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How to manage your brands: create new, brand managers, terms of sales, brand status

Written by Kim
Updated over 8 months ago

Brands Page

Much like Customer View, you are able to have multiple brand locations and contacts. You will be able to add notes, sell in multi-currencies, and see all orders, emails and collections linked to this brand.

Add a Brand

To add a new brand:

  1. You can create a new brand from the "Create New" drop down from the main menu or by going into Brands > Selecting the "Add Brand" button

  2. Code - Brand code must be 4 characters or less

  3. Division - The divisions can be built in Company Settings >Division

  4. Customer Groups - Choose a customer group that the brand would be in (eg; Men's, Women's, Accessories). Customer groups are a great way to separate customers. These tags are useful to control what brands the customer can view inside the online showroom. The customer groups can be built in Company Settings >Customer Group. Click here for more information on Customer Groups.

  5. Brand Managers - Add the assigned user(s) to the brand, by choosing one of the user names from the drop down list. To set up the brand manager to receive online order notifications, you can learn more here.

  6. Default Commission Rate - Set the default commission rate. This can be overridden by the user's commission rate set if it is set under their user settings.

  7. Logo - Add a .jpg, .png, or .gif of the brand's logo. Brands must be a part of at least one customer group and have a logo uploaded in order to be displayed in the Online Showroom. If you can not create a PO PDF, it may be because the logo is not in an acceptable file format.

  8. Description - The description will be visible in the Online Showroom

  9. Terms of sales - If your terms of sales differs depending on the brand, you can add terms of sales to each brand. When you create a Purchase Order, your terms of sales will automatically appear based on the brand chosen. To add terms of sales to a brand

  10. Select "Save Changes" button to save the new brand

Manage Brands

Click "Manage Brands" from the Brands Page. This will take you to a list of your Active Brands where you can: 

  1. Add/Edit Brand

  2. Add/Edit Brand Logo - upload the brand logo to display on Online Showroom

  3. Turn on/off Browsing Status

  4. Turn on/off Accept Online Orders

  5. Turn on/off Home Page Status (this option may not be visible if you have opted out

  6. Organize how brands are displayed in the Online Showroom. Drag and drop using the arrows to move the brand order.

  7. Preview the showroom
    *Note: Brands must be a part of at least one customer group and have a logo uploaded in order to be displayed in the Online Showroom
    *Note: If the collection is not showing up, try to log into the showroom as one of your customers first by going into a customer's profile > Click "Log in as contact". After you've done this, your images should now show up anytime you go into your showroom thru the PREVIEW MY SHOWROOM link.

Status of Brand

Set your brands status to how you want to have them displayed in your Online Showroom. 

  1. "I want to display a brand logo on Online Showroom, but not allow customer to place order or browse collection for a brand." > Turn OFF "Browsing Status, turn OFF "Accept Online Orders", and turn ON "Home Page Status". 

  2. "I want to allow customers to browse collections but not place online orders on Online Showroom" > Turn ON "Browsing Status", turn OFF "Accept Online Orders, and turn ON "Home Page Status".

  3. "I want to allow customers to "Browse through collections, and place orders through Online Showroom" > turn ON "Browsing Status/Accept Online Orders/Home Page Status". 

Delete a Brand

Only disabled brands without associated orders can be deleted. To disable and delete a brand:

  1. Brand >Edit

  2. Status >select "Disabled" >Save changes

  3. Go back into the brand's edit page. You should now see the "Delete brand" button available for your selection.

Note: Active collections under a disabled brand will keep the "Active" status until manually disabled however the collection will not be visible in the online showroom or in admin created purchase order forms.


See here for more information on setting up your brands to sell in different currencies

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