SchILNR Step 3 Line 24 Column B (StateHealthSavingsDeduction) must equal SchILNR Step 3 Line 24 Column A (HealthSavingsDeduction).
SchILNR Step 3 Line 32 Column B (StateStudentLoanInterest) must equal SchILNR Step 3 Line 32 Column A (StudentLoanInterest).
This error occurs when the amounts in Column A (Federal Deductions) and Column B (State Deductions) for Health Savings Deductions and Student Loan Interest do not match. These lines must have identical values.
Steps to Fix:
Health Savings Deduction (Line 24):
Ensure that the value in Column B (State) matches the value in Column A (Federal) for Line 24.
Update Column B to reflect the same amount as Column A.
Student Loan Interest Deduction (Line 32):
Check that the value in Column B (State) is equal to Column A (Federal) for Line 32.
Adjust Column B to match the amount listed in Column A.
How to Resolve in Tax Software:
Navigate to Schedule ILNR, Step 3 in your software.
Review the entries for:
Line 24, Columns A and B (Health Savings Deduction).
Line 32, Columns A and B (Student Loan Interest).
If there are discrepancies between Column A and Column B, update Column B to ensure both columns match.
Save and recalculate the return.
Common Causes:
Mismatched data entry between federal and state deductions.
Errors when importing or manually entering deduction amounts.
Refile the Return:
After correcting the mismatched amounts, retransmit the return. This should resolve the error.
If the issue persists or you have questions, feel free to contact support for further assistance.