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Contacts: Understanding your contact records

Your contact records store everything that sheepCRM has related to them, providing a single place to manage your members.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over a year ago

Finding a contact

Contacts can be found through numerous pathways, often appearing as a summary panel when related to things such as event bookings, venue reservations, membership plans and connections. However, you can search directly for a contact by clicking in the search bar located in the middle of the top navigation panel and entering a few letters. sheepCRM will search your flock for contacts comparing the value entered with the following data points:

  • Name

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Membership number

Suggestions for possible matches will appear in a list beneath the search bar, click on one to bring up a small summary box of the contact, showing a a brief summary along with extra information to help confirm whether this is the right contact.

Click on the view contact button to bring out a sidepanel for the contact, containing all of the data your flock has on the contact.

Adding a contact

New contacts can be added by clicking on the plus icon located in the top right of the navigation bar. This will bring up a dropdown showing the different records you can choose from.

For a new individual, select person; for a business or group containing individuals, select organisation. Clicking on an option will bring up a modal allowing you to enter in core details of the new contact record.

At this stage you don't need to enter in data for every field, however we recommend adding a name and email address as a minimum, as this will make the record easier to search for and identify in the future. Once you've entered your data, click on the save button to create the new contact record. This will bring up a summary window of the newly created record.

Click on the view contact button to bring up the detailed sidepanel view for the newly created contact record. For more information on populating the contact record, please see the section below.

Managing a contact

While some actions for updating the most commonly changed data for a contact can be done in the summary modal actions button, every bit of data sheepCRM has related to the contact record can be viewed, added and updated in the contact record's detailed sidepanel view. Find the contact you wish to edit, bring up the summary modal and click on the view contact button to open up the sidepanel.


The default tab open in the sidepanel will be the summary. As the name suggests, this tab shows brief summary panels of the data sheepCRM has on the contact being viewed. The layout of this tab will vary slightly based on your flock configuration and whether the contact is a person or organisation.

Most panels will provide quick links to their own tabs, however the first panel provides an actions button with the most commonly needed 'quick-actions' that you may need to manage your contact. Click on the actions button to view the available options:

Change photograph

Click on this option to change the photograph for the contact. This will bring up a modal with the existing image, if present, with the option to upload a new image.

Edit personal details

Click on this option to change core details such as the name, titles, pronouns, language, timezone and various important dates for the contact. Once finished changing the data in the modal, click on the save button to save your changes.

Edit email, phone and addresses

Click on this option to change or add additional phone numbers, email addresses or the contact's physical address. You can also set email and SMS opt-out conditions and any shared domains the contact has (useful for sheepCRM automatically assigning contacts under the same organisation).

Obfuscate record

If a member has asked to be removed from your CRM, but do not wish to lose all the data related to the record, you can obfuscate the contact record. This will keep it in sheepCRM, but remove any identifiable information that could point to a specific person or organisation. This is generally preferable to deleting the record entirely, as you will not lose any data around the contact while adhering to GDPR guidelines.

Delete record

If you wish to remove the contact record entirely, you can select this option. However, this will completely delete the record and as a result you will end up with related data with broken connections, which may be hard to locate and report on. For this reason we recommend obfuscating the record instead and that deleting a record should only be for test contacts or data.


The profile tab collects all of the personal (or organisational) information about a contact, including their names, communication methods and preferences, addresses, location, interests, tags and badges.

This data is broken down into 3 panels, each with their own actions:

(Personal or Organisational) Details

Change photograph

Click on this option to change the photograph for the contact. This will bring up a modal with the existing image, if present, with the option to upload a new image.

Edit personal details

Click on this option to change core details such as the name, titles, pronouns, language, timezone and various important dates for the contact. Once finished changing the data in the modal, click on the save button to save your changes.

Push contact to Stripe

Click on this option to add the contact with their current details to Stripe as a customer record. If the contact has made a payment through sheepApp, their customer record should already exist in Stripe. Please note this option requires Stripe integration to have been completed and running before it will be available.

Autofill contact information

Generally used for organisations, click on this option to search (via Clearbit) a national database of organisation information to fill gaps in the data for the contact record based on their email address or domain. Existing data will not be overwritten by any new data found. Please note that this action requires 1 Clearbit token to perform - if the search can't find any matches, the token will not be spent. Please see this article for more information on the auto-fill process and Clearbit tokens.

Location & Communication

Edit email, phone and addresses

Click on this option to add or change any email, phone or home/office addresses, as well as communications opt-outs. Manual email opt-out sets whether the contact can be sent bulk emails or pushed to mailchimp. Automated email (and SMS) opt-out sets whether the contact can be sent sheepCRM generated auto emails such as membership renewals and booking confirmations. Primary email address (and phone number) will be treated as the default recipients for any communications towards the contact - any additional emails or numbers you wish to link to the contact can be added in their respective fields. Lastly, the domains field allows you to add email domains to help sheepCRM link this contact with any contacts with the same domain (generally used for organisations).

Edit social media links

If the contact has any social media accounts or pages, click on this option to add URLs to their social media pages.

Change communication preferences

Click on this option to set which methods of communication the contact record has allowed. Toggle each option to set whether the contact has approved receiving communications from you via emails, phone calls, SMS messages, traditional post, social media and 3rd party tools or integrations.

Autofill contact information

Generally used for organisations, click on this option to search (via Clearbit) a national database of organisation information to fill gaps in the data for the contact record based on their email address or domain. Existing data will not be overwritten by any new data found. Please note that this action requires 1 Clearbit token to perform - if the search can't find any matches, the token will not be spent. Please see this article for more information on the auto-fill process and Clearbit tokens.

