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Contacts: Membership>Summary - plans and information
Contacts: Membership>Summary - plans and information

The membership tab shows all membership plans - past, present and future - for the current contact.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over a month ago

How do I Navigate to a Contacts Membership Plan Information?

While some actions for updating the most commonly changed data for a contact can be done in the summary modal actions button, every bit of data sheepCRM has related to the contact record can be viewed, added and updated in the contact record's detailed sidepanel view. Find the contact you wish to edit, bring up the summary modal and click on the view contact button to open up the sidepanel.

The membership tab shows all membership plans - past, present and future - for the current contact. The first panel on the tab shows a summary of all known membership plans tied to the contact. This will show current/active plans by default but can show past/cancelled or future plans by selecting a filter option.

Adding a new membership

To add a new membership to the current contact, click on the add membership button located in the top right. This will bring up a window with the following fields:

Membership plan

Select a plan for this new membership record. The options in this list are defined in your membership plans in sheepSettings. Please follow this article for more information on how to add new membership plan types.

Membership number

If required, enter a membership number for the new membership record. If left blank, a number will be automatically generated for you.

Start Date

Enter a start date for the new membership record. This can be set in the past or future and will act as the day that he membership plan started for the contact - based on the defined duration of the membership plan type, the end date will be automatically calculated, but this can be changed after the membership record has been added.

Admin Contact

If required, set a contact as the admin for the membership record. This is generally used for organisation or parent/guardian memberships where the individual managing the membership is different to the entity that the membership is for. If left blank, the current contact will be treated as the admin contact.

Billing Contact

If required, set a contact as the financial admin/payer for the membership record. This is generally used for organisation or parent/guardian memberships where the individual managing the membership payments is different to the entity that the membership is for. If left blank, the current contact will be treated as the billing contact.

Viewing existing membership plans

Underneath the summary panel, each membership plan for the contact will appear in its own card. Click on a card to expand it, showing more information on the membership plan, showing any notices or warnings as well as any payments made for the membership.

Managing an existing membership

Scrolling down to the membership card and expanding it will show the actions button located in the top right of the card. The dropdown has the following options:

Edit Membership

Click on this option to change the details of the membership itself. From here you can alter the amount of the membership, change the membership plan type it is based on, set a custom end date to extend or shorten the membership as well as more advanced features outlined below:

  • Membership Renewal settings
    Set whether the membership plan should auto-renew without member or staff involvement when it is due to expire. If this is combined with a direct debit payment plan, new payments will be unpacked and collected automatically.

    You can also set whether the member has decided to leave, preventing all communications regarding any expiring or lapsed memberships from being sent to the admin contact. Please note that checking this does not cancel any membership plans, auto-renews or payment plans.

    Lastly, if auto-renew has been set to 'yes', you can specific the renewal membership plan type to be used when sheepCRM renews. By default this will be blank and the current plan type will be used - however by selecting a different plan type you can prepare the change ahead of time.

  • Membership Admin settings
    Set whether to mute notifications for this membership. If set to 'yes', no email communications regarding this membership will be sent to the admin contact.

    You can also flag this membership as an externally managed membership, useful for when this membership is not managed by your staff or the contact themselves.

Please note that any changes made here are specific to the current contact and do not change the membership plan type it is based on. To make changes to the plan type itself, please see our article on changing membership plan types in sheepSettings.

Edit additional information

When registering through sheepApp, additional fields can be added or captured during the process. These can be viewed in their own panel on the membership record and also added or edited manually in sheepCRM. Click on this option to bring up a window with the existing data displayed in a Key: Value format. You can edit the value by changing the data inside the field, but in order to change the key you will need to delete the entire field and create a new key.

Cancel membership

Click on this option to cancel the selected membership. This will keep the membership plan and all related data, but change the status to cancelled, denying any membership benefits granted by the membership. Please note that this does not cancel the payment plan and will not remove any pending or future payments - these will need to be cancelled manually.

Renew membership

Click on this option to instantly renew the selected membership. This can be combined with the Membership Renewal settings changing of the membership and payment plan to effectively 'migrate' the membership to a different plan. Please note that depending on the current expiry date for the membership plan, this option may not be available.

