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Settings: sheepEvents > Inline Event Questions (sheepApp)
Settings: sheepEvents > Inline Event Questions (sheepApp)

How to capture additional data from people booking tickets

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over 8 months ago

Introduction: Inline Event Questions allow you to capture additional information from people ordering event tickets through sheepApp.

This feature is only available with the sheepEvents module included in your licence and a minimum of an advanced plan. If you are unsure if you have this feature or would like to discuss adding it to your plan please contact

See here for more information on Ticket Types

See here for more information on Configuring an Event

See here for more information on Events Bookings and Tickets

What are Inline Event Questions?

Inline Event Questions enable you to create a set of questions for a buyer to complete per order and optionally a separate set of questions for each attendee per order.

How do I create new Inline Event Questions in sheepCRM?

Go to and log in to your CRM User account, if not already.

Select the Events tab from the secondary, white navigation bar.

Select Event Question Sections from the list of options on the right-hand side.

and Add Event Question Section to create a new one.

Enter a Name for your Questions, in this example, we have used 'Car Show Buyer Questions'.

Complete (if desired) the Subtitle, Category and Description fields.

Select Add Section to save this information and now you are ready to create your Questions.

Once saved the option to +Add Question becomes available.

Please Note: The tick boxes to the right allowing you to Enable Comments, Feedback and Scoring for internal use are not to be selected at this time. These are in place for future feature announcements.

Select Question Type from the dropdown menu to set how you wish to request the answers are completed, options available are:

Text Inputs:

  • Single Text Entry - For a short response (a few words) to be completed with text

  • Text Area - For a larger response (a few sentences) to be completed with text

  • Large Text Area - For a detailed response (more than a paragraph) to be completed with text

  • Multiple Text entries (for a list of entries) - for providing several responses with text

  • Number

  • Date

  • Email

  • Telephone

  • Time

File Upload Inputs:

  • Image Upload - allows a user to upload an image file

  • Image Upload (profile photo) - same as Image Upload but provides examples of suitable profile photos

  • Single File Upload - allows a user to upload a document or other file

  • Multiple File Uploads - allows a user to upload several documents or other files

Multiple Choice Inputs:

  • Choose from the list - dropdown of the provided choices

  • Multiple options from the list - dropdown of the provided choices with the ability to select multiple choices

  • Multiple options as checkboxes - each choice provided is displayed as a checkbox

  • Yes/No Question - pre-filled dropdown with "Yes" and "No" as the options

  • Choose from the list via external URL (Advanced) - the dropdown will be filled by the data provided from the external URL

  • Multiple options from external URL (Advanced) - as above with the ability to select multiple choices

The use of External URLs is an advanced option for Pro Licence users.

If you wish to use external URLs please contact us to ensure your data is in a suitable format.

Multiple Choice Sheep Record Inputs

  • Choose a record from sheep segment - the dropdown will be filled by the records from the segment selected

  • Multiple records from sheep segment - as above with the ability to select multiple choices

  • Multiple records from sheep segment as checkboxes - as above displayed as checkboxes

This is a Pro Licence option. Please contact to ensure your segments are set up correctly.

Formatting and Placeholders

  • Dividing Line - a horizontal line dividing two questions

  • Helper text (with no question) - a block of text to provide instructions to the user

Once the Type of question has been selected, complete the Question Text by free typing.

The toggle allows you to then set this as a Required Question or not.

From the dropdown options select your desired Question Visibility:

  • Applicant questions will be presented as standard.

  • Internal Only questions will not be presented to the applicant but will be available for review.

  • Feedback questions are not yet supported.

The Helper Text field can be completed to provide text alongside the question.

Connect to Core field if you wish to link data to the contact record.

Core fields allow the question response to directly update a contact record in sheepCRM.

Core fields must NOT be used on attendee questions, this may be a future feature addition.

Select Add to save this question, it will appear below your initial New Section details and the option to add another question is available if desired.

You can re-order your questions by dragging them up and down before you finalise.

You can also edit these if you decide to change them later.

Once you are happy that you have included all questions Save Section and it will appear in your list.

How do I apply the Inline Event Questions to an Event?

See here for steps on how to create a New Event.

For an existing Event already set up in sheepCRM please continue with the following steps:

Select Events from the top navigation (green) bar.

Select the Event you wish to include the questions on.

Select Manage next to the subheading Event Details.

Select Configure Event.

Select Actions > Event Questions

Choose from the dropdowns the name of your Inline Event Questions to apply them for the Order, the Attendees or both.

Click Save.

Please Note: Please follow the previous steps if you wish to have both Order and Attendee questions. We do not recommend using the same set of questions for both Attendees and Orders.

How will the Questions appear for my Members when they sign up through sheepApp?

Once Members have selected the Event and entered the required amount of tickets together with Attendee information, the following example displays the layout of the questions.

You will see the Order answers are present as standard with an option to Add answers for the Attendee.

Once completed the Continue button will take them to the request for payment for the tickets.

How do I view the Answers to my Inline Event Questions?

Select Events from the top navigation (green) bar.

Select the Event you wish to view the answers for.

Select Manage next to the subheading Event Details.

Select Orders from the navigation bar.

Select the name of the contact you wish to view.

Select Questions. The option to Edit and Add questions is also available.

Please Note: Currently you must open the contact for the Order and not the Attendee to view any attendee questions.

How can my Members view and update their responses?

sheepApp users can view their orders from the dashboard:

After clicking 'View order' they will be presented with a summary of their order and options to purchase additional tickets, update attendees and modify question responses.

Limitations of Inline Event Questions

Inline Event Questions are a new feature and as such there are some limits as we continue to develop and improve.

Can I collect Inline Event Questions for Guest Checkout?

At this time it is not possible to complete inline event questions without a sheepApp account.

Can I prefill Information from sheepCRM?

It is not currently possible to prefill information from sheepCRM for your attendees. This may be addressed in a future version.

What Information is needed to collect Attendee Information?

To collect information for your attendees, each attendee must currently be entered with a name and a unique email address. When the order is created they will appear as a person record in sheepCRM.

How can I collect attendee information without requiring an email address for each attendee?

If you wish to collect general information about attendees without recording names and email addresses, we recommend doing this with an Order question rather than an Attendee question.

Can I force the collection of Attendee Information?

While order questions marked as required must be completed before the order can be placed, attendee questions will not prevent the completion of an order. This is to allow orders where all attendee information may not be known at the time of order. We intend to introduce a fuller order workflow to address incomplete attendee questions in a future version.

What happens if I add a new Question after Orders have been placed?

If the buyer of an existing order returns to their order in sheepApp they will be able to complete any additional questions added after their order was placed. However buyers will not currently be automatically notified of any changes to the event questions.

What happens if I change the Event Order or Attendee Questions after Orders have been placed?

Currently only responses to the currently applied questions will be shown against orders. For clarify: if orders exist with "Question Set A" answers but the event has been updated to "Question Set B", no answers to "Question Set A" will be visible.

How can I set Question Responses so they cannot be edited?

This feature will shortly be available via sheepFlow.

How can Attendees update their own Answers?

Our current recommendation is that the buyer who created the order completes the questions on the attendees' behalf.

NB: If your organisation is also using Forms an attendee with an account may see their questions in sheepApp, but this view has not been optimised for Event Questions.

Please Note:

When an order is added manually through sheepCRM attendee answers cannot be added later.

In order to record/edit answers on an application the ticket purchase must currently be done through sheepApp and not added via the sheepCRM.

We intend to address this in a future update.

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