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ClientConnect Configuration Guide

Learn how to configure various ClientConnect features.

Updated over a month ago

ClientConnect provides your clients with access to some of their information in Penelope via a mobile-friendly portal.

By using the ClientConnect portal your clients can see their profile, calendar, message history, account balance and much more. ClientConnect enables clients to actively participate in their service provision with the ability to complete new Documents and message their Service Provider. Clients also have the ability to pay invoices (if configured) and view records of past transactions.

ClientConnect Configuration Guide


Getting started


About ClientConnect

ClientConnect is a client portal giving your clients access to some of their information in Penelope. In their portal your clients can see their profile, their calendar, message history, account balance and more.

Further, ClientConnect enables clients to actively participate in their service provision with the ability to complete new and see previously completed Documents and message their worker. Clients can also have the ability to pay invoices and view a record of past transactions. When ClientConnect is installed/enabled and clients have consented to receive email communication, staff can initiate email-based communication (either a Workflow or Discussion) sent from Penelope to the client. Clients are presented with a link to an external-facing webpage where they can either complete Document(s) or reply to a Discussion.

Note that communication via SMS is not currently supported for ClientConnect. Note: Record of communications sent to clients through ClientConnect cannot be deleted from Penelope including manually created and Action Trigger-based communications.

You also cannot delete Documents completed by a client or a client’s response to a Discussion. Consequently, any records (for example, Service File, Individual Profile etc.) that include client-facing communication cannot be deleted from Penelope.

What Clients See in Client Connect

About Me

In the About Me tile clients can enter or edit basic information like name, date of birth, gender and language. Clients can also add new or update contact methods including their address.


In the Calendar tile clients will see any upcoming events laid out in a timeline from soonest to furthest away. They can also see a history of all past events. By clicking into an event in their calendar, clients can confirm their attendance at an event, pay for a specific event or start a discussion with their worker.


The Inbox tile is where clients can see communication from your organization. Their inbox will show discussions, appointment reminders and notifications of tasks to complete. From your inbox you can also reply to communications from a worker or start a new discussion with a worker.

My Account

In the My Account tile clients can see what they owe and pay their account balance. They have the ability to pay individual events or settle their entire account. It is here that clients will be able to see (and print) invoices and receipts. They can also start a discussion with your agency’s accounting department. The My Account tile is optional in ClientConnect. Please see Billing in ClientConnect.

My ClientConnect

The My ClientConnect tile is where clients can manage their ClientConnect account settings. This includes their login information and their preferred methods of communication.

My Services

In the My Services tile clients can see an overview of the services they are enrolled in. From here they can start a discussion with their worker or request a new event with their worker. Clients can see their services in a timeline from here.

Things I Need to Do

Things I Need to Do is where clients will see tasks they need to complete. This includes filling out single documents or checklist items, meaning a series of documents.

Email and site footers In ClientConnect the footer houses information about your agency and access to the privacy policy and terms of use you upload to ClientConnect. The footer also links to relevant articles on our client-facing ClientConnect help site.

Configuring ClientConnect


About Configuring ClientConnect

Before you begin configuring ClientConnect please ensure that ClientConnect has been successfully installed for your Penelope database. We highly recommend against enabling ClientConnect in a production environment until you have successfully installed ClientConnect.

If the Penelope components of ClientConnect are enabled in a production environment prior to the installation of ClientConnect clients with Message Settings enabled could receive emails requesting they complete documents and respond to discussions. Until ClientConnect has been installed the links in these emails will not be functional.

For more information about installing ClientConnect contact our Technical Support team by logging a ticket here. You can also install ClientConnect for a sandbox environment. If your sandbox environment contains a copy of data from a production database and you intend to test ClientConnect functionality in the sandbox we recommend you consider removing data from Individual Message settings to ensure absolutely no erroneous emails are delivered to individuals.

ClientConnect configuration must be completed in two sections of the System Administration panel: External Communications and ClientConnect. Configuring the Authentication Email component of External Communications is a mandatory component of the ClientConnect configuration process as the ClientConnect setup section cannot be modified until email has been successfully configured. Once you have configured email you will then need to enable Client Delivery in the client Message Settings section and configure additional settings.

If you have previously configured External Communications and enabled client delivery the ClientConnect feature will be available for configuration immediately upon upgrading. The remainder of the configuration tasks take place in the ClientConnect Setup section where you can choose which components of the ClientConnect feature you want to use and specify your agency URLs.

Process flow: Configure ClientConnect for the first time

Prerequisite: You must be logged in to Penelope using a System Administrator account.