Interests, tags and badges

Change areas of interest

Click on this option to bring up a window with the contact's current areas of interest. You can click on the cross to remove an area of interest and type the name of an area of interest to add it to the field. Click on the save button to update the contact's area of interests. Before using this feature, you will need to create your areas of interest before they will appear in this field. For more information on creating areas of interest, please see this article.

Add or remove tags

Click on this option to bring up a window with the contact's current tags. You can click on the cross to remove a tag and type the name of a new tag to add it to the field. If an existing tag matches the new tag entered, it will appear in a list of suggestions below - click on the suggestion to reuse a tag. Click on the save button to update the contact's tags.

Add a new badge

Click on this option to bring up a window with a blank badge to be added to the contact. You will be able to select the name from a list of your existing badges and enter a value. The badge can be dated by adding a start date and set to expire if an end date is added. Any additional comments or notes can be put in the details field. Click on the save button to add the new badge to the contact. Before using this feature, you will need to create your badges before they will appear in the name field.

Editing a badge

Existing badges can be edited by clicking on the edit option next to the badge in the badges panel. This will bring up the same window for adding a badge with the existing data in the fields, with the option to delete the badge entirely in the bottom right. Please note that some sheepCRM generated badges are locked and not editable or removable.

Vehicles / Boats

The vehicles (or boats, depending on your flock configuration) tab shows any vehicles that the contact owns or has added in their sheepApp account. More vehicles can be added and existing vehicles can be viewed and edited.

Adding a new vehicle

Click on the add vehicle button in the vehicles panel to bring up a window for a blank new vehicle to add to the contact with the following fields:

  • Registration Number

  • Make

  • Model

  • Year

  • Manufacturer

  • Style / Body

  • Colour

  • Tags

Please note that you are not required to fill in all of these fields in order to add a vehicle and depending on the type of vehicle supported in your flock, you may see different fields.

Click on the save button to add the new vehicle to the contact record.

Editing an existing vehicle (WIP)

Click on the edit vehicle button to bring up the same window as the adding process, but populated with the current vehicle's data. Edit the fields as needed and click on the save button to update your changes. Alternatively, click on the delete option in the bottom right of the window to remove the vehicle entirely.


The health tab shows all personal medical, dietary and emergency information related to the contact. This data can be added in sheepCRM or added by the contact themselves (or their guardian) through sheepApp.

The health tab is broken down into the following sections, with the ability to edit or add if no data is currently provided:

Emergency Contacts

Set 2 emergency 'contacts' for the current contact record. Please note that these are plain text fields and any combination of name, address or numbers can be set here - for example: Dr John Smith, +44 (0)1234 567890

Doctor / Surgery

Set the registered General Practitioners for the contact. This includes the GP Name, address and phone number for emergency calls.

Medical Conditions & History

Set any known medical conditions or history as well as any medication or treatment that is ongoing. You can also state whether the contact has an Inhaler or EpiPen. There are also additional fields for vaccinations and boosters.

Allergies & Diet

Set any dietary requirements or allergies for the contact record. This data will be available to your staff when viewing contacts who have made reservations or event bookings.


Set any consent the contact has provided to you regarding in case of an emergency, including whether they have granted consent for first aid to be applied, taking them to the hospital or administering painkillers.


The connections tab shows all the other contact records that are related to the current contact. These can be manually created connections, where the records are directly related - such as marking a specific job or role at an organisation - or automatic sheepCRM created connections linking contacts through shared information - such as having the same phone number or a family member.

Specific contact connections can be searched for by entering the name of the contact in the search bar. Clicking on view next to the connection will bring up a summary window showing details of the contact as well as the details of the connection.

You can also click on the name of the contact connection to bring up a summary window for the just contact themselves, with the option to view the full contact record.

Adding a new connection

From the connection tab, click on the add connection button in the top right to bring up a window with the following fields:


Select the contact record that should be connected to the current contact. This can be an individual or organisation record.

Type of connection

Select from a list of roles / types that best describe the connection between the two contact records. To add more options to this list, please follow this article.

Start & end dates

If applicable, set a start & end date for the connection. This can be useful for adding historical context to your contact connections. Setting an end date can also 'stop' the connection if being used by other functions in sheepCRM.


Not a requirement, but adding a description is recommended as it'll add additional context to a connection which can be a great help for you and your staff.

Bi-directional connection

A bi-directional connection is a connection that will be created on both records. If set to 'no' the connection will be treated as one-way and only appear on the current contact record.

Editing a connection

Please note that automatic connections can not be directly edited - however these connections will be created due to shared information or membership linking, so changing the core data will update or remove the connection entirely.

From the connections tab, click on view by the connection to bring up a window showing the connection details, listing each connection between the two contacts.

If not an automatic connection, there will be an edit option underneath - click on edit to bring up a window with the existing data editable. Once the changes have been made, click on the save button to save your changes.

Deleting a connection

Please note that automatic connections can not be directly deleted - however these connections will be created due to shared information or membership linking, so changing the core data will update or remove the connection entirely.

From the connections tab, click on view by the connection to bring up a window showing the connection details, listing each connection between the two contacts.

If not an automatic connection, there will be a remove option underneath - click on remove to delete the connection.


The membership tab shows all membership plans - past, present and future - for the current contact. The first panel on the tab shows a summary of all known membership plans tied to the contact. This will show current/active plans by default, but can show past/cancelled or future plans by selecting a filter option.

Adding a new membership

To add a new membership to the current contact, click on the add membership button located in the top right. This will bring up a window with the following fields:

Membership plan

Select a plan for this new membership record. The options in this list are defined in your membership plans in sheepSettings. Please follow this article for more information on how to add new membership plan types.