Copy as new membership

Click on this option to duplicate the selected membership into a new plan. The duplicated plan will be immediately active, with the start date being today's date and expiry date will be based on the length of the selected membership. Please note that the duplicated plan will include any changes made to the selected membership - if you want to have a new membership that uses the 'default' settings, please use the add new membership option instead.

Add payment to membership

Click on this option to add a payment record to the selected membership. This will bring up a window allowing you to add the new payment.

This is only needed for payments received offline, payments from GoCardless or paid by Stripe will record automatically.

Please review these important points about automated messages/emails to confirm payments, as they will only send if within these limits and can be sent manually if outside of those.

This window will show the following fields:

  • Amount
    Enter the amount being paid. This can be more or less than the total due, and each membership can have multiple payments.

  • Currency
    Select the currency of the payment. This defaults to the currency of the membership plan.

  • Received / Expected Date
    Enter the date this payment was made or, if in the future, when the payment is expected to be collected.

  • Payment method
    Select how the payment is being made from a list of options. The options list can be defined in sheepSettings.

  • Payer
    Select a contact from your CRM who is the payer. This defaults to the admin or billing contact for the membership.

  • Your reference
    Optionally, enter a custom reference for the payment. This can be an internal reference number or code.

  • Description
    Optionally, enter a description or the payment or enter any additional notes needed.

  • Processing Fees
    If applicable, enter the additional processing fee for the payment.

  • Payment reconciled
    Set to 'yes' if the payment has already been reconciled with the bank.

  • Gift Aid
    Set to 'yes' if the payer has agreed to gift aid for this payment.

Raise Invoice

Raise Invoice to create either a draft/live/paid Invoice. The status of this is automatically determined by the status of the associated Payment.


Remove future payments

Click on this option to remove any future payments tied to the payment plan for the selected membership. After using this feature, we strongly recommend checking for any pending payments as these may not be cancelable by sheepCRM and will need to be managed by the payment provider.

Print certificate

Click on this option to view or download a PDF of the member certificate for the selected membership. This can then be printed or emailed as needed.

Print member card

Click on this option to view or download a PDF of the membership card for the selected membership. This can then be printed or emailed as needed.

Delete membership

Click on this option to delete the selected membership. This will completely remove the membership plan which can result in links to any related data being broken - for this reason we strongly recommend cancelling the membership plan instead. Please note that this does not cancel the payment plan and will not remove any pending or future payments - these will need to be cancelled manually.

How do I amend the address/edit an existing member's Invoice?

Unfortunately, you can not edit an Invoice already raised.
You should cancel the existing one and create a new one to reflect the required information.

Understanding membership statuses

Each membership plan will have a status based on their current data. Listed below are the different statuses available for a membership plan, along with any notes or suggestions for resolving issues:


The membership plan was successfully created and has a start and end date which contains the current date - alternatively this could be a life membership plan without a date. Please note that an active membership plan can be unpaid - whether the plan has been paid or not will not affect whether the status is considered active.


The membership plan was successfully created, but the end date is set to a date before the current date, resulting in an expired membership status. The end date can be extended if needed, but generally the membership plan should be renewed.


The membership plan was successfully created, but the start date is set to a date after the current date, resulting in a future membership status. If this membership plan needs to be active now, changing the start date to the current date will resolve this.


The membership plan was manually cancelled by a staff member. This membership plan can not be reactivated, so a new membership plan will need to be created - alternatively, you can use the action option to copy as a new membership plan to create an active plan.


The membership plan was not successfully created - this is generally due to the self-service app user not finishing the sign-up process. The user can return to the membership plan in the self-service app, or a staff member can manually finish the membership plan in sheepCRM if needed.


The membership plan has a valid payment record associated with it, covering the price of the membership plan. Please note that this does not affect whether the membership plan will be considered an active plan, as this is handled by other criteria.


The membership plan does not have any valid payment records associated with it - or the total paid by associated payment records is less than the membership plan price. Please note that this does not affect whether the membership plan will be considered an active plan, as this is handled by other criteria.

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