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Document Questions

All about various document building components and question types.

Updated over a week ago

Questions are the main components of your Document. You can populate your Document with a variety of Question Types by adding them to the Main Body, a Page, Sections, Groups, and/or Composite Questions. If your Document includes Scoring, you can create Scored Questions for Number, Date, and List-type questions.

Question Types

The table below provides information about each of the available Question types including formatting options and customization options available for the specific question type.

Important Note:

Certain elements may appear different on Engage/ClientConnect than they do when being filled out within Penelope itself. This is by design.


For questions where the response is a number. Number-based questions require a numerical input to respond to the question. For currency and percentage questions, responders are only required to type a numerical value into the response field as formatting for response is automatically included in the finished Document. Depending on the format that you select, you can specify the decimal place. For example, to format a number that appears as “10.55,” set the decimal place to 2

Integers (simple, unformatted numbers)






Point Scale (sets the lower limit to 1 and forces an upper limit on the input)

Number question point scale




Number question with slider format

Spinner Input (spinner input with range checks)

Number question with spinner input format


For questions where the response is a text-based answer.

The short text option provides a small text field and is designed for capturing short text responses from the responder (though there is no limitation to the number of characters that you can type in the short text box).

Short Text Question

The rich text option provides a large text field with formatting capabilities and is designed to capture long text responses from the responder.

Rich Text Question


For questions where the response is a yes or no. For example, if a client has experimented with drugs or alcohol in the past 6 months.

For Yes Check Box questions, clicking the box indicates “yes,” and leaving the box unchecked indicates “no.”

Yes Checkbox Question

Yes/No questions are automatically required questions, but you can choose to include “n/a” as a response option.

Yes/No Question


For questions where the response is a date. For example, the date of the client’s last medical examination.

Date Question

For the Date input with age in days format, the age in days is calculated (after the Document is finished) based on the Document date and the date entered in the date field.

Date Question with Age in Days

For the Date input with age in years, the age in years is calculated (after the Document is finished) based on the Document date and the date entered in the date field.

Date Question with Age in Years


For questions where the response is selected from a pre-defined list of options.

Check Box List (multi-select)

Multi-Select Checkboxes

Drop-down (single-select)

Drop-Down List

Radio List (single-select)

Radio List

Suggest Lookup (single-select)

Suggest Lookup List

You can choose to include a new list of response options or you can select an existing list of responses from the Shared List Group.

You can specify to Use Other which will allow the Worker to enter a value that is not in the list. To enter an Other value the Worker will need to enter the value and it will be saved the next time Update, Next or Finish is click. Please note that if you do not have Use Other enabled for the question you will still be able to enter a value but it will not be saved.

For checkbox list questions you can choose to only show the selected responses in a completed Document by selecting the Show Only Selected option.


For questions where the response is a worker’s name.

User Question

The response field is a Suggest Lookup and pulls from a list of active workers in your Penelope database.


For questions where the response is one or more services (Case Services, Informal Services, and Anonymous Services) provided by your agency.

Service Question

The Service question option displays a list of all active Services as the response options. Depending on the format that you select, the responder can choose one or more list options.

Case Service

For questions where the response is one or more Case Services provided by your agency. For example, if you want to specify the Case Service that you recommend for the client as a result of completing a supplemental Intake Document.

Case Service Question

The Case Service question option displays a list of active Case Services as the response options. Depending on the format that you select, the responder can choose one or more list options.


To create a comment between questions.

Question comment

Comments can be used to provide additional information to the person completing the Document, context for upcoming questions, etc.

Note: If you deactivate a Comment box in a question in a Document template, all Documents (including completed Documents in client files) will be impacted.

Data Field

For questions where you want to populate the response automatically based on single-field data that is already captured elsewhere in Penelope. For example, if you record a client’s ethnicity on their Individual Profile, you can automatically populate the response with that data.

Data field question

Data Field questions pull the data live from Penelope regardless of what state the Document is in (i.e. unlocked or locked). For example, if you include a data field question for a client’s date of birth, the field will automatically update to the current date of birth as of the day you view the already completed Document; i.e. if you need to capture the client’s static date of birth, you should consider using the Date question type.

Data List

For questions where you want to populate the response automatically based on list-based data that is already captured elsewhere in Penelope. For example, a list of Collateral Contacts.

Data List Question

Data List questions pull the data live from Penelope regardless of what state the Document is in (i.e. unlocked or locked).


For questions where the response is one of the sites of operation at your agency. You can choose between a Drop-down and a Suggest Lookup formatting.


Site Question Drop-down

Suggest Lookup

Site Question Suggest Lookup

Question Properties Reference

There are several properties available for you to customize when you create a new Question, and it’s worth spending some time reviewing them. The options you select affect the way you use the Question and how it looks.

The Add Question screen can include a New Scored Question, Response, Displayed Text, and Scoring sections depending on the Question Type you choose. The specific options available within each section also vary depending on the Question Type.

New Question Example using the Number Question Type

An example of the Add New Question screen using a Scored Number Question Type.

New Question Options



Applicable Question Types


The question as you want it to appear in your Document.


Question Type

The type or style of question that you want to ask.


