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Data Management on HUB
Data Management on HUB
Updated over 2 months ago

The content in this article is only applicable to HUB users. If you are interested in learning more about HUB or wish to upgrade your account, please reach out to

One of many features that separates a HUB account from EXPLORE is the ability to give multiple users from the same organization access to the platform, and for SuperAdmins to preview and manage orders in a single location.

In the "Data Management" section, all orders placed by user accounts who are linked to the HUB organization identification are stored. The user(s) assigned the role as SuperAdmin have the authority to not only review the budget and spending on its organizations users, but to approve orders before they are sent to SkyWatch. This allows SuperAdmins to approve orders that were discussed internally within the organization, or to reject orders that might be duplicates of previous orders or accidental submissions.

Introduction to Data Management

To view all orders submitted by end-users associated with the HUB organization, log onto your HUB account and click on the "Data Management" tab.

The screen will show the global map and a table containing all organization orders.

On the main page of Data Management, you can see the extent of all existing HUB orders, and users have the ability to zoom in and out of the map, switch basemaps, and search addresses or locations.

Your Order Table

The table listing all orders showcases the following information: Order Name, Order Date, Order Status, Source, Ordered By, Resolution, and Date Range.

  • Order Name: Name user assigns to the order when it is submitted. If no name was assigned, this column will be blank.

  • Order Date: The date when the order was placed on the HUB platform.

  • Order Status: Status of the order; Pending, Success, Failed, Rejected.

  • Source: Data product satellite sensor (e.g., SkySat, Pleiades, Spot).

  • Ordered By: Name of the HUB user who placed the order.

  • Resolution: Resolution of the data product ordered.

  • Date Range: Capture date of the product. This will be a range if the user placed a tasking or a future-facing archive order.

  • Project: HUB users can link orders to a specific project and payment method for more organized and detailed invoicing.

If you have a significantly large number of orders, or you are only interested in viewing orders collected on specific dates, by a specific sensor, or resolution, you can use the filter.

Filter Menu

How To View and Download Your Data

On the right side of each order, you will see the Actions column with a (...) icon. The (...) icon contains the options to download the data ("Download"), preview the data on the global map ("Preview in Map"), review the order details ("See Details"), and to obtain a copy of the WMTS link ("Copy WMTS Link").

The order list will only show the orders that are visible on the global map. If you zoom into a couple of orders, only those orders will appear in the table.

Download Data

Clicking on the "Download" option will prompt HUB to download all of the available files from the order onto your local computer.

Note: You may be asked to give HUB permission to download multiple files at once. You will have to click allow to access your data.

When the download is complete, you will have access to three file types:

  • Cloud Optimized GeoTiff (.tif)

  • A visual .PNG file

  • A json file containing the metadata of the data product

Preview in Map

The "Preview in Map" option allows all user roles to view the orders data without the need to download it first. This gives users the option to check if the data is the correct one they are looking for.

The preview of the order will show the true resolution on the global map.

See Order Details

The "See Details" option allows users to view a summary of the order and the data product delivered to the HUB account.

The details include the following information:

  • Resolution of the data

  • Estimated Cloud Coverage (%)

  • Name of the sensor

  • Frequency of the collections

  • Date Captured

  • Image Type

  • Order Type

  • Size of the area (km2)

  • Cost (USD)

  • Order ID

  • Tags


Selecting the "Copy WMTS Link" will generate a url for the user to use outside of HUB.

A feature available in the Data Management section is the ability for users to generate a shareable URL that contains an image of the full resolution of the data.

The feature, known as DirectView, is available for any order that is delivered to a HUB account containing a COG Tiff file.

Sharable Data URLs

Under the Data Management table, you can select the order and click on the DirectView button located at the top right of the table. The user will be presented with the option to copy the url link, or to open the DirectView url on a new tab.

If you open in a new tab, you will be taken to the view below.

To learn more about DirectView and the features included, we refer you to the DirectView support document.

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