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Theme Body Colors Setting

Change the color settings of the body texts, paragraphs, text links, input fields, buttons, and page background

Updated over a week ago

Accessing the Body Color Settings

  • Click the "Design" Tab from the settings menu on the left side of the page editor.

  • Click "body"

Note: Design Settings are applied to all elements across all website pages.

  • body texts 

  • paragraphs

  • text links

  • input fields

  • buttons

  • body background

  • image overlay (not available on some themes)

  • post box (not available on some themes)

Body Background Settings

You have 2 options:

  • You can upload an image to serve as the entire background of the website; or

  • You can select a solid color 

Text and Text Link Color Settings

  • Header Text - these are page section titles or article titles that appear throughout the website.

  • Body Text - these are longer text descriptions which are usually part of a text block element or short text descriptions of an article or a post.

  • Links - these are clickable texts that redirect you to another page when clicked

Note: If a page section has a background image, you can set the font, link, and button colors separately. Depending on the background image (especially if the image is dark), the font, link, and button elements may need to "pop" out using contrasting colors. Learn more about Theme Colors for Sections with an Image

Button Color Settings

  • Button Background Color 

  • Button Text 

Input Fields Color Settings

Also known as "form fields," you can change the color settings of:

  • Input Background Color

  • Input Text Color

Image Overlay

(not available on some themes)

This setting is applied to section blocks that contains an image element. Below is an Image Slider section block. The overlay background color and text over the background image is applied.

Post Boxes

(not available on some themes)

A "post box" is how a blog or a post is displayed on a page. When the title & description is displayed, you can set the color of the text background and the color of the text.

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