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Penelope | Penelope Chat

A rundown on Penelope Chat functionality and usage.

Updated over 5 months ago

Penelope Chat is an excellent tool to ask feature-related questions and search for articles.

Penelope Chat is an integration with Intercom that allows users to search the for help articles and chat with support while logged into Penelope. This allows clients to get help right while they’re in the product and streamlines our support team's workflow!

Our chat business hours are:

- from Mon to Friday from 9AM to 5PM EST and also 1PM to 4PM AEST

Note: please always check the message before talking with us to see if the chat is online and also to confirm the business hours for that day/week - that might change due to holidays or unexpected issues:

Please provide all details when you chat in, we can always follow up over email if you do not have time to chat. Alternatively, customers can still contact support through the portal or by email at, especially if the chat is offline.

Using Chat

When a user logs into Penelope, they will see a new icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

When clicked, the following bubble will open.

Open a New Conversation

Start a conversation with a representative by clicking "Send us a message" and begin asking questions. Please provide replication steps and the errors you are encountering.

Chat can support screenshot sharing. Chat cannot support sharing documents like Excel, Word, or PDF. Add attachments by clicking the paperclip icon in the chat window.

Please note, sensitive data and PHI/PII should NOT be shared through this chat feature. Although our chat platform is secure, please treat it like email and share only deidentified data or screenshots.

Download chat transcripts by clicking the arrow icon inside of the open chat window.

Send Gifs and Emojis to react to customer support by finding the smiley face and gif icons in the chat window.

Search the Knowledge Base

To search for an article, type what you’re looking for in the Find your answer now field and click the arrow button (or hit enter on your keyboard), Penelope Chat will show you articles that might help and you can view them right in Penelope.

If the first few articles don’t help, you can click See more results to be taken to the search in the knowledge base.

Find Old Conversations

When you open a conversation, it will be saved under Messages.

Users should open a new chat for every new issue. If a customer re-opens an old chat, the representative may ask the customer to open a new chat for the separate issue.

Chats will close after 15 minutes of inactivity. If the User does not respond, the representative will close the chat.

Read the News!

Use News to see recent product release notes and feature releases.

Cases and Chats

Chats will be saved, followed-up on, and closed through our Salesforce system. Each chat will be associated with a Salesforce Case Number. Each chat will be associated to a case number in Salesforce.

Customers can look at all their cases through the Salesforce Support Portal. They can look at their historic chats through the Chat application.

Managing Chat

Penelope Chat will be turned on for all users inside of Bonterra. If your organization would like to remove Penelope Chat from end users view, please contact support at . It would also be greatly appreciated if you could share your agency's reason for opting out of Penelope Chat, so that our team can work on improving it! (This is optional!