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Informal Service Page
Updated over a week ago

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The Informal Service page displays a snapshot view of the Informal Service and includes (but not limited to) the Client Facing Name, related Series, start date, end date, status, notes etc.

Edit an Informal Service

To edit an Informal Service click the edit button located in the top right-hand corner of the screen. The fields below can be edited.

Delete an Informal Service

To delete an Informal Service click the delete button located in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Depending on your database configuration you may be asked for a password to delete the Informal Service.

It should also be noted that it may not be possible to delete the Informal Service if there are attached Series, Documents etc. If this is the case, these will need to be deleted prior to the Informal Service being deleted.

Series Sidebar

Instances of Informal Services offered at different times are called Informal Series (e.g. you may have a larger Informal Service called Educational Events and then set up an Informal Series called Educational Series Winter 2019 and Education Series Autumn 2019). There are no individualized session notes or billing but attendance can be recorded using the roster.

The Series sidebar provides quick and easy access to all Series associated with the Informal Service. You also have the option to add new Series by clicking the add link.

For information on how to add a Series click here.

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