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How do I filter my songs?
Caitlin Stubner avatar
Written by Caitlin Stubner
Updated over a week ago

If you're reading this, that means that you're already a little familiar with searching your catalog. If you're not, you can get started by clicking here.

Accessing the advanced search modal

To open the advanced search modal, you can either:

1) Click the search icon in the top-right corner of your account:

2) Click the more search options / gears icon in the top right corner of the search bar.

Filtering your catalog by song attributes

The advanced search feature allows you to filter your catalog by various attributes. You can even select multiple song attributes to filter by if you'd like.

1. You can filter your catalog by a song attribute by selecting one from the dropdown menu and entering text in the corresponding field.

2. You can also filter by multiple attributes if you'd like. To add another attribute, just click the + button in the Song attributes section.

3. Once you've added all the song attributes that you want to filter your catalog with, click the Search button.

Note: This can be done in the local search and the global search. To learn more, click here.

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