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File an amended return

TaxWise Online

Kenneth Lowe avatar
Written by Kenneth Lowe
Updated over 2 months ago

If you find a mistake after filing your taxes, you may need to amend your return. To see if you should file an amended return: answer these questions on the Should I file an amended return? page.

Reasons to amend a return

File an amended return if there's a change in your:

  • Filing status

  • Income

  • Deductions

  • Credits

  • Dependents

  • Tax liability

You don't need to amend your return if we:

  • Let you know that we corrected errors on your return.

  • Accept your return without certain forms or schedules or ask you to send them.

When to file an amended return

Generally, to claim a refund, you must file an amended return within 3 years after the date you filed your original return or 2 years after the date you paid the tax, whichever is later. If you filed early, count from the April tax deadline.

Special rules apply to file for refunds when you have net operating losses, foreign tax credits, bad debts, and other issues.

You may have more time to amend for:

  • A federally declared disaster

  • Service in a combat zone or contingency operation

  • A bad debt or worthless security

  • A foreign tax credit or deduction

  • A loss or credit carryback

How to file an amended return

To amend a return, file Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. You can use tax software to electronically file your 1040-X online.

Submit all the same forms and schedules as you did when you filed your original Form 1040 even if you don't have adjustments on them.

You can file up to 3 amended returns for the same year.

Get your refund on your amended return

If you amend a return for tax years 2021 and later, you can request your refund by direct deposit. Enter your bank account information on the electronically filed Form 1040-X or corrected Form 1040-SS/PR. If you submitted a paper version of Form 1040-X, you'll receive a paper check.

If you owe tax

Mail a check or money order payable to United States Treasury with Form 1040-V, Payment Voucher PDF. If you owe additional tax, file your amended return, and pay the tax by the April due date to avoid penalties and interest. Your return will replace your original return. If you file after the April due date, don't include any interest or penalties on your amended return. We'll make any needed adjustments automatically.

State tax returns

If you change your federal return, it may affect your state tax liability. For information on how to correct your state tax return, contact your state tax agency. Don't attach your state tax return to your amended return.

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