List Group

Applicable to List-based questions, you can choose to include a New List of response options or you can select an existing list of responses from the Shared List Group.


Question Format

Your preferred formatting for the question. In some cases, the chosen formatting is purely aesthetic while in other cases, the chosen formatting can impact how users respond to a question.

Case Service

Show Only Selected

For List - Check box list questions, you can choose to only show the selected responses in a completed Document.


Decimal Place

For Number questions, the number of decimal places to display in a completed question. For example, to format a number that appears as "10.55," set the decimal place to 2.


Use Other

For List questions, you can include an "Other" option in list which allows the responder to type a custom response.


Share Question

You can choose to make the question available for use in other Documents.

Note: Shared questions are truly shared. If you make a change to the question, the change propagates through all Documents using it.


Response Options



Applicable Question Types

Question Answer

You can specify whether or not responding to a question is optional or required. Depending on the question type, the Question Answer drop-down list may include the following options:

Optional: The responder does not have to provide an answer to continue completing the Document.

Required: The responder must provide an answer to the question to continue completing the Document.

Required with n/a: If the responder does not provide a response to the question, you are given the option of selecting "n/a" (not answered). If you choose this Question Answer type, you can also specify whether or not to Hide N/A (meaning the N/A text will be hidden for the question in the Document).

All (except Comment, Data Field, and Data List)


You can specify a default answer for a question. Depending on the question type that you select, the way you set the default response may vary. For example, to set a default response to a text-based question, you would type the default text whereas to set a default response to a yes/no-based question, you would select the yes, no, or no default radio button.


Lower limit

For number-based questions, you can specify the lower limit or the minimum numerical value that a responder can indicate.


Upper limit

For number-based questions, you can specify the upper limit or the maximum numerical value that a responder can indicate.


Display Text Options



Applicable Question Types

Number Question

If checked, the question will be numbered.

All (except Comment)

Inline Question

If checked, the response area will be displayed inline or next to the question. If unchecked, the response area will be displayed directly below the question. Note: this formatting option is not available for Rich Text questions.

All (except Rich Text and Comment)

Comment Type and
Comment Label

You can add a text/comment box after a question to provide the responder an additional space to type information about their response. You can choose to include a short text (for short responses) or rich text (for long responses) comment type.

If you include a comment type, you can also specify a comment label. The comment label can serve as a way to provide additional information or context to the responder for the type of information they should include in the comment.

Case Service


The abbreviation option allows you to specify an abbreviated version of a question name for use with composite questions. The abbreviated text will appear as the question name when the question is included within the composite question type but not for other question types. This option is particularly useful if you are including a shared question within a composite and the standard question name is quite long.

Case Service

Help Text

You can include helper text or an explanation of the question that will appear when the responder mouses over the question.

All (except Comment)

Lower end point text

For slider number-based questions, you can specify text that appears at the lower end point of the slider. For example: unsatisfied, unhappy, low, etc.

Number - Slider format only

Upper end point text

For slider number-based questions, you can specify text that appears at the upper end point of the slider. For example: very satisfied, happy, high, etc.

Number - Slider format only


A drop-down of Data source options. The list is organized into two sections: Applicable Values and Additional Values. The Applicable Values list is based on the data sources available for the Assigned Class(es) you chose for the Document. The Additional Values list includes other data sources available in Penelope but might not be available to pull into the Document. For example, if the Document is completed at the Service Event level, but you specify Anonymous Services as the data source, the data field is unable to feed through to the Document.

Data Field
Data List

Data Field

The specific data points available based on your chosen Data source.

Data Field

Data List

The specific data list points available based on your chosen Data source.

Data List

Scoring Options



Applicable Question Types


A drop-down list of Question Scores created for the Document.
Optional: The responder does not have to provide an answer to continue completing the Document.

Required: The responder must provide an answer to the question to continue completing the Document.

Required with n/a: The responder must provide an answer to the question but is given an additional option of "n/a".


Reverse Scale


Weight Operator

Add, Divide, Exponent, Multiple, Subtract


Weight Value


Creating New Questions

Before creating a new Question, review the Question properties reference topic for information about each field or property available for you to customize.


For information about adding Shared Questions, see the Add a shared question to your Document topic.

  1. Complete one of the following options:

    1. To add a question from the Main Body or a Page, click Add Element.

    2. To add a question within another element, click Add.

  2. From the Class drop-down list, click Question.

  3. Choose whether you want to create a New Question or New Scored Question (Numbers, Dates, or Lists only). Tip

    Before creating a New Scored Question, create your Scores first! Creating your Scores before creating your Questions saves you time as you won’t need to convert your Questions to Scored Questions later.

  4. In the New (Scored) Question section, type the Name of the question as you want it to appear in the Document and other basic formatting options.

  5. In the Response section, choose your response parameters.

  6. In the Displayed Text section, choose any additional display formatting you want to include for the question.

  7. If you’re creating a Scored question, in the Scoring section, choose the appropriate options for the question.

  8. Click Save.

After you finish

If you chose a List Question with the New List option, be sure to Create your list!