Membership number

If required, enter a membership number for the new membership record. If left blank, a number will be automatically generated for you.

Start Date

Enter a start date for the new membership record. This can be set in the past or future and will act as the day that he membership plan started for the contact - based on the defined duration of the membership plan type, the end date will be automatically calculated, but this can be changed after the membership record has been added.

Admin Contact

If required, set a contact as the admin for the membership record. This is generally used for organisation or parent/guardian memberships where the individual managing the membership is different to the entity that the membership is for. If left blank, the current contact will be treated as the admin contact.

Billing Contact

If required, set a contact as the financial admin/payer for the membership record. This is generally used for organisation or parent/guardian memberships where the individual managing the membership payments is different to the entity that the membership is for. If left blank, the current contact will be treated as the billing contact.

If two parents both wish to have access to emails sent from sheepCRM and manage the child's membership they will need to share an email address and sheepApp user account password in the name of one of them.

Emails are only shared with the single Admin (Parent) Contact for a Child's membership.

Viewing existing membership plans

Underneath the summary panel, each membership plan for the contact will appear in its own card. Click on a card to expand it, showing more information on the membership plan, showing any notices or warnings as well as any payments made for the membership.

Managing an existing membership

Scrolling down to the membership card and expanding it will show the actions button located in the top right of the card. The dropdown has the following options:

Edit Membership

Click on this option to change the details of the membership itself. From here you can alter the amount of the membership, change the membership plan type it is based on, set a custom end date to extend or shorten the membership as well as more advanced features outlined below:

  • Membership Renewal settings
    Set whether the membership plan should auto-renew without member or staff involvement when it is due to expire. If this is combined with a direct debit payment plan, new payments will be unpacked and collected automatically.

    You can also set whether the member has decided to leave, preventing all communications regarding any expiring or lapsed memberships from being sent to the admin contact. Please note that checking this does not cancel any membership plans, auto-renews or payment plans.

    Lastly, if auto-renew has been set to 'yes', you can specific the renewal membership plan type to be used when sheepCRM renews. By default this will be blank and the current plan type will be used - however by selecting a different plan type you can prepare the change ahead of time.

  • Membership Admin settings
    Set whether to mute notifications for this membership. If set to 'yes', no email communications regarding this membership will be sent to the admin contact.

    You can also flag this membership as an externally managed membership, useful for when this membership is not managed by your staff or the contact themselves.

Please note that any changes made here are specific to the current contact and do not change the membership plan type it is based on. To make changes to the plan type itself, please see our article on changing membership plan types in sheepSettings.

Edit additional information

When registering through sheepApp, additional fields can be added or captured during the process. These can be viewed in their own panel on the membership record and also added or edited manually in sheepCRM. Click on this option to bring up a window with the existing data displayed in a Key: Value format. You can edit the value by changing the data inside the field, but in order to change the key you will need to delete the entire field and create a new key.

Cancel membership

Click on this option to cancel the selected membership. This will keep the membership plan and all related data, but change the status to cancelled, denying any membership benefits granted by the membership. Please note that this does not cancel the payment plan and will not remove any pending or future payments - these will need to be cancelled manually.

Renew membership

Click on this option to instantly renew the selected membership. This can be combined with the Membership Renewal settings changing of the membership and payment plan to effectively 'migrate' the membership to a different plan. Please note that depending on the current expiry date for the membership plan, this option may not be available.

Copy as new membership

Click on this option to duplicate the selected membership into a new plan. The duplicated plan will be immediately active, with the start date being today's date and expiry date will be based on the length of the selected membership. Please note that the duplicated plan will include any changes made to the selected membership - if you want to have a new membership that uses the 'default' settings, please use the add new membership option instead.

Add payment

Click on this option to add a payment record to the selected membership. This will bring up a window allowing you to add the new payment.

This window will show the following fields:

  • Amount
    Enter the amount being paid. This can be more or less than the total due, and each membership can have multiple payments.

  • Currency
    Select the currency of the payment. This defaults to the currency of the membership plan.

  • Received / Expected Date
    Enter the date this payment was made or, if in the future, when the payment is expected to be collected.

  • Payment method
    Select how the payment is being made from a list of options. The options list can be defined in sheepSettings.

  • Payer
    Select a contact from your CRM who is the payer. This defaults to the admin or billing contact for the membership.

  • Your reference
    Optionally, enter a custom reference for the payment. This can be an internal reference number or code.

  • Description
    Optionally, enter a description or the payment or enter any additional notes needed.

  • Processing Fees
    If applicable, enter the additional processing fee for the payment.

  • Payment reconciled
    Set to 'yes' if the payment has already been reconciled with the bank.

  • Gift Aid
    Set to 'yes' if the payer has agreed to gift aid for this payment.

Remove future payments

Click on this option to remove any future payments tied to the payment plan for the selected membership. After using this feature, we strongly recommend checking for any pending payments as these may not be cancelable by sheepCRM and will need to be managed by the payment provider.

Print certificate

Click on this option to view or download a PDF of the member certificate for the selected membership. This can then be printed or emailed as needed.

Print member card

Click on this option to view or download a PDF of the membership card for the selected membership. This can then be printed or emailed as needed.

Delete membership

Click on this option to delete the selected membership. This will completely remove the membership plan which can result in links to any related data being broken - for this reason we strongly recommend cancelling the membership plan instead. Please note that this does not cancel the payment plan and will not remove any pending or future payments - these will need to be cancelled manually.


The membership tab shows all payments, subscriptions and mandates - past, pending and future - for the current contact. The first panel on the tab shows a summary of all known mandates and subscriptions created by the contact. This will show the active mandates or subscriptions by default, but can show pending or cancelled by selecting a filter option.

