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How to use Jobs

Everything you need to know about Jobs.

Updated over a week ago

Jobs are a great way to teach your kids how to earn money, and to encourage them to give you a helping hand around the house.

This guide includes:

  • How the Jobs feature works

  • How to create a job

  • How to approve a job

  • How to edit a job

  • How to delete a job

  • How your kids can request approval for jobs

How the Jobs feature works

Our Jobs feature is designed to help kids learn how to earn money, and to help you manage tasks at home. You can set jobs up for your kids to be paid or unpaid, one-off or recurring and set them for a specific day. When a parent approves a paid job, payment is sent from your Parent Wallet to your child’s Spriggy card immediately.

How to create a Job

  1. Log into Spriggy using your Parent Login.

  2. Select the child’s profile who you want to set a job for.

  3. Tap ‘Jobs’.

  4. Tap the add Job toolbox icon.

  5. Select each child you want to set the job for, tap ‘Next’.

  6. Enter the job name, or select from the common jobs names, tap ‘Next’.

  7. If you want the job to repeat, select ‘Yes’, or for a one-off job select ‘No’, then tap ‘Next’.

  8. For recurring jobs, select which days, or ‘Any time this week’, tap ‘Next’.

  9. Tap ‘No’ for an unpaid or ‘Yes’ for a paid job, tap ‘Next’.

    1. If ‘Yes’, enter the amount to be paid for the Job, tap ‘Next’.

    2. Select where you want the payment to be made for each child, tap ‘Next’.

  10. Tap ‘Confirm’ (from this screen you can edit any option).

How to approve a Job

  1. Log into Spriggy using your Parent login.

  2. Select the child’s profile whose job you’d like to approve.

  3. Tap ‘Jobs’, (if a job has been submitted for approval, you’ll find them here).

  4. Tap on the Job(s) with the orange icon ‘Awaiting your approval’ (you can select multiple).

  5. Tap ‘Approve Job’ at the bottom of the screen (if it’s a paid job, you’ll need to confirm the instant payment too).

Please note: You’ll be prompted to Top Up your Parent Wallet if you don’t have enough money to approve a paid job.

How to edit a Job

  1. Log into Spriggy using your Parent login.

  2. Select the child’s profile whose job you want to edit, then tap ‘Jobs’.

  3. Tap the name of the Job you’d like to edit.

  4. Here you can edit any of the Job details (if you’d like to add more kids to the job, you’ll need to delete and recreate the job).

  5. Tap ‘Save Updates’ to confirm.

Note: You can only edit jobs that haven’t been approved this week.

How to delete a Job

  1. Log into Spriggy using your Parent login.

  2. Select the child’s profile whose job you want to edit, then tap ‘Jobs’.

  3. Tap the title of the job you’d like to delete.

  4. Tap ‘Delete’ (for repeating jobs, you’ll need to confirm if you’re deleting the job for this week or all weeks).

  5. Tap ‘Delete Job’.

Note: You can only delete jobs that haven’t been approved this week.

How your kids can request approval for jobs

  1. They need to log into Spriggy using their Child Login.

  2. Tap ‘Earn’.

  3. Find ‘Jobs’ and tap their parent’s name to approve the job (e.g. From John).

  4. Tap the job(s) for approval.

  5. Tap ‘Submit for approval’, then ‘Yes, submit for approval’.

Next time the parent logs in, they’ll see the jobs that have been submitted for approval in the Jobs section of the Parent Login. Parents can approve jobs, even if approval hasn’t been requested.

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