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Company Settings

Company Settings and how to set them up

Written by Kim
Updated over a week ago

To get to your Company Settings, click on the gear icon at the top right corner by your user name. This option is only available to Company Manager users. 

1. Appointments

General > Default Timezone - set your timezone, which will set the time throughout the app.

Overlapping appointments > Warn when - with multiple users booking appointments at the same time, there's a lot of probability for conflicting appointments. You can avoid this by setting the appointments to warn you when: The same brand or the same user have been booked with overlapping appointments. You also have the option to ignore this entirely should you not mind. 

Appointment Reminders
Enable appointment reminders > check this box if you want the appointment reminder feature to show up every time users book a new appointment. If you don't want to send out appointment reminders, uncheck this box.

If you are using appointment reminders, and are booking an appointment, have the number of days the system sends a reminder automatically default for you by typing the number of days into the field. 

A generic appointment reminder email is set by default. However if you would like to customize this reminder, click here.

2. Categories

This is the best way to keep products organized. Create categories such as: tops, dresses, pant, ceramics, glassware, toys etc. Once the category is created, link the products to the appropriate category. Notice the number of products per category under the products column. 

Add a category by typing into the "add category" field > Save

Edit a category by clicking "Edit" > Save Changes

Disable a category by clicking "disable". Disabled categories can be re-activated or deleted.  

3. Customer Groups

Customer Groups is the best way to organize your customers. Create customer groups, and link the appropriate customers to it.

The "Default customer group" was created to link all customers into a group and from there be able to link other customer groups to them. This tag is the default when you create a new customer or brand however you have to option to delete the tag from their profile if you do not wish to use it.

Add a Customer Group by clicking "Add customer group" > Name customer group > link the brands that the customer group would belong to by checking the boxes next to the brand name > Save.

Edit a Customer Group by clicking "Edit" > Save Changes

Disable a Customer Group by clicking "disable". Disabled customer groups can be re-activated or deleted.

Customer Groups are also a great way to control what brands the customer can view inside the online showroom. If the customer has the same customer group tag as the brand then they will be able to see the brand's collection.

For example based on the illustration below:

  • Customer 1 is tagged "Default Customer Group" & "Mens" so they can see all the brands because each brand has one of those tags

  • Customer 2 is tagged "Womens" so they can only see Brand B which is the only brand that shares a "Womens" tag

  • Customer 3 has no customer group tags so they can not see any brands


If I want only Customers who are tagged "Mens" be able to view the Hills Menswear collection, I would need to ensure those customers have the "Mens" customer group tag. Alternatively, the tag could be by brand's name.

In the brand's profile, I would tag Hills Menswear as "Mens".


  1. Select the customers you want to bulk edit

  2. In the "Edit Multiple" bar, choose "Change Customer Group".

  3. Select the tag to add or delete.

4. Divisions

Divisions allow you to link your brands to their manufacturers, and track orders by manufacturer. Alternatively, you can use division to label the brand's category (ie: Menswear, Womenswear, Gift, etc...)

To add a new division > type name into Add Division field > Save

To edit a division > click "edit" under actions > Save

To delete a division > Click "delete" under actions

5. Import

You can import customers, collections and orders as well as reverse any bulk imports here. To find out more about each import, follow the below links:

6. Markets

Track the markets you attend, and the ones that your customers go to. Make a list of the markets, and then link the customers who attend them. 

To add a market > type name into Name field > add description - this could be anything from date, location, type of market > Save

To edit a market > actions > click "Edit" > Save

To disable a market > actions > click "Disable"

7. Online Showroom

Maintenance Mode > doing some work on your collections, and would prefer to keep the showroom hidden until all the work is complete? Turn on maintenance mode by using the toggle > On/Off 

Login Screen: Background image > Customize the image of your login screen for the company. Make sure you use a hi-res image! 

Want to see what your collections look like in the Showroom? Click the "View Showroom" button to view.

"Best seller" Badge Color - You can choose a color for the best seller badge which will be displayed on assigned products.

Customer Order Visibility - You can choose to allow your customers to have access to just online orders or both online orders and admin-created purchase orders.

Online Order Notifications - choose who should receive email notifications when online orders are placed by customers.

  • Brand managers will be the user set up under the brand's profile.

  • Account managers will be the primary sales rep set up under the customer profile.

Invitation Template - This template is used to send emails inviting your customers to browse your Showroom. You may consider customizing the invite depending on if you're sending a bulk email invite or individual invites thru the CUSTOMERS > EDIT CONTACTS box.

For more information on how to send customers an invite to use the online showroom, click here.

Approval Notification Template - This template is used after you have approved a customer's registration. It will let them know they are approved and provide a link to login to your Showroom.

Email Setup >both of the templates are set up with a generic email message, which can be customized by editing within the body template.

8. Orders

Sales summary defaults period > on a Customer View page, the sames summary will automatically default to the current selling season. Should you want the sales summary to show a different year range to show up by default, choose the years from the drop down. 

Currency > Your company home currency will be set for you at the creation of your account. To change the currency, please contact us. You can set the currencies for each brand under the brand's profile > "Currencies" tab.

Automatically set orders cancellation date to > by default the orders for both purchase orders and summary orders will be set to 30 days. Change the number of days by typing the number into the field, or have the option of checking "last order cancel date" or "don't set automatically" should you not want the orders to have the numbers of days set. 

