Please Note: On viewing a Report, please bear in mind that the information displayed is based on the data records determined by the time period you have selected.
"You'll be pleased to know that this is why we have made it super easy to navigate through different date ranges no matter where you are in the Reports section.
You will see, on all Reports, these options along the top:
Arrows skip a month or year at at time!"
How do I navigate to sheepCRM Communications Reports?
Go to and log in to your CRM User account, if not already.
Select Reports tab from the top navigation bar
Select Communications tab from options below the navigation bar
What is a Message List Report?
This report will show a list of all messages that have been generated or sent during a specific timeframe. This includes draft and failed messages. More information on the message can be found by exporting the report to a .XLS file.
โ ๏ธ sheepCRM sends emails out in batches and will queue messages for delivery which means emails will not be instantly delivered and may show as queued status until sent.
How can I view messages that have been sent to a specific contact on a Report?
If you wish to see a list of messages sent to a specific contact, search for the contact in the top navigation search bar and click on the messages tab.
See here for more information on messages for contacts.
What is a Failed Message List Report?
Unlike the Message List, this report will only show messages that have failed to be generated. This will show individual messages that has failed, as well as whether any of the messages sent in bulk have failed to be generated so they have not been sent from the sheepCRM.