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Adding a Service File
Updated over a week ago

When adding an Individual (client) to Penelope using the Intake Wizard, a Case is automatically created at the same time. The Case is considered pending until the Individual (client) has been enrolled in one or more services.

There are two ways of enrolling an Individual (client) into a service:

This tutorial covers the Add Service File function. For information about the Add Service File Wizard click here.

You can easily enroll an Individual (client) in a service using the Add Service File feature. The Add Service File feature allows you to enroll an Individual (client) in a service where you know in advance which Worker the Individual (client) will be assigned to. Additionally, you can enroll an Individual (client) in a group service using the Add Service File feature.

Enroll a client in service using the Add Service File feature

About the Add Service File feature If you add a client to your Penelope database using the Intake Wizard, a Case is automatically created for the client at the same time. The Case is considered pending until the client has been enrolled in one or more services. You can easily enroll a client in a service using the Add Service File feature.

The Add Service File feature allows you to enroll a client in a service where you know in advance which worker the client will be assigned to. Additionally, you can enroll a client in a group service using the Add Service File feature. In this tutorial, we’ll be looking at how to assign a client to a non-group service.

Search for the client’s Case

If you are already listed as the primary worker on the case, you can select the case from the My Case Load section of your homepage. Otherwise, you can search for the case by launching the Search feature from any screen in Penelope.

  1. On the Search page, click the Case tab.

  2. In the Case Name field, type the last name of the client.

  3. Type any additional identifying information as required. Note: if the client does not have any other open service files yet, change the Case Status drop-down to ‘Pending’ to make sure your search is successful.

  4. Click Go.

Create the Service File


In the Results list, click the Case Name.


In the Service Files section, click Add Service File.


In the Service drop-down list, select the service you want to enroll the client in.


  1. In the Primary Worker field, start typing the name of the worker you want to assign the client to and select the appropriate name.

  2. In the Start field, type the service file start date. If applicable, in the End field, type the service end date. You can leave this blank if it is unknown.

  3. If applicable, in the Estimated Sessions field, type the number of sessions you think the client will require.

  4. If applicable, type up to three Diagnosis Codes (depending on how Penelope has been configured, the heading label for Diagnosis Codes may vary. For example, your may see Problem Areas, Presenting Issues, ICD-10, etc. instead).

  5. If there are multiple members of the case, in the Participant Name section, verify which members should be included in the Service File, who the Presenting Participant is, and who the Fee-for-Service individual is (if applicable).

  6. Click Save.

After you finish

The client is enrolled in service and assigned a primary worker.

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