Underneath this panel will be any recent payments made by the contact, showing payments made in the past 6 months. If no recent payments exist, the panel won't appear and you'll see the panel below showing all payments made or attached to the contact.

Adding a new payment

To add a new payment to the contact, click on the add payment button in either the recent payments or all payments panels. Click on this option to add a payment record to the selected membership. This will bring up a window allowing you to add the new payment.

This window will show the following fields:

  • Amount
    Enter the amount being paid. This can be more or less than the total due, and each membership can have multiple payments.

  • Currency
    Select the currency of the payment. This defaults to the currency of the membership plan.

  • Received / Expected Date
    Enter the date this payment was made or, if in the future, when the payment is expected to be collected.

  • Payment method
    Select how the payment is being made from a list of options. The options list can be defined in sheepSettings.

  • Payer
    Select a contact from your CRM who is the payer. This defaults to the admin or billing contact for the membership.

  • Payment regarding
    Select an item from a list of options that the payment is regarding. This list will include all items related to the contact, such as tickets, membership plans, reservations and donations. While not required to add a payment, we strongly recommend linking the payment to the item it is intended for as it will greatly help identify and track purchases through sheepCRM.

  • Payment type
    Select the type of payment that is being made from a list of options. This helps to categorise the payment further in sheepCRM.

  • Your reference
    Optionally, enter a custom reference for the payment. This can be an internal reference number or code.

  • Description
    Optionally, enter a description or the payment or enter any additional notes needed.

  • Processing Fees
    If applicable, enter the additional processing fee for the payment.

  • Payment reconciled
    Set to 'yes' if the payment has already been reconciled with the bank.

  • Gift Aid
    Set to 'yes' if the payer has agreed to gift aid for this payment.

Editing an existing payment

From the payments panels, click on a payment card to expand it, showing more information about the payment as well as an actions button with various options for managing or editing the payment record.

Please note that if the payment is locked, you will need to unlock it first by clicking on the unlock button located where the actions button would be. If you do not have the permissions to unlock a payment, please speak to your administrator.

When the payment is unlocked, the actions button will have the following options:

Edit payment details

Click on this option to bring up window with the current payment data in it. Edit the fields as needed and click on the save button to save your changes. Please see adding a new payment above for more information on the fields.

View receipt

Click on this option to view or download a PDF of the receipt for the selected payment. This can then be printed, stored or emailed as needed.

Lock payment

Click on this option to lock the payment, preventing anyone with lesser permissions to edit the payment. This will prevent further changes and the actions button will become an unlock button.

Marking a payment as a donation

Payments can be marked as donation to better help sort and organise payments made by this contact. Payments marked as donations will also appear in the giving tab and - if an appeal is specified - will be grouped by appeal.

To mark a payment as a donation, locate the payment and click on the actions button, selecting the mark as donation option. This will bring up a window with the option to select a related appeal and state any restrictions for the payment - but both of these fields can be left blank. Click on the confirmation button to mark the payment as a donation.

Adding or editing a mandate or subscription

sheepCRM is unable to make any changes or add new mandates or subscriptions on behalf of a member as these must be created by the member themselves to prevent fraud. Your members will be able to set-up and authorise a mandate or subscription through the sheepApp by going to their payments section and following the on-screen steps to add a new mandate or subscription.

Cancelling a mandate or subscription

Click on the mandate or subscription card in the top panel to expand it, showing more information about it. To cancel, click on the cancel option located on the right side of the card. Please note that the the cancellation is effective immediately and can not be reverted or restored - meaning the member will have to set up a new mandate or subscription in sheepApp.


The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (or EDI) tab shows all known information about the background, disabilities and work/care responsibilities of the contact record. This information can be manually added by your staff or added by the contact themselves in sheepApp under their health section.

Adding or updating EDI information

Click on the edit button in the top right of the panel to bring up a window with the various EDI fields that your flock is configured to support. As this is private and sensitive data, the fields offer a 'prefer not to say' option which can be used as needed. Please remember to click on the save button to save any changes made.

Privacy / GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR) tab shows all known consent, legitimate interests and data contracts the contact has agreed to, including those that have been subsequently withdrawn. The data stored in this section will be referenced when you request to send messages to or process the data of your contacts, so we strongly recommend keeping this as up to date as possible. Your members are also able to view and manage this data themselves using the data privacy section of the sheepApp.


Consent records are agreements made by the contact that permit you using their data in specific ways. Generally used for things such as promotional messages or newsletters, contacts can create consent as well as withdraw it from their sheepApp account.

Record consent

To record a new consent record for the contact, click on the record consent button on the GDPR Consent panel. This will bring up a window with the following fields:

  • Channel or Activity
    Select an option from the list to outline what method or process has been consented to. The options in this list can be defined in sheepSettings.

  • When
    Set the date for when consent was agreed by the contact.

  • Expiry Date
    If applicable, set when the consent record will expire. This can be set in the past to create legacy consent records.

  • Consent summary
    Select an option from the list that best describes what has been consented to. The options in this list can be defined in sheepSettings.

  • What have they consented to?
    Optionally, enter a detailed description of what has been consented to. This can also be used to add additional context or notes.

Edit consent record
To edit an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the consent and select the edit consent record option. This will bring up a window with the fields outlined above.

Withdraw consent record

To withdraw an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the consent and select the withdraw consent record option. This will bring up a confirmation window. Once withdrawn, the record will remain on the contact, but will no longer be seen as valid.

