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Intake Wizard Setup
Updated over a week ago

Attention: Athena is now Bonterra. Please bear with us as we update our screenshots to match our new name

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The Intake Wizard allows you to quickly add a new client to Penelope while still collecting necessary contact, demographic, referral and preliminary Case information. At the same time the Intake Wizard will automatically create the Case.

Although there are several standard components to the Intake Wizard your agency also has the ability to customize the types of information and questions collected.

You will need to be logged in with a System Administrator account to configure the Intake Wizard.

Settings Tab

The settings tab allows you to configure settings relating to the Case File, Members, Pre-Enrollment and Instruction Text.

Edit Settings

1. In the System Setup section select Intake Wizard.

2. Click Edit.

3. Configure as required (field information below).

4. Click Save.

Information Regarding Settings Fields

Case File Fields

Use Case Step – If enabled a Case screen will be included in the Intake Wizard. This screen captures Case related information (i.e. information which can be found at the Case level in Penelope). You can customize which Case fields are included on this page on the Intake Wizard > Fields tab.

Include Presenting Issue – If enabled five Presenting Issue fields are included on the Case screen. You can use these fields to capture Presenting Issue information for a client. Note: To enable this option you must first enable Use Case Step.

Include Intake Summary – If enabled a rich text field labelled Intake Summary is included on the Case screen. You can use this field to enter additional intake related information about the client. Note: To enable this option you must first enable Use Case Step.

Include Sliding Scale Information – If your organization uses the Sliding Scale feature and this option is enabled, Sliding Scale questions will be included on the Case screen. Note: To enable this option you must first enable Use Case Step.

Use Referral Steps – If enabled this you will be able to enter inbound Referral information as part of the Intake Wizard.

Disable Adding Multiple People to Case – If selected you will not be able to add multiple new clients to the same Case while completing the Intake Wizard.

Member Fields

Include Add Collateral Contact – If enabled Workers will have the option to enter a Collateral Contact (e.g. doctor, lawyer, teacher etc) while completing the Intake Wizard.

Pre-Enrollment Fields

Pre-Enrollment Configuration – This option allows you to configure whether or not the Pre-Enrollment feature is included in the Intake Wizard.

There are three options available:

  • Off: The Pre-Enrollment list is disabled on the Intake Wizard.

  • Automatically: All clients are automatically added to Pre-Enrollment.

  • User Option: The Worker completing the Intake Wizard can specify whether the client is added to Pre-Enrollment or not.

Add to Pre-Enrollment – If you choose the Pre-Enrollment Configuration setting User Option you can further specify how the Pre-Enrollment setting behaves on the Intake Wizard.

You can make the setting:

  • Required: The client will automatically be added to the Pre-Enrollment list but the Worker can choose the Pre-Enrollment Reason (unless the User Cannot Modify Reason option is enabled).

  • Default Checked: The Pre-Enrollment option is automatically checked but the Worker has the ability to uncheck the option if the client should not be added to Pre-Enrollment.

  • Default Unchecked: The Pre-Enrollment option is automatically unchecked but the Worker has the ability to check the option if the client should be added to Pre-Enrollment.

Note: You can modify the default Pre-Enrollment Reason from the Pre-Enrollment Setup page.

User cannot modify reason – If enabled the Worker completing the Intake Wizard cannot modify the Reason the client is being placed on the Pre-Enrollment List.

Include Pre-Enrollment On List Date – Add the date the client was added to the Pre-Enrollment List to the Intake Wizard.

Instruction Text Fields

Intake Summary Note Heading – If you have enabled the Use Case Step option you can populate this field to add a text heading to the Intake Summary field on the Case page.

Intake Wizard Add Case Member Text – You can populate this field with any additional text that you want to appear below the Add another individual to this case in the next step? option on the Intake Wizard.

The Add another individual to this case in the next step? option is used when you have completed an Intake on one client and wish to add another client to the same Case at the same time (i.e. a family member who will also be receiving service).

Note: The text in this field does not display on the Intake Wizard if you have turned on the Disable Adding Multiple People to Case setting.

Fields Tab

Here you can select which Case and Individual (Member) user defined fields will appear in the Intake Wizard.

Case Fields

  • To see a full list of available Case user defined fields click all. It is also possible to display a list of active/inactive fields by clicking active/inactive.

  • To activate/deactivate Case user defined fields on the Intake Wizard (Case screen) click the plus (+) or minus (-) icons.

  • To order fields click on the Field Name, check Move Field, then select the field it should appear before from the drop-down and click Save.

Member Fields

  • To see a full list of available Individual (Member) user defined fields click all. It is also possible to display a list of active/inactive fields by clicking active/inactive.

  • To activate/deactivate fields on the Intake Wizard (Members screen) click the plus (+) or minus (-) icons.

  • Fields without a plus (+) or minus (-) icon are core fields and cannot be removed.

  • To order fields click on the Field Name, check Move Field, then select the field it should appear before from the drop-down and click Save.

  • To copy fields click on the Field Name, check Copy from Primary and then click Save. Copy from Primary will copy the field value from the Primary Member to any additional Members (saves having to enter it twice but it can however be overwritten if required).

Additional Information

For information on how to add an Individual in Penelope using the Intake Wizard click here.

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