Step 1: Configure External Communication settings

To enable the ClientConnect feature you must configure Authentication Email settings in the External Communication setup section. If you have already configured your External Communication settings for use with email (note that SMS cannot currently be used with ClientConnect) you can use the same settings.

For information about configuring Authentication Email please see the External Communication Guide here:

Ensure that you configure:

• General settings

• Authentication Email

• General Client Message settings Important Information:

• Step 7 in the External Communications Configuration Guide explains how to configure Individual Message Settings for clients. With ClientConnect you will complete additional steps to configure a ClientConnect account.

See Steps below.

• For ClientConnect users to be able to change their Communications Settings, Event Confirmations and Event Updates must be turned on in Client Message Settings located in External Communications (Recipient Configuration tab).

Step 2: Configure ClientConnect

1. In the System Setup section click ClientConnect.

2. Click Edit.

3. In the General Settings section configure the following settings:

4. In the About Me section configure the following setting: Enable Edit Your Profile on About Me -- Indicate whether all ClientConnect users will be allowed to edit their own Individual Profile through ClientConnect. This defaults to “No” (unchecked).

5. In the Agency section configure the following settings:

6. In the Advanced section configure the following settings:

7. In the Request a Service Settings section configure the following settings:

8. In the Billing section configure the following settings:

9. Click Save.

Note: It can take up to 15 minutes for the Help, Privacy Policy, Technical Problems and Organization Contact URLs to update on the ClientConnect site (although they will take immediate effect in emails sent to clients).

Step 3a: Configure the look of ClientConnect

1. In the System Setup section click ClientConnect.

2. Click the Images tab.

3. Click Edit.

4. To set your Agency Logo select Agency Logo from the Image dropdown.

5. Upload a file with your agency logo. For best results upload an image with a transparent background.

Note: At this time Penelope does not support .svg files for the Agency Logo

6. For all other tiles select the tile with the image you would like to set or change from the Image dropdown.

7. The Preview will show which image is currently select. To change the image choose your desired image from the Select New Image options.

8. Click Save.

Step 3b: Enable Worker Photos in ClientConnect

1. In the System Setup section click File Attachment.

2. Click Edit.

3. Click the checkbox next to Enable Worker Photo.

4. Click Save.

Step 4: Customize Documents for use with ClientConnect

For more information about customizing client facing Documents for use with the ClientConnect feature visit:

Step 5: Customize Action Triggers for use with ClientConnect

For more information about customizing Action Triggers for use with the ClientConnect feature click here:

Configure Client Facing Name


The Client Facing Name will appear in ClientConnect instead of the Case Service Name or Informal Service Name.

Prerequisite: You must be logged in to Penelope using an account with a User Group of Intake-Mgmt or AdminExecutive and appropriate permissions. A ClientConnect license key must also be installed for this field to appear.

Configure a Case Service/Informal Service Client Facing Name

1. From the My Home screen navigate to the Setup tab on the righthand side.

2. Select Service List.

3. Select the Case Service/Informal Service you would like to edit

4. Click Edit.

5. Enter/Edit the Client Facing Name.

6. Click Save.

The Client Facing Name will also be shown on the Case Service and Informal Service Lists.

Configure a Group Client Facing Name

1. From the My Home screen navigate to the Links tab on the righthand side.

2. Select Group List.

3. Select the Group you would like to edit.

4. Click Edit.

5. Enter/Edit the Client Facing Name.

6. Click Save.

Configure an Informal Series Client Facing Name

1. From the My Home screen navigate to the Links tab on the righthand side.

2. Select Informal Series List.

3. Select the Series you would like to edit.

4. Click Edit.

5. Enter/Edit the Client Facing Name.

6. Click Save.

Make a Case Service, Informal Service, Group or Informal Series visible in ClientConnect


It is possible to configure which Case Services, Informal Services, Groups and Informal Series are visible to users when logged into ClientConnect. When a Case Service is set to visible in ClientConnect all Groups below that Case Service will also be visible.

This is the default setting but can be overridden in Group setup. The same applies to an Informal Service and Informal Series. A warning will appear confirming you wish to proceed.

Prerequisite: You must be logged in to Penelope using an account with a User Group of Intake-Mgmt or Admin-Executive and appropriate permissions. A ClientConnect license key must be installed for this functionality to be available.