Delete consent record

To delete an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the consent and select the delete consent record option. This will bring up a confirmation window. Please note that once deleted, the record will be completely removed and can not be recovered or restored. For this reason, we strongly recommend withdrawing GDPR records instead.

Legitimate Interests

Legitimate interest records are assessed and added by your staff (and you must keep records of these assessments) for processes where you have a good (or legitimate) reason for using the contact's data in specific ways. This can vary more than consent records, but can be for automated messaging that a contact might expect to receive, such as a welcome message or introduction pack.

Record legitimate interest

To record a new legitimate interest record for the contact, click on the record legitimate interest button on the GDPR Legitimate Interests panel. This will bring up a window with the following fields:

  • Channel or Activity
    Select an option from the list to outline what method or process has been consented to. The options in this list can be defined in sheepSettings.

  • When
    Set the date for when consent was agreed by the contact.

  • Expiry Date
    If applicable, set when the consent record will expire. This can be set in the past to create legacy consent records.

  • Summary
    Optionally, enter a description of the legitimate interest. This can also be used to add additional context or notes.

  • What is the interest?
    Enter a detailed description of the legitimate interest, including why this can be considered legitimate.

  • Can the user opt out?
    Set whether the contact can choose to opt out of the legitimate interest. Your LIA should advise whether it is appropriate to offer an opt out option for this record.

Edit legitimate interest record

To edit an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the legitimate interest and select the edit legitimate interest record option. This will bring up a window with the fields outlined above.

Delete legitimate interest record

To delete an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the legitimate interest and select the delete legitimate interest record option. This will bring up a confirmation window. Please note that once deleted, the record will be completely removed and can not be recovered or restored.


Contracts are agreements between yourself and the contact in order to provide goods or services. An example of a contract would be purchasing a ticket in order to attend an event - this contract would allow you to send messages and items related to this ticket purchase without seeking additional consent by the contact.

Edit contract record

To edit an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the contract and select the edit contract record option.

Delete contract record

To delete an existing record, click on the actions button on the card for the contract and select the delete contract record option. This will bring up a confirmation window. Please note that once deleted, the record will be completely removed and can not be recovered or restored.


The evidence tab shows all evidence records - active and expired - for the current contact. Evidence can be used for recording important qualifications, licenses or declarations - things that generally expire or become invalid after a certain time. The first panel on the tab shows a summary of all known evidence records tied to the contact. This will show current/active records by default, but can show expired records by selecting a filter option.

Adding a new evidence record

A new evidence record can be added from the evidence tab by clicking on the record evidence button located in the top right of the summary panel. This will bring up a window with the following fields:

  • Record Name
    Enter a name for the evidence record which is generally the name of the qualification, license or declaration made.

  • Category - made like tags
    Select an option from the list of existing evidence categories. New options can be added by entering a new category and clicking on the 'create' option in the list.

  • Tags
    Used for filtering or sorting evidence, select one or more options from the list of existing evidence tags. New options can be added by entering a new tag and clicking on the 'create' option in the list.

  • Source
    State where this evidence record came from. For example, if an evidence record is automatically generated by sheepCRM from the member's actions in sheepApp, the source will be marked as 'sheepApp'.

  • Source Reference
    If applicable, enter a reference to add more context to the source. For example, if an evidence record is automatically generated by sheepCRM via a response from a reference for an application, the source reference will be marked as the reference's email address.

  • Document Date
    If applicable, enter the date of when the evidence was documented. For things like certificates, this should be the date the certificate was issued. Please note that this shouldn't necessarily be the date that your staff received it - that should be entered in the seen date field.

  • Seen Date
    If applicable, enter the date of when the evidence was given to your staff, or when the proof of the evidence was viewed and approved by your staff.

  • Expiry Date
    If applicable, enter the date of when the evidence will no longer be valid. For things like certificates, this should be the date the certificate expires. For agreements or declarations, the expiry date should be the date of when you want the contact to 'renew' the declaration.

  • Reference
    Set the individual or organisation that the evidence record is linked to. Usually this field will be populated by sheepCRM for you based on where you are adding the evidence record.

  • Context
    If the evidence record is relating another contact or an application to join a team/group, an additional context for the evidence record can be set. Usually this field will be populated by sheepCRM for you based on where you are adding the evidence record.

  • Description / Summary
    Add any additional notes or comments that may be needed to help explain the evidence or outline the limits of the declaration. If you're using evidence for application references, any questions asked will appear in this field with their answers.

  • File / Attachment
    If applicable, upload any accompanying documents for the evidence record. This is generally used to store scanned copies of qualifications and licenses, but can be used for any other related documentation.

Once filled in, please remember to click on the save button to add the new evidence record to the current contact.

Editing an existing evidence record

Existing evidence records can be edited by clicking on the card containing the evidence record to expand it, then clicking on the actions button that appear in the expanded card and selecting the edit evidence record option from the list.

This will bring up a window with the current data for the evidence record. Make your changes as needed and click on the save button to save your changes. For more information on the fields, please see the section above on adding a new evidence record.

Deleting an existing evidence record

Existing evidence records can be deleted by clicking on the card containing the evidence record to expand it, then clicking on the actions button that appear in the expanded card and selecting the delete evidence record option from the list.

You'll be asked to confirm the deletion before proceeding. Please note that once deleted, the record will be completely removed and can not be recovered or restored. For this reason we recommend editing the evidence record and setting an expiry date instead, as this will make the evidence invalid while keeping a record of it.


The notes tab is essentially a journal for the current contact. Any notes referring to this contact as well as any linked communications (through sheepCRM drop box) will be stored in this tab. Notes can be filtered by enter keywords in the searchbar at the top of the tab. Click on a note to bring up a window with more details.

