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The Multiple Choice (MC) Cue™
The Multiple Choice (MC) Cue™

The Multiple Choice (MC) Cue™ supports the creation of both quizzes and polls, offering a variety of answer options beyond two.

Samantha avatar
Written by Samantha
Updated over a week ago

The Multiple Choice (MC) Cue™ is a question-type Cue™ that offers the flexibility to create quizzes and polls, accommodating a range of more than two possible answer options.

Quiz versus Poll

Quiz questions assess knowledge with right or wrong answers and provide educational feedback, while poll questions gather opinions or preferences without right or wrong answers, showcasing collective trends. The Quiz option is selected by default.

Design tailored content pathways through the selection

Posing a question within the Snak™ can serve a dual purpose: it can simply collect insights on a topic (and provide the participant with feedback if enabled) before progressing to the next content segment, or it can dynamically steer participants into different content streams according to their choice.

The Split function

To make use of the Split function:

  1. Select the Cue™ on the timeline

  2. Toggle the Splits on

  3. Select the answer option on the canvas

  4. Select the Action button

  5. In the Choose Click Action pane, select Jump

  6. A split has been added to the timeline from the Cue™

Note: If the Split feature is activated, you'll need to assign an Action to each answer option as necessary. However, it's not mandatory to apply Actions to all answer options unless desired.

For more information on how to apply feedback to this Cue™, add this Cue™ to the timeline and apply Cue™ specific settings, visit the following articles:

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