Creating Lists

Lists are the single or multi-select options available for your Checkbox, Drop-Down, Radio List, and Suggest Lookup questions. Lists can be unique to the question or Shared for use across multiple Questions in Documents (the Document you’re currently working on as well as all other Documents in Penelope!).

Create a new list

Step 1: Edit the List Settings

  1. Next to your list question name, click New List.

    New List
  2. On the Question List Group page, click Edit.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for the list.

  4. To share the list, click the Share List.Note

    If you are going to share the List for use in other Questions, we recommend including an easily identifiable name for the list.

  5. To determine how items in your List are sorted, from the Sort List By section, select a sorting method.

  6. In the Number of Columns field, specify how many columns you’d like your List items to be divided into. If you have many list items, consider using multiple columns.

  7. If required, click the Score List

  8. Click Save.

Step 2: Create the list values

  1. In the Active Values section, click Add.

  2. In the Name field, type the value.

  3. To set the value as the default response, click Make Default.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 as required.

Share a List

You can share lists that you create for use in other Documents. If you share a list, it will appear the same for every Document that you use it in. Further, if you make a change to the list, the change will affect all Documents that use the question.


If you share a List, you cannot un-share it.

Sharing lists is particularly useful for group questions that require you to answer several questions from the same list of values; for example, if you have 10 questions that require responses on a scale like: very likely, likely, somewhat likely, unlikely, very unlikely. This scenario requires that you create the list once for the first question and then use a shared list for all remaining questions.

  1. Click the list.

  2. In the Question List Group page, click Edit.

  3. Type a Name for the list.

  4. Click the Share List option.

  5. Click Save.

Sharing Questions

You can share questions that you create to use in other Documents. If you share a question, it will appear the same for every Document that you use it in. Further, if you make a change to the question, the change will affect all Documents that use the question.

When you create a new question, you have the option to share the question for future use. You can also choose to share a question after it has been created.

Make an existing Question a Shared Question

  1. Locate the question that you want to share.

  2. Click the question name.

  3. Click the Share Question

  4. Click Save.

Add a Shared Question to your Document

You can add shared questions to your Document. Questions can be added to the Main Body, a page, sections, groups, and composite questions.

  1. Complete one of the following options:

    1. To add a section from the Main Body or a Page, click Add Element.

    2. To add a section within another section, click Add.

  2. From the Class drop-down list, click Question.

  3. In the Add section, click Shared Question.

  4. In the Question field, type the name of the question you want to use. Note: the name of the question corresponds exactly with the value typed in the Name field.

  5. Complete one of the following options:

    1. To select the question from the suggested lookup list, click the question.

    2. To view the full list of shared questions, click Show All then select the question.

  6. Click Save.

Modifying Questions

If you discover that you need to change an aspect of your Question’s properties after you create it, review the following table for information about what Question properties you can modify whether the Document is In Progress (i.e. prior to Finalizing for the first time or after you’ve created a New Revision) or while the Document is Finalized.


Modifying items that don’t require a new revision to complete the change impact all Documents (including those completed by and for clients). For example, if you change the wording of a Question in the Name field, all Documents in Penelope are affected by that change. Consider whether or not renaming a Question is the most appropriate choice. Does it negatively impact completed Documents to make this change? Would it be better to create a new Revision of the Document and then remove the old Question and add a new Question with the updated wording? While fixing a spelling mistake is quite a simple change, significant changes to wording could erroneously or negatively impact existing completed Documents.

Document Status



In Progress





Question Type



List Group



Question Format



Show Only Selected



Decimal Place



Use Other



Share Question



Response Options

Question Answer






Lower Limit



Upper Limit



Display Text Options

Number Question



Inline Question



Comment Type / Comment Label






Help Text



Lower End Point Text



Upper End Point Text






Data Field / Data List







Reverse Scale



Weight Operator



Weight Value




*You must create a new Question to change the Question Type.

**Question Formats cannot be changed from or to having multiple answers. This is applicable to List, User, Service, Case Service, and Site Questions.

***While you cannot change the Score the Question is associated with through a drop-down value, you can remove the Question from the Score and add a new Score.

Other Actions

The following actions always require that you create a new Revision of your Document (i.e. your Document status must be In Progress):

  • Adding new Questions

  • Removing Questions

  • Reordering Questions

  • Moving Questions to a different Page, Section, Group, or Composite Question

Modify a Question’s General Properties

  1. From the Main Body or Page, Section, Group, or Composite Question, click the Question you want to modify.

  2. Modify the values that you want to change.

  3. Click Save.

Remove a Question

  1. Locate the Question you want to remove from your Document and click the adjacent Show Detail option.

    Show Detail for a question
  2. Click Remove.

    Remove a question
  3. Click Okay to confirm your action.

Reorder Questions

  1. From the Main Body or Page, Section, Group, or Composite Question, click Reorder.

    Example of reordering questions in a Composite Question
  2. Click the up and down arrows to change the position of the Question.

    Reordering questions
  3. Click Save.

Move a Question

  1. Locate the Question you want to remove from your Document and click the adjacent Show Detail option.

    Show Detail for a question
  2. Click Move.

    Moving a Question
  3. Select where you want to move the Question to.

  4. Click Save.

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