Add new note

To add a new note, click on the add note button at the bottom of the notes tab. This will bring up a window with the following fields:

  • Title
    Enter a short title or summary for the note.

  • Note
    Enter any details of the note here. If the note is regarding a file, it's good practice to describe or outline the content of the file in this field.

  • Files / Attachments
    If applicable, upload a file with the note. Click on the upload button and select the file to add - or from your documents window click and drag the file into the designated box to automatically upload the file.

Once filled in, please remember to click on the save button to add the new note to the current contact.

Editing an existing note

To edit a note, simply find the desired note in the notes list and click on it to bring up a window showing the details of the existing note.

Click on the edit note button to change the window to an editable view. Make your changes as needed and click on the save button to save your changes. For more information on the fields, please see the section above on adding a new note.

Deleting an existing note

Existing notes can be deleted by following the same process as editing the note but clicking on the delete option in the bottom right of the edit window.

You'll be asked to confirm the deletion before proceeding. Please note that once deleted, the note will be completely removed and can not be recovered or restored.


The tasks tab shows all tasks that are about the selected contact. Please note that these are tasks related to the contact - not the tasks assigned to the contact. If any tasks are assigned to you, you will have a grey summary box at the top of the tab. Click on this box to expand and show your upcoming tasks.

Add a new task

Click on the add task button to bring up a modal window with the fields for masking a new task. Each task can have a message, a staff member the task is assigned to and a due date.

By default, you will be set as the assigned staff member, but this can be changed by clicking on the field and selecting another staff member. Click on the add task button to create the task.

Editing an existing task

Click on an existing task to bring up a modal with the details of the task on it where you can make changes to the notes, assigned to and due date fields as needed. You can also mark the task as completed by clicking on the completed switch. Click on the save button to confirm your changes.

Marking a task as complete

Tasks assigned to you can be marked as complete by either clicking on the mark as complete option by the task (in the top summary panel), or by editing the task and setting the lightswitch as outlined above.

Deleting a task

Click on an existing task to bring up a modal with the details of the task on it and click on the delete option in the bottom right of the modal. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the task - click on yes to confirm and delete the task.

Please note that this process can not be undone and the task can not be recovered.


Any files related to the current contact, or uploaded through notes will all appear in the documents tab. Click on the download option next to the file to download the file.

New documents should be added through other sections or tabs of sheepCRM - if there is a connection between new documents and the contact, it will appear here.


The messages tab shows all messages - draft and sent - to the current contact. There are multiple different types of messages that can be created and sent: Email, SMS and sheepApp notifications.

Viewing a sent/draft message

Click on the message to view a preview of the content. If the message is a draft you can edit the message field as needed. Once done, click on the save & preview button to proceed to the sending stage - alternatively, click on delete draft to delete the message completely.

Sending a new message to a contact

Click on the send message button located in the top right of the messages panel to bring up a window for a brand new message to be sent to the current contact.

This window will have the following fields:

  • Type of message
    Select how the message should be sent to the contact - through email, SMS or as a sheepApp notification next time they log in or view their dashboard messages.

  • Message template
    Optionally, select from a pre-made template - if selected this will pre-fill the subject and message fields with content from the template. Your templates can be created and edited in your communications settings.

  • Regarding
    Select what the message is regarding - if you are messaging about a membership plan, invoice, booking or payment, you can select the specific item you are writing about, which will allow you greater context when using template tags in your subject or message. For more information on template tags, please see our article on email tips & tricks.

  • Subject
    If not using a template, enter a subject line for the message. This field may not be accessible depending on the type of message selected above. You can use template tags in this field to personalise the content. For more information on template tags, please see our article on email tips & tricks.

  • Message
    If not using a template, enter the body of the message. You can use template tags in this field to personalise the content. For more information on template tags, please see our article on email tips & tricks.

Once filled in, click on the save & preview button to save the message as a draft and preview how the message will be seen by the contact.

If the message looks correct, click on the send button in the bottom left to queue the message to be sent. Once in this queue, the message can not be cancelled so please ensure everything is correct before proceeding.

If you want to send the message to yourself to test further, click on the send test option next to the send button to send a copy of the draft message to yourself (using the details in your CRM user account).

Alternatively, you can click on go back in the bottom right of the window to revert to the edit view and make any changes needed.

Sending a new message to multiple contacts

In order to send a message to multiple contacts, you should make use of the bulk actions functionality in the contact directory. For more information on this process, please read our article on sending to multiple contacts.


The events tab shows all bookings, attendance and tickets related to the current contact. A summary panel will appear at the top, showing highlights of event ticket purchases, followed by the last event and next event the contact will be attending.

Under this summary panel, each event that the contact has bought or ordered a ticket for will appear as a card in a list. Event category filters include Upcoming/Past/Courses/All.

Click on the ticket card to expand it, showing more information.

Existing event orders


Inside each event card, the tickets bought for the event will be listed in a panel. This will show the ticket name, the number of tickets and the price.


Under the tickets panel, any payments made by the contact (or added manually in sheepCRM) will appear in their own panel. Each payment shows the amount, method of payment and date paid - you can view a receipt, edit the payment or lock the payment to prevent further changes from the relevant options on the right of the card.


If the tickets support attendees, a list of known attendees (or blank guests if not provided) will appear in a panel beneath payments. These can be changed by the contact inside their sheepApp dashboard or changed manually with the change attendee option.