Make a Case Service/Informal Service visible in ClientConnect

1. From the My Home screen navigate to the Setup tab on the righthand side.

2. Select Service List.

3. Select the Case Service/Informal Service you would like to edit.

4. Click Edit.

5. Check/Uncheck the Visible in ClientConnect field as required.

6. Click Save.

Make a Group visible in ClientConnect

1. From the My Home screen navigate to the Links tab on the righthand side.

2. Select Group List.

3. Select the Group you would like to edit.

4. Click Edit.

5. Check/Uncheck the Visible in ClientConnect field as required.

6. Click Save.

Make an Informal Series visible in ClientConnect

1. From the My Home screen navigate to the Links tab on the righthand side.

2. Select Informal Series List.

3. Select the Series you would like to edit.

4. Click Edit.

5. Check/Uncheck the Visible in ClientConnect field as required.

6. Click Save.

Make a Case Service, Informal Service, Group or Informal Series available for Pre-Enrollment


It is possible to configure which Case Services, Informal Services, Groups and Informal Series are available for Pre-Enrollment by the ClientConnect user.

Prerequisite: You must be logged in to Penelope using an account with a User Group of Intake-Mgmt or AdminExecutive and appropriate permissions.

Make a Case Service/Informal Service available for Pre-Enrollment

1. From the My Home screen navigate to the Setup tab on the righthand side.

2. Select Service List.

3. Select the Case Service/Informal Service you would like to edit

4. Click Edit.

5. Check/Uncheck the Eligible for Pre-Enrollment via ClientConnect as required.

6. Click Save.

Make a Group available for Pre-Enrollment

1. From the My Home screen navigate to the Links tab on the righthand side.

2. Select Group List.

3. Select the Group you would like to edit.

4. Click Edit.

5. Check/Uncheck the Eligible for Pre-Enrollment via ClientConnect as required.

6. Click Save.

Make an Informal Series available for Pre-Enrollment

1. From the My Home screen navigate to the Links tab on the righthand side.

2. Select Informal Series List.

3. Select the Series you would like to edit.

4. Click Edit.

5. Check/Uncheck the Eligible for Pre-Enrollment via ClientConnect as required.

6. Click Save.

Create a ClientConnect account for a Client

For more information about creating ClientConnect accounts see the Creating and Managing ClientConnect Accounts guide here.

Note: To send activations for new ClientConnect accounts the Worker must belong to a Security Class with Allow ClientConnect Activations enabled (checkbox ticked/green).


Configuring Billing for ClientConnect

To use the online payment function of ClientConnect you will first need to have enabled the Credit Card module in Penelope. You will also need to add a Gateway Account specific to ClientConnect. For more information on how to Configure the Credit Card module please see the following page: Billing Setup Prerequisite: You must be logged in to Penelope using a System Administrator account.

Enable the Credit Card module

It is possible that you may have already enabled this for use in Penelope.

1. In the System Setup section click Credit Card Setup.

2. On the Credit Card Setup page click Edit.

3. Click the Use Credit Card Interface option.

4. Click Save.

Add a Gateway Account

1. In the System Setup section click Credit Card Setup.

2. Select Add Gateway Account.

3. In the Select Gateway drop down select the appropriate Gateway for which you have an account.

4. In the Payment Method list select ClientConnect.

5. Select the appropriate Usage Mode from the list.

6. In the Currency field type the base currency that is understood to be the unit of transaction between Penelope and the Credit Card Provider. Acceptable values are ISO 4217 compliant codes. Refer to for the complete list. Common values include:

  • American Dollar = USD

  • Australian Dollar = AUD

  • Great Britain Pound = GBP

  • Canadian Dollar = CAD

  • New Zealand Dollar = NZD

Note: If you do not have a Gateway account with one of the providers you will first need to create an account with them.

Note: We highly recommend choosing Pre-production to test your settings as this mode does not process real payments. Production should be reserved for processing and applying real payments.

7. Fill in the necessary fields for your Gateway provider.

8. Click Save.

Test the ClientConnect Billing Setup

1. Create a test Service Event for a test individual. Ensure that you have access to this test individual’s ClientConnect.

2. Set the attendance for the Service Event to “Show”.

3. Invoice the Service Event.

4. Login to the test individual’s instance of ClientConnect select the My Account tile.

5. You should now be able to see the invoice you just processed. Select it.

6. Select Pay This Invoice.

7. Read the pop-up and when you’re ready select Continue.

8. Follow the on-screen instructions of your chosen Gateway provider. Once you have confirmed that the test payment is successful you can create a Production account for your Gateway provider. Follow the instructions above for Add a Gateway Account. Note: All of this should be done with a test individual. Testing should not be done with real information.

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