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Contacts: Messages sent to contact

The messages tab shows all messages - email, SMS, in-app, draft and sent - to the current contact.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over a week ago

While some actions for updating the most commonly changed data for a contact can be done in the summary modal actions button, every bit of data sheepCRM has related to the contact record can be viewed, added and updated in the contact record's detailed sidepanel view. Find the contact you wish to edit, bring up the summary modal and click on the view contact button to open up the sidepanel.

The messages tab shows all messages - draft and sent - to the current contact. There are multiple different types of messages that can be created and sent: Email, SMS and sheepApp notifications.

Viewing a sent/draft message

Click on the message to view a preview of the content. If the message is a draft you can edit the message field as needed. Once done, click on the save & preview button to proceed to the sending stage - alternatively, click on delete draft to delete the message completely.

Sending a new message to a contact

Click on the send message button located in the top right of the messages panel to bring up a window for a brand new message to be sent to the current contact.

This window will have the following fields:

  • Type of message
    Select how the message should be sent to the contact - through email, SMS or as a sheepApp notification next time they log in or view their dashboard messages.

  • Message template
    Optionally, select from a pre-made template - if selected this will pre-fill the subject and message fields with content from the template. Your templates can be created and edited in your communications settings.

  • Regarding
    Select what the message is regarding - if you are messaging about a membership plan, invoice, booking or payment, you can select the specific item you are writing about, which will allow you greater context when using template tags in your subject or message. For more information on template tags, please see our article on email tips & tricks.

  • Subject
    If not using a template, enter a subject line for the message. This field may not be accessible depending on the type of message selected above. You can use template tags in this field to personalise the content. For more information on template tags, please see our article on email tips & tricks.

  • Message
    If not using a template, enter the body of the message. You can use template tags in this field to personalise the content. For more information on template tags, please see our article on email tips & tricks.

Once filled in, click on the save & preview button to save the message as a draft and preview how the message will be seen by the contact.

If the message looks correct, click on the send button in the bottom left to queue the message to be sent. Once in this queue, the message can not be cancelled so please ensure everything is correct before proceeding.

If you want to send the message to yourself to test further, click on the send test option next to the send button to send a copy of the draft message to yourself (using the details in your CRM user account).

Alternatively, you can click on go back in the bottom right of the window to revert to the edit view and make any changes needed.

⚠️ sheepCRM sends emails out in batches and will queue messages for delivery which means emails will not be instantly delivered and may show as queued status until sent.

Sending a new message to multiple contacts

In order to send a message to multiple contacts, you should make use of the bulk actions functionality in the contact directory. For more information on this process, please read our article on sending to multiple contacts.

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