Event Buyer Questions and Attendee Questions (captured as part of inline event questions) are now available in a grouped view within the contact record, simply expand the event you wish to view more information on:

Scroll down to Event Buyer Questions to view the answers together with the option to edit these:

Just below are the Attendee Questions available to view and can be filtered to view all/individual attendee information:

Adding a new order

To manually add a new order for an event on behalf of the contact, click on the add order button located in the top right of the ticketed events panel. This will bring up a 3-stage window that allows you to select an event, add attendees and add a payment in a single process.

1: Event & Tickets

On the first stage, select the event by clicking on the event field and choosing the relevant event from the list. Once an event is selected, the tickets section will change to allow you to select a ticket from the event and the quantity desired.

To add another ticket to the order, click on the add another ticket class option beneath the last ticket. This will add another row to the ticket section - select the ticket and quantity as before.

You can also set the date of the order - by default this will be set to the current date but can be changed - by clicking on the order date field and selecting a new date from the calendar.

Once happy with the event and tickets, click the next button to move to the next stage of the process. Please note that these additional 2 stages are optional and can be skipped if not needed or unknown at the time of adding the order.

2: Attendees

If the event supports attendees, the second stage will allow you to add attendee information to fill the spaces calculated from the selected tickets. By default the first attendee will be the buyer/current contact, but this can be changed by clicking on the x icon next to the name of the attendee and selecting a new attendee.

To add an attendee, start by entering the full name of the attendee into the field. This will bring up a list of possible matches of other contacts inside your flock - if there is a match, click on the option in the list to add that contact as the attendee.

If there are no matches in your flock, the option to create a new attendee will be at the bottom of the list. Click on this option to enter the full name and email address of the new attendee, adding them to the order as well as saving them as an option for future order.

As this section is optional, you can click on the skip attendees option to move to the next stage.

3: Payment

The final stage allows you to add a payment to the order - useful if you have already accepted the booking in person or through another method outside of the sheepApp events booking process. The amount field will be set to the owed amount but can be changed by clicking on the field and entering a new number. The currency field will also be pre-filled based on the tickets. Lastly you will need to select a payment method from the list to specify what type of payment was made.

Once filled in, click on the finish button to complete the order for the contact. The new order will instantly appear in the contact's ticketed events panel - please note that this panel groups orders by event, so if the new order is for an event that the contact already has booked, it will be combined with the existing order.

As this section is optional, you can click on the skip payment option to finish adding the order without adding a payment.


The achievements tab will show all completed and in-progress achievements for the current contact, with a list underneath showing the remaining non-started achievements that the contact has access to. A summary of completed achievements will appear in a panel at the top of the tab, which can be expanded by clicking on it.

Adding to a new achievement

Achievements that the contact has not started will appear in a list beneath any active achievements running. Scroll down to the achievement in question and click on start achievement to activate the achievement, showing the options to mark progress.

You can also use the search bar located at the top of the tab to filter the achievement list - useful if you are looking for a specific achievement.

Mark progress on achievement

On any active, non-completed achievement, there will be a list of checkboxes - one for each step that makes up the achievement. Click on the checkbox to mark the step as completed. Click on the checkbox again to mark the step as incomplete.

Finish/Complete achievement - Triggers email!

Once every step is completed, an option to mark the achievement as finished will appear. Click on this option to complete the achievement, preventing any further changes to the achievement.

Please note that performing this action will trigger any emails set on achievement completion to be sent out to the contact.


The applications tab will show all applications - regardless of whether they have been submitted or not - the current contact has created. These applications can be stand-alone or tied to other aspects of your flock, such as joining as team or group. The top summary panel will have a dropdown field showing all the applications for the contact, with the latest application selected by default. Beneath this panel, the sections that make up the selected application will appear as expandable cards in a panel.

Other applications can be viewed by changing the selected application in dropdown field. The actions button in the second panel gives you several options regarding the entire application - if you wish to make changes to a specific section, click on the card to expand it and then click on the edit expanded section option in the bottom left of the main applications tab.

Adding a new application

To start a new application for the current contact, click on the add new application button located in the top right of the main applications tab. This will bring up a window asking you to choose the form the application is for. You can type in the field to bring up matching suggestions.

Select the desired form and click on the start new application button. This will close the modal and add a blank, un-submitted application in the main application tab - which will be automatically selected. See the options below for more information on managing an application.

Editing answers of an application

To add or edit the answers for a section on the application, click on the section card to expand it and then click on the edit expanded section option in the bottom left of the main applications tab. This will bring up a window with all of the questions and answers for that section. Edit the answers as needed and click on the save button to save your changes - repeat this for every section that needs updating.

Submit application

If the application has not yet been submitted you can submit it manually, triggering any automatic actions that have been set up. To submit an application, click on the actions button and click on the submit application option.

Download as PDF

Click on the actions button and click on the download as PDF option to view (or download) the application, answers and any feedback or comments in a single PDF.

Accept or reject an application

If applicable for this type of application, the actions button will show accept application and reject application as options. Clicking on one of these options will immediately accept or reject the application - if this is tied to a membership plan or joining a group, the membership or joining process will be approved or cancelled along with the application.

Change the applicant or context of the application

The application can be moved between contacts or different context (if tied to something) without needing to delete and re-create. To do change either, click on the actions button and click on the change contact / context option. If the application has either a contact or context, these will pre-populate the fields.

To change the applicant (or contact) click on the contact field and enter the name of the contact you wish to change to be the applicant.

To change the context (or what the application is regarding) click on the regarding field and enter the name of the item you wish the application to be tied to. This will generally be membership plans or groups.

Delete or withdraw application

To delete or cancel (withdraw) an application, click on the actions button and click on the delete / withdraw application option. Select one of the two options and confirm.

  • Deleting an application will lose all the data attached and will not trigger any automatic actions.

  • Withdrawing an application will trigger an automatic action (if one has been set up).

