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My position is Pending... What's next?
My position is Pending... What's next?

I've applied to a position, and the status is Pending... Now what?

Spencer Englander avatar
Written by Spencer Englander
Updated over a week ago

All of the jobs are posted and managed by independent Host users.  Upon submission of your application, the Host will be notified.  They will have the opportunity to view your profile, and accept or decline your application.  

If you are accepted, you will be immediately alerted to Confirm for the position.  
If you are declined, you will be alerted.  

The Host has the ability to accept as many Staf members as they want for the position, but only the first to confirm gets the position.  If the position is for multiple Staf members, confirmation will be available for Staf members until all positions are full. 

After the positions are full, any attempt to confirm will result in the Reserve Staf message.  If you do not want to be Reserve Staf, you can cancel your application at any time.  However, if you will be available for the position in the event of a cancellation - stay on the Reserve List. You'll be notified as soon as someone cancels, and all you'll have to do is confirm! 

You can still apply to and confirm for other positions while you are on the Reserve List for an event that takes place simultaneously - HOWEVER you can only be confirmed for one concurrent position at a time.  

Once you confirm for a position, you can let your Reserve Hosts know that you're no longer available by canceling your application.

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