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Batch Page
Updated over a week ago

Once you have generated your invoices in batch mode you will be taken to the Batch page. The invoices created as part of the batch will be displayed in the Invoices section.

Each Bill To name is linked to either an Individual or Funder Profile depending on who is being invoiced for the Service Units. It is also possible to preview the Invoice by clicking Preview next to the Bill To name.

From this page it is also possible to Preview the invoice by clicking the applicable Preview link.

Reassign an Invoice to a Different Batch

To reassign an invoice to an unposted batch click the reassign link, choose the batch you would like to assign the Invoice to and click Save. This will remove the invoice from its existing batch and move it to the new unposted batch.

Delete an Invoice from a Batch

To delete an invoice from the current batch click the minus (-) icon next to the relevant invoice.

Post a Batch

Until a batch is posted it is possible to reassign and delete invoices from the batch. Once the batch has been posted this is no longer possible, posting effectively finalizes the batch. To post the batch click the post batch link.

EDI 837 and Printing

Once you have posted the batch a number of options will appear on the page.

These options include:

  • Create an EDI 837 – You will see an EDI box with a link allowing you to create an EDI 837 for the batch. An Add 837 screen will appear where you can adjust any settings for your EDI including Transaction Set Purpose, Claim Frequency and View List. Click create or cancel as required.

  • Once a batch has been posted, you will also see a Print Documents section appear on the right of the page. From here you can print a Batch List, invoices, claims, CMS 1500 forms (including test copies), Medicare template etc.

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