Please note that in both cases, all data will be completely removed and can not be recovered.

Giving & Donations

The giving tab shows all related data from donations made by the current contact. Individual payments can be marked as donations and can be either a one-off, or recurring payments. They can also be optionally assigned to a specific appeal and have specific restrictions regarding how the money can be used/spent.


All payments marked as donations will appear in this panel (as well as the general payments tab). These payments are grouped by the appeal they have been for, but can be managed in the same way as regular payments.

When a payment is marked as a donation, you can select an appeal to link the donation to, which is useful for managing restrictions and reporting on appeals - however this is entirely optional.

A donation also allows a donor to set up recurring (or regular) payments for an appeal, automatically charging and collecting the payments every month. Donors can also choose to increment their recurring payments, increasing their donated amount every year by a set amount. These settings can be managed by the donor themselves in their sheepApp dashboard.

Recording a new donation

Donations can be created by donors through sheepApp, but your staff can also create a donation record in sheepCRM. To add a new donation, click on the record a donation button in the donations panel.

This will bring up a window with the same fields as the payment window, with the additional option to select an appeal and/or restrictions for the donated amount.

Viewing or editing an existing donation

Click on the donation to expand it, showing more information. If the donation is for a specific appeal, this will be grouped with other payments for the appeal and the expanded card will show information about the appeal and the related payments.

Please note that the primary image for the appeal will be used by the name and total donation amount, as well as the icon in the unexpanded card. If no primary image is used in the appeal, the image will be missing and there will be a letter instead of an icon - so we recommend adding images to help identify appeals quickly and easily.

If the donation is not related to a specific appeal, the donation will appear on its own as a general donation. In order to manage or edit a payment inside this donation, click on the edit (or unlock, if locked) option next to the payment record.

Pausing / Resuming recurring donations

If a donor has any issues and is unable to make the next donation payment, recurring donations can be temporarily or indefinitely paused. Once paused, these donations can then be resumed when available.

To pause a recurring donation, click on the actions button by the donation and select the pause donations option. This will bring up a window allowing you to set a duration before the donation automatically resumes (although this is optional and defaults to an indefinite pause that will need to be manually resumed.

If no automatic resume duration has been set, or if you wish to resume the donations early, click on the actions button by the paused donation and select the resume donations option.

Changing the amount or appeal of a recurring donation

If a donor wishes to change the amount they are donating monthly, or wish to select a different appeal, they can do so inside their sheepApp donation dashboard. If they are unable to make the changes themselves, you can change these settings in sheepCRM. Scroll down to the donation in question and click on the actions button, selecting the relevant option. Make the changes in the window as needed and click on the save button to save your changes.

Please note that these changes will not apply to previous donations and will take effect when the next donation is due.

Stopping a recurring donation

If the donor wants to permanently stop their recurring donation, click on the actions button by the donation and select the stop donations option. Please note that this will immediately stop the recurring donation and can not be restarted without the donor making a new pledge. If this is a temporary pause, we recommend pausing the recurring donations instead.

Offline/non-sheepApp recurring donations

If you are managing standing orders or other recurring donations that have not been made through sheepApp, each payment will need to be added manually or will need importing on a regular basis.

Gift Aid declaration

Whether the contact has declared gift aid can be viewed in the giving summary panel in the left-hand column next to the chart. To record a new gift aid declaration, click on the actions button in the giving summary panel and select the record gift aid declaration option from the list.

This will bring up a window to create a new evidence record with some of the fields pre-filled with Gift Aid information. Fill in the fields as needed and click on the save button to create the declaration record.

Please note that with a valid gift aid declaration, any future donations made by the member in sheepApp or added manually by staff in sheepCRM will have the gift aid field automatically set to enabled.


The Courses tab shows relevant information about the activity of the contact in this area.

Information to view includes the date of enrolment and associated payment(s) made with an option to edit/lock/view a receipt.


The metadata tab shows miscellaneous information on the current contact, such as when the record was made, when it was last updated and the URI. Any external IDs made through linking with third parties will be displayed in a panel. Any possible duplicate records will also be listed in a panel.

Adding a new external identifier

External IDs are unique numbers or codes generated by third-party services which can be added to the matching contact record in sheepCRM for reporting and logging purposes. These records are usually created automatically through integrations, but can be manually added.

To add a new external ID to the contact, click on the add external ID button located in the top right of the External Identifiers panel.

This will bring up a window with two fields:

  • System / Service
    Enter the name of the third party or service that this ID is related to. For example, this could be a payment gateway, such as Xero or Stripe.

  • Identifier
    Enter the unique ID for this contact. For a payment gateway such as Xero or Stripe, this would be the customer number or ID used in their system.

Once entered, click on the save button to create the new external ID record.

Merging records with a duplicate

Occasionally, you may find that a contact has a second record inside sheepCRM. This can be created for a number of reasons, such as mistakes in imported data or your contacts using their home and work email addresses interchangeably.

If sheepCRM detects enough similarities to suspect a duplicate record, this duplicate will be listed in the possible duplicates panel.

Each potential duplicate will provide a 'score' based on how much data is similar or matching to the current contact record (higher number meaning more likely to be a match). A text summary will also be next to the score that provides some context - however we recommend viewing the record to confirm before merging.

To view the full record of the potential duplicate, click on the actions button and select the view possible duplicate record option.

Once confirmed that the record is a duplicate, click on the actions button and select the merge duplicate into current record option. This will pull together all personal data, as well as memberships, donations, tickets and payments, into one record.

Please note that merging all of the related records to a contact may take time. Merge requests are queued, when complete a journal record is added explaining which records and fields have been merged.

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