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Watchlist - How to create a custom watchlist column in TOS
Watchlist - How to create a custom watchlist column in TOS

Create custom columns in MarketWatch or Watchlist for Squeeze, Raghee, Phoenix Trend Strength, etc. from custom code or a shared link.

Duncan Boggs avatar
Written by Duncan Boggs
Updated over 11 months ago


Create a custom column in TOS.

2 ways to create a custom watchlist column in TOS are:

1 - Custom Code / Script

2- Shared Link


1 - Custom Code / Script

How to set up your Custom Column in a Watchlist



You can set up your Custom Phoenix Column(s) by copying this code into a Custom Script in TOS.
First select the gear icon in the upper right corner of your Watchlist gadget and select " Customize".

You will see your Available Items on the left and the Current on the right.

Find a Custom Script File to use for your Phoenix Watchlist Column. Use the search box in the upper left corner and type "custom". You should then see Custom Script 1, Custom Script 2...etc. (Your numbers may very)

Select the Scroll icon next to the Custom Script available. 

This will bring up your Custom Quote Formula window.
Select the Thinkscript Editor tab.

Now change the name of the Script.
This name is going to be the title of the Watchlist column.
It is recommended you name the column with the time frame it will be looking at.
For example:
Squeeze 60 min


Select the time frame you are looking for...Daily for this example.
The name should match your time frame selected as depicted above.

The time frame is selected from the box in the top right of the window next to the column name field. This this example, it shows "D" for Daily label.
Now paste the code in the Thinkscript Editor section.


Click Apply, then OK.

Once you have the code pasted into a Custom Script you will be able to apply the column to any of your watchlists from the Available Items on the left.  

It is recommended you create a watchlist with short term columns, i.e. 5, 15, 30 min time frames. Then create a separate watchlist with longer time frames 1 hr, 4 hr, daily, weekly, etc. to keep calculations running smoothly in TOS.


2 - Shared Link

Loading from a Shared link:

Let's now take a look at how to use a shared link provided to us to make a watchlist column. 

If you get a shared link from a support document, post in a chat, etc.,
the standard format of a shared link from TOS is:  

If you manually type in the link, be aware that shared links are case sensitive.

WATCH VIDEO: How to set up a watchist from a shared link: 



Once you have a shared link, copy it into TOS.
Click on the Setup. 

From the drop-down, select "Open Shared Item..."

Paste the shared link into TOS.
Use the keyboard command CTRL + V
Click Preview. 

You should see something like this.

Click "Rename".

Rename this watchlist column
For example, this one I called "Squeeze - Daily". 

Now, click on the customize icon in the upper right of the Watchlist. 

Look for the column you just named in the "Available Items" menu.
Left click on your new column, in this case it is the "Squeeze - Daily" item.
Once selected, click "Add Item(s)" to add it to the current set. 

Your new squeeze watchlist column should now be added to your watchlist. 

To add more watchlist column, simply repeat the process...
Naming it and select a different time frame for each time you import the shared item.
Repeat the process as many times as you would like columns for. 


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Watchlist - Squeeze Watchlist Column code and shared links

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