Please note that this view is for quick management of sessions for a single contact. More information on the sessions can be found by using the sessions tab on the team dashboard.

How do I Mark the Attendance of a Contact in a Team?

From the sessions tab, scroll down to the session you wish to update and click on the lightswitch to mark the contact as attended/attending the session - click again to mark the contact as not attended/attending. If you need to reset the attendance, click on the more options icon next to the switch and select the reset option.

How do I View Contact-Specific Achievements?

If your flock supports achievements, the selected contact will have an achievements tab. Click on this tab to view all active achievements that the contact is, or could be, a part of. Please note that this view is for quick management of achievements for a single contact. More information on the achievements can be found by using the achievements tab on the team dashboard.

Add (start) achievement

Achievements that the contact has not started will appear in a list beneath any active achievements running. Scroll down to the achievement in question and click on start achievement to activate the achievement, showing the options to mark progress.

Mark progress

On any active, non-completed achievement, there will be a list of checkboxes - one for each step that makes up the achievement. Click on the checkbox to mark the step as completed. Click on the checkbox again to mark the step as incomplete.

Finish/Complete achievement - Triggers email!

Once every step is completed, an option to mark the achievement as finished will appear. Click on this option to complete the achievement, preventing any further changes to the achievement.

Performing this action will trigger any emails set on achievement completion to be sent out to the contact.

How do I View/Add/Edit/Complete/Delete Contact-Specific Tasks?

If your flock supports tasks, the selected contact will have a tasks tab. Click on this tab to view all tasks regarding the contact. Both completed and active tasks regarding the contact will be visible in this view. Please note that more information on team tasks can be found by using the tasks tab on the team dashboard.

Add task

Click on the add task button to bring up a modal window with the fields for masking a new task. Each task can have a message, a staff member the task is assigned to and a due date.

By default, you will be set as the assigned staff member, but this can be changed by clicking on the field and selecting another staff member. Click on the add task button to create the task.

Editing an existing task

Click on an existing task to bring up a modal with the details of the task on it where you can make changes to the notes, assigned to and due date fields as needed. You can also mark the task as completed by clicking on the completed switch. Click on the save button to confirm your changes.

Complete task

Tasks can be marked as complete by either clicking on the mark as complete option by the task, or by editing the task and setting the lightswitch as outlined above.

Delete task

Click on an existing task to bring up a modal with the details of the task on it and click on the delete option in the bottom right of the modal. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the task - click on yes to confirm and delete the task.

Please note that this process can not be undone and the task can not be recovered.

How do I View/Edit/Delete Contact-Specific Notes?

If your flock supports notes, the selected contact will have a notes tab. Click on this tab to view all journal notes regarding the contact. Notes can be used to pin additional information on to the contact that may be of value to other team leaders.

Add note

Click on the add note button to bring up a modal window to add a new note to a contact.

Please Note: Files or attachments need to be added after the note is created.

For more information on editing notes, please see below.

Editing an existing note

On the notes tab, click on the edit button on an existing note to bring up the modal containing the details of the note. On this modal the title and note can be changed, as well as any uploaded files can be viewed/downloaded or removed from the note altogether.

New files can be uploaded by clicking on the upload button and selecting files, or dragging files into the dotted box to upload quickly.

Click on the save button to confirm your changes to the note.

Deleting an existing note

On the notes tab, click on the edit button on an existing note to bring up the modal containing the details of the note and click on the delete option in the bottom right of the modal. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the note - click on yes to confirm and delete the note.

This process can not be undone and the note can not be recovered.

How do I View/Mark Attendance for Team Sessions?

If your flock is configured to use sessions, once a team is selected, the sessions tab will be accessible for your team. Clicking on this tab will show a list of all of the sessions that involve the selected team.

Viewing sessions

Click on the sessions tab to view the sessions. By default the sessions listed will be active or upcoming, but this can be changed by clicking on an option in the left-hand navigation. Click on a session to bring up a sidepanel showing every contact in your team with a lightswitch on the right-hand side. Based on the contact's current attendance for this session, the lightswitches will either be undefined, set to yes or set to no.

Marking attendance

Click on the lightswitch by the contact to mark their attendance. By default, this lightswitch will be undefined, as no attendance will have been set for the contact. Clicking once will mark as attended, clicking again will mark as not attended. If you made a mistake and need to reset the lightswitch back to undefined, click on the more options icon next to the lightswitch and select the reset option.

How do I View/Add Contacts/Mark Progress on Teams Achievements?

If your flock is configured to use achievements, once a team is selected, the achievements tab will be accessible for your team. Achievements are primarily used to track the progress of the contacts in a team. These can be used for maintaining the engagement of your teams or to provide certificates or awards based on a set number of steps being completed.

Viewing achievements

Click on the achievements tab of a team to view all achievements that the team can access. By default, active and in-progress achievements will be listed. Inactive and finished achievements can be viewed by selecting the relevant options from the left-hand navigation.

Click on an achievement to bring up a sidepanel with more information about the achievement itself, the participants and any notes made by team leaders.

Add participants to an achievement

Click on an achievement to view the current participants. To add another contact - who is already in the team - as a participant for the achievement, click on the add participant button. This will bring up a modal with a field to select the contact to add. Start entering the name of the contact and click on their record when they appear in the dropdown list of results. To add every contact in the team to an achievement, click on the add all contacts button.

Please Note: The contact needs to be a part of the team before they can be added as a participant of the achievement. Please see adding a new contact to a team for more information.

Mark progress of a participant

Click on an achievement to view the current participants and their progress. Each participant will appear in a list with checkboxes for every step that makes up the achievement.

Scroll down to the relevant participant and click on the checkbox step(s) that you wish to mark their progress for. Clicking once will mark a step as complete, clicking again will mark as incomplete.

