To get started - go to the sheepCRM Alpine Homepage -
The core principle of Alpine sheepCRM is to make navigating around your flock and viewing shared data for your contact records as easy as possible.
Flock selector
If your account is tied to multiple flocks, you will be given a dropdown field in the top-left of the navigation bar. Click on this field to see the flocks available to you - click one the flock to load the data for that flock.
Please note that if you only support one flock, this will just show your flock name and act as a quick-link to your dashboard.
Next to your flock name you will have access to a number of quick-links to other parts of sheepCRM. These will vary on your licence, but can include the following:
View your membership data - contact records, active members, lapsed members and expired members.
View your event data - tickets, main events, team / group events, buyers, attendees and sessions.
View your team / group data - teams, teams members, teams leaders and team related news, events and pages.
View your flow boards and form data - forms, submissions, applications, scoring and applicants.
View your data from all sections and products grouped into segments - customise segments to provide very specific views on your data.
View your data from all sections and products in pre-defined reports - finance, communications, contacts, membership, bookings, donations, teams, applications / submissions and general usage statistics.
The search bar in the top-right of the navigation allows you to quickly search contacts, organisations, events or venues.
Enter a value to start showing suggestions and click on the correct suggestion to bring up a window with more information.
Searchable fields
The following fields can be searched for contacts and organisation records:
Email Address
Telephone Number
Postcode - these results will not be as refined as searching for a name or an email address so we recommend using postcode as the last option when other data is available.
For events and venues, the following fields can be searched:
Date (range)
Category / Type
The + Button (Add a resource)
New contacts, organisations or events can be quickly added from anywhere in sheepCRM by using the add resource button - click on the plus icon in the top-right of the navigation bar. This will show a dropdown with the following options:
Add person
Click on this to bring up a window with fields to add a new contact record - fill in as much information as you have and click on save to create the record. Please note that while none of the fields are required, we recommend filling in the name and email address as a minimum.
Add organisation
Click on this to bring up a window with fields to add a new organisation record - fill in as much information as you have and click on save to create the record. Please note that while none of the fields are required, we recommend filling in the name and email address or website as a minimum.
Add event
Click on this to bring up a window with fields to add a new event - fill in the event name, type, start date and optionally enter the end date and assign event to a group, if applicable. Once filled in, click on create draft to save the event as a draft.
You may also see other items depending on your specific set up.
Your notifications can be accessed by the bell icon located between the add resource option and your account photo. Click on this icon to see reminders and notifications.
Reminders will be in order of date due and will only show up to ten in the window.
If you have more than ten items you will need to manage those first ten (such as complete or snooze, change dates) before you can see the next in the order.
Account + Actions
Your photo / avatar will appear in the top right corner of the navigation. Click on this image to bring up a list of useful actions and links:
My Account
View your account settings - change your personal details, photo and account security settings.
Change Password
Change your current password - follow the onscreen instructions to set a new password.
Browse help
View our intercom knowledge base - browse all of our support articles and videos or contact our support team directly.
View the terms & conditions agreement with sheepCRM.
View the settings of your flock - links to sheepSettings where all of your flock configurations can be changed.
Log out
Log out of your account - this will log you out of all sheep products.