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Watchlist - Change Column and Rows

How do I insert headers and remove / add rows?

Duncan Boggs avatar
Written by Duncan Boggs
Updated over a week ago



How to change columns and rows in TOS:

This works for adjusting columns elsewhere, like in a scan in the Stock Hacker for example. 

Adjusting Columns:

Click on the gear wheel icon. This is the Customize menu where you can add and remove columns. 

After clicking on the Customize gear wheel, the customize window appears.
In the search box in the upper left, type a term, or partial term that you want to look for.
From the choices that populate in the menu, left click the selection you want and then click "Add Item(s)".
The new column will appear on the right side column.
Click OK. 

You can also remove columns by clicking on an item in the right column and clicking "Remove Item(s).

The new column header will appear in the watchlist. 

The columns widths may need to be adjusted for the new column to show properly.
In the below screenshot, notice that the new "Bid" column only shows as three dots. There is not enough room for this column to display.
To fix this, simply hover the mouse over the space between the column headers and the cursor will change to a horizontal line with arrows.
Click and drag to change the width of the columns.

Adjusting Rows:

To adjust rows in the watchlist, click on the watchlist name at the top of the watchlist and hover over "Edit" towards the bottom of the drop down menu.

In the case of the below screenshot, we are going to change the rows in the default watchlist. 

The "Edit Watchlist" window will appear.

You can change the name of the watchlist  at the top of the Edit Watchlist window.

Use the "Scroll" bar on the right of the window to scroll to the bottom of the list.
You can also use the scroll wheel on your mouse to move up and down in the window. 

To add an additional ticker symbol.
Find a blank row towards the bottom of the list.
Left click in the blank row in the symbol column. 

After typing in the symbol, click "Add Symbol".
You can remove rows by left clicking on the row, then clicking "Remove Symbol". 



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