Finish/Complete achievement

Once every step is completed, an option to mark the achievement as finished will appear. Click on this option to complete the achievement for the participant, preventing any further achievement changes for this particular contact.

Performing this action will trigger any emails set on achievement completion to be sent out to the participant.

How do I Add/Edit/Complete/Delete Team Tasks?

Jobs and tasks for team leaders in a team can be set, managed and completed in the tasks tab of the team dashboard. Tasks are notes that can be assigned to yourself or other team leaders with a due date.

Adding a new task for a team

On the tasks tab, a new task can be added by clicking on the add task button located in the top right, next to the search bar.

Each task can have a message, a staff member the task is assigned to and a due date. By default, you will be set as the assigned staff member, but this can be changed by clicking on the field and selecting another staff member.

Click on the add task button to create the task.

Editing an existing task

Click on an existing task to bring up a modal with the details of the task on it where you can make changes to the notes, assigned to and due date fields as needed. You can also mark the task as completed by clicking on the completed switch. Click on the save button to confirm your changes.

Complete task

Tasks can be marked as complete by either clicking on the mark as complete option by the task, or by editing the task and setting the lightswitch as outlined above.

Delete task

Click on an existing task to bring up a modal with the details of the task on it and click on the delete option in the bottom right of the modal. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the task - click on yes to confirm and delete the task.

This process can not be undone and the task can not be recovered.

How do I Add/Edit/Delete Team Notes?

For information that you'd like to be pinned to the team, the notes tab for the team allows you to add journal entries regarding the team, sessions, achievements or contacts that can be accessed easily by other team leaders in the team.

Adding a new note

On the notes tab, a new note can be added by clicking on the add note button located in the top right, next to the search bar.

Please Note: Files or attachments need to be added after the note is created. For more information on editing notes, please see below.

Editing an existing note

On the notes tab, click on the edit button on an existing note to bring up the modal containing the details of the note. On this modal the title and note can be changed, as well as any uploaded files can be viewed/downloaded or removed from the note altogether.

New files can be uploaded by clicking on the upload button and selecting files, or dragging files into the dotted box to upload quickly.

Click on the save button to confirm your changes to the note.

Deleting an existing note

On the notes tab, click on the edit button on an existing note to bring up the modal containing the details of the note and click on the delete option in the bottom right of the modal. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the note - click on yes to confirm and delete the note.

This process can not be undone and the note can not be recovered.

How do I View/Add/Edit/Duplicate/Delete/Publish Team News Articles?

If your flock has news articles configured, you will have access to a news tab for your team(s). News articles related to your team will be accessible to your members through your team page in the sheepApp.

Viewing team articles

Click on the news tab to view the news articles for a team. Articles with green dots next to the titles are published - meaning that they are viewable in the sheepApp. Grey dots are draft or unpublished articles. Click on an article to bring up a sidepanel showing the content and metadata for the article.

Adding a new article

On the news tab, click on the add news button located in the top right to bring up a sidepanel for a blank article with the following fields:


Enter the article headline, which should be kept as concise as possible.


A lightswitch in the top right sets whether the article should be live or not. Please note that this is separate to whether the article is published or not.


Optionally, add a custom URL to the news article. This will automatically generate based on the title entered, but can be changed in this field if needed. You can use this to shorten URLs for easier linking.


Upload an image to appear as the main image for the article. Please note that images can only be uploaded after the article has been created. Once saved, click on the article again to edit and upload images.

Publish Date

Set a date for the article to be published - making it accessible to members in the sheepApp. This date can be set in the past to immediately publish the article, or set in the future to publish the article at a specific time/date.

Archive Date

Set a date for the article to be archived - preventing anyone from viewing it in the sheepApp. This date can be set in the past to immediately archive the article, or set in the future to archive the article at a specific time/date. Can be left blank to stop the article from ever becoming archived.


Enter the body of the news article in this field. This field supports basic markdown to add basic elements such as subheadings, links, bullet point lists and tables.

Fallback Body

If the article is set to member-only, you can optionally provide a summary or call-to-action for non-members trying to view the article. This field supports basic markdown to add basic elements such as subheadings, links, bullet point lists and tables.

Secondary Photos

Upload up to 4 images to appear as the secondary images for the article. Please note that images can only be uploaded after the article has been created. Once saved, click on the article again to edit and upload images.


Set whether the article should be viewable by the general public in the sheepApp. If set to false, the viewer will be prompted to log in.

Member Only?

Set whether the article should only be viewable to members in the sheepApp.


Select which team this article is related to. If you lack sufficient permissions, this field will be pre-filled to your team and locked to prevent changes.


Add tags to the article to help with filtering and categorising.

Editing an existing article

Click on an existing article to bring up a sidepanel with the content and metadata for the article. Edit the fields as needed and click on the save button to save your changes. More advanced options can be found by clicking on the actions button in the top right of the sidepanel.

Duplicating an article

Click on an existing article to bring up a sidepanel with the content and metadata for the article. Click on the actions button in the top right of the sidepanel and select the duplicate option.

Deleting an article

Click on an existing article to bring up a sidepanel with the content and metadata for the article. Click on the actions button in the top right of the sidepanel and select the delete option. This will bring up a modal asking you to confirm the deletion.

This process can not be undone and the article can not be recovered.

Publishing / Unpublishing an article

Publishing an article allows it to be viewable in the sheepApp on your team mini-site. Whether the article will be accessible to members, non-members and the general public will be defined by the Public, Status and Member only fields outlined above.

To publish or unpublish an article, click on the actions button in the top right of the sidepanel and select the appropriate option. If published, this will remove any expiry date set in the past and set the status to active. If unpublished, any existing publish date will be removed.

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