Set Ship Wording > choose whether you would like the Order Confirmation PDF to be displayed as "Ship Date / Cancel Date" or "Start Date / End Date".

Default terms of sales > whatever is added into this field will appear every time a purchase order is created. This will save time when typing up an order should you want the default terms of sales to appear on all orders. 

Commission rate display on order entry > did you want to keep the commission percentage hidden? When booking an order with a customer next to you, it might be nice to keep this number hidden. To do this check "hidden" - this will hide the percentage on the purchase order with a blue button. If having the percentage visible is not an issue, you would check "Display Rate" which would show the percentage amount on the purchase order by default. 

Transition from Active to Inactive > when a customer is first created it will automatically be created as an inactive customer. When an order is attached to the inactive customer the system will automatically switch the customer to Active. An active customer will then switch back to an inactive customer after the set number of days. By default this amount of time is set to 24 months. Should you want a customer to switch to an inactive account sooner or later than that, just adjust the number of months in the field.

Show 0 quantity lines on PDF Order Confirmations > creating a purchase order and have multiple colors per line? On the order you only have a few colors that are ordered, and don't want to show all of the other colors that aren't orders? This will save space when downloading a PDF confirmation. To do this check "Yes", to show all lines regardless of having 0 quantity, check "No".

9. Seasons

Track your selling seasons, and update your current selling season. By default the system will already have 4 seasons added in > Spring 1/ Spring 2/Fall 1/Fall 2. You can edit these to whatever works for your company. 

To add a new season type the name of the season into the "Add Season" field > Save - the new season will then appear in the Active Seasons list. 

Once a season is in use, we do not recommend you edit them if you are wanting to change it to another season as they are linked to collections, orders, tasks, appointments, etc... Instead, you can create a new season.

The maximum number of seasons you can have active at any one time, is 8

*Tip: At the beginning of each new selling season, you may want to update the default working season which ensures new orders, notes, appointments, reports and the customer list will auto-populate with the current season so you don't have to manually change it each time.

10. Size Scales

Track product sizing with size scales. Add as many different size scales as you need, however by default, we have a list of generic size scales already made up in the system. 

To add a new size scale, type the name of the size scale into the "Nickname" field. (eg; women's shoe). "Steps" is the individual size (eg; 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5 etc.) add as many as you need for that type of size scale by clicking "Add Step" > Save. Once you create a new size scale, it will appear under the "Active" list.

You can choose a size scale to appear on orders by default. For example; if you use S,M,L the most out of all the size scales, you could set this size scale to be the default. Then when you create a Purchase Order the default size scale will automatically appear in the product line. 

Note that changing a size scale step once it is in use will update the products with the new size steps the next time it is selected in an order. Products in current orders will not be effected.

If you are using the product import template, please ensure you use the exact spelling for the size scale nickname. For example, "S-M-L" is not the same as "S - M - L" (note the spacing difference).

11. Sources

Track where new customers came from (eg; a Contact Form, Phone call, market).
To add a new source > type name of source into "add source field" > Save. The new source will appear under the Sources list. 

12. Tasks

Track the task types, the amount of time a task stays visible once marked as complete, and set the number of tasks to appear on the dashboard at one time. 

By default there will be three task types set in the system already: Appointment, call, Email. You may add other popular tasks that are done in your company and can add them to the list. 

To add a new task > Type the task name in the "Add Task Type" field > choose a color > Save. Your new task will appear in the Task Type list. 

Set task time (the amount of time a task will stay visible, once it has been market complete) - choose from Immediately, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours - this will be the amount of time right after you check the box next to the chosen task. 

Set maximum # of tasks on the dashboard (the amount of tasks shown on the dashboard) - choose from 10, 25,50,100 - the overflow of tasks will end up on the "Tasks" page in the main menu

13. Territories

Add the territories your company manages. Territories can mean different areas of the country, groups of cities, province/state groups - this is really dependent on how your company views territories. 

To add a new territory > type territory name into "Add Territory" field > Save. The new territory will appear int he Territory Name List. You can then link the territories to the customer's that are in those territories. You will then see the number of customers in each territory under the "# of locations" column. 

14. Users

If you are a Company Manager, manage the number of users, the types of users, and passwords from this page.  

Types of User Roles: 

Company Manager : Has access to all features

Sales Rep : Has access to all features except Company Settings and Reports

Order Entry : Only has access to Orders and Dashboard (only showing orders). This user may also be restricted to view certain brands depending on if they are assigned to specific ones.

Customer Entry : Has access to the customer list, with the ability to add/edit customers.

External Rep : This user has no access to the system. With no login credentials, this user type is meant to track an individuals sales.

You can see how many users you have available and the number of disabled users at the top of the page. Filter the page to only show active users by using the drop down "Do not show disabled users".

To add a new user > click "Add User" > Add First/Last Name, Email address (this address is the one they will be using to log into the system), choose their role, Initials (if there is more than one person who has the same initials try to add another letter to differentiate the users), choose a color, and user time zone. 

When creating the user, choose the types of notifications they will receive through email, by checking the boxes next to the ones you'd like them to receive (you can change this later on). 

Create a password, and confirm the password > Save (Note that the password can be changed later on).

Send the user an email with their login and password.

Note: Users are linked to customers, brands, orders, tasks, the system so if you make a change to the user name, it will change to all the areas the user is linked to therefore, we recommend that you disable users you no longer want and create a new user account instead of editing them.

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