To help you work more efficiently, you can set default contact information for playlists that you share.
This setting applies the default contact information to any playlist that doesn't already have contact information added. This information also writes to the songs within the playlist to the iTunes grouping or work name field - this information will automatically populate on Songspace converted MP3s.
For Creator and Business users, this information will be applied to all playlists that are pitched unless otherwise specified during the pitch creation process. To learn more about creating a pitch and how to control what information is displayed, click here.
Note: To learn more about a Creator or Business subscription, click here.
Here's how to set default playlist contact information for your account:
Click the profile image in the top right corner and click Account Settings.
2. In your Account Settings, scroll down to the Defaults section.
3. To add default Playlist contact information, click the edit pencil.
4. After clicking the edit pencil, enter the information and click the Save button.