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Locations & Availability
How do I change the time intervals or start times for my bookings?
How do I change the time intervals or start times for my bookings?

How to change the intervals of time that a client can book for within your availability, and how to specify start times for your bookings.

Updated over a week ago

To select booking time intervals and start times:

  1. Go to Menu >> Booking System

  2. Select Locations & Availability

  3. Choose the location you wish to edit time intervals or start times

  4. Select the Availability tab

  5. Click on the arrow under Time slot interval to specify your preference

  6. You can select increments of 5 minutes, up to 2 hours

When selecting your time interval, please take note of your treatment durations and pack down time.

Tip - You can use this feature to set specific start times, regardless of treatment duration. For example if you want to set start times on the hour from 10am - 1pm, set your time intervals to 1 hour, and add your availability from 10am - 1pm. This will mean your clients can book for 10am, 11am or 12pm only.

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