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The Socio-demographic Tab
Céline from SOPRISM avatar
Written by Céline from SOPRISM
Updated over a year ago

This tab displays a number of different demographic graphs illustrating the socio-demographic characteristics of your audience by comparing the target (green) and baseline (blue) audiences. Socio-demo insights are based on declarative data, which means that is what people have told or mention to Facebook.

What can you find in the Socio-Demo tab?


Distribution by gender and its difference versus the baseline.


Distribution by gender and its difference versus the baseline.

The ages are divided into 7 distinct age groups (13-17; 18-24; 25-34; 35-44; 45-54; 55-64 and 65+).


Distribution by most spoken languages and its variance from the baseline.

📣 A person can speak more than one language, so the sum of all the percentages can be more than 100%.

Parental Status

Distribution by parental status and its variance from the baseline.

Children's Age

Distribution by the children's age and its variance from the baseline. You also have the % of the people in your audience that have mentioned having children.

The ages are divided into 6 distinct groups (0-12 months; 1-2 years ; 3-5 years; 6-8 years; 9-12 years; 13-17 years).

Relationship Status

Distribution by relationship status and its comparison to the baseline. You also have the % of the people in your audience that have mentioned their relationship status.

Educational Status

Distribution by educational status of the audience

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