A mandate sets the permission to take money from an account
A payment request/subscription contains specific instructions e.g. the amount to be taken at a certain time.
How do I Navigate to a Contacts Payments, Mandates and Subscription Information?
While some actions for updating the most commonly changed data for a contact can be done in the summary modal actions button, every bit of data sheepCRM has related to the contact record can be viewed, added and updated in the contact record's detailed sidepanel view. Find the contact you wish to edit, bring up the summary modal and click on the view contact button to open up the sidepanel.
The membership tab shows all payments, subscriptions and mandates - past, pending and future - for the current contact. The first panel on the tab shows a summary of all known mandates and subscriptions created by the contact. This will show the active mandates or subscriptions by default, but can show pending or cancelled by selecting a filter option.
Please allow sheepCRM 3-5 days to update its status from Pending to Active for a newly activated Subscription/Mandate that was processed through a payment partner such as GoCardless or Stripe
Please note that if a customer activates a new Subscription/Mandate through a payment partner it could result in a brand new contact record/membership being created on sheepCRM
Underneath this panel will be any recent payments made by the contact, showing payments made in the past 6 months. If no recent payments exist, the panel won't appear and you'll see the panel below showing all payments made or attached to the contact.
Adding a new payment
To add a new payment to the contact, click on the add payment button in either the recent payments or all payments panels. Click on this option to add a payment record to the selected membership. This will bring up a window allowing you to add the new payment.
This window will show the following fields:
Enter the amount being paid. This can be more or less than the total due, and each membership can have multiple payments.
Select the currency of the payment. This defaults to the currency of the membership plan.
Received / Expected Date
Enter the date this payment was made or, if in the future, when the payment is expected to be collected.
Payment method
Select how the payment is being made from a list of options. The options list can be defined in sheepSettings.
Select a contact from your CRM who is the payer. This defaults to the admin or billing contact for the membership.
Payment regarding
Select an item from a list of options that the payment is regarding. This list will include all items related to the contact, such as tickets, membership plans, reservations and donations. While not required to add a payment, we strongly recommend linking the payment to the item it is intended for as it will greatly help identify and track purchases through sheepCRM.
Payment type
Select the type of payment that is being made from a list of options. This helps to categorise the payment further in sheepCRM.
Your reference
Optionally, enter a custom reference for the payment. This can be an internal reference number or code.
Optionally, enter a description or the payment or enter any additional notes needed.
Processing Fees
If applicable, enter the additional processing fee for the payment.
Payment reconciled
Set to 'yes' if the payment has already been reconciled with the bank.
Gift Aid
Set to 'yes' if the payer has agreed to gift aid for this payment.
Editing an existing payment
From the payments panels, click on a payment card to expand it, showing more information about the payment as well as an actions button with various options for managing or editing the payment record.
Please note that if the payment is locked, you will need to unlock it first by clicking on the unlock button located where the actions button would be. If you do not have the permissions to unlock a payment, please speak to your administrator.
When the payment is unlocked, the actions button will have the following options:
Edit payment details
Click on this option to bring up window with the current payment data in it. Edit the fields as needed and click on the save button to save your changes. Please see adding a new payment above for more information on the fields.
View receipt
Click on this option to view or download a PDF of the receipt for the selected payment. This can then be printed, stored or emailed as needed.
Lock payment
Click on this option to lock the payment, preventing anyone with lesser permissions to edit the payment. This will prevent further changes and the actions button will become an unlock button.
Marking a payment as a donation
Payments can be marked as donation to better help sort and organise payments made by this contact. Payments marked as donations will also appear in the giving tab and - if an appeal is specified - will be grouped by appeal.
To mark a payment as a donation, locate the payment and click on the actions button, selecting the mark as donation option. This will bring up a window with the option to select a related appeal and state any restrictions for the payment - but both of these fields can be left blank. Click on the confirmation button to mark the payment as a donation.
Adding or editing a mandate or subscription
sheepCRM is unable to make any changes or add new mandates or subscriptions on behalf of a member as these must be created by the member themselves to prevent fraud. Your members will be able to set-up and authorise a mandate or subscription through the sheepApp by going to their payments section and following the on-screen steps to add a new mandate or subscription.
Cancelling a mandate or subscription
Click on the mandate or subscription card in the top panel to expand it, showing more information about it. To cancel, click on the cancel option located on the right side of the card. Please note that the cancellation is effective immediately and can not be reverted or restored - meaning the member will have to set up a new mandate or subscription in sheepApp. You will also need to cancel payment subscriptions already in progress with processors like GoCardless and Stripe. This is applicable for other changes like changing the price of a membership.
Retrying a failed GoCardless payment
You can try to retake a failed GoCardless payment by clicking the actions menu on the failed payment and then 'Retry payment' from the dropdown menu. To see the actions menu first you might need to unlock the payment.
A mandate sets the permission to take money from an account
A payment request/subscription contains specific instructions e.g. the amount to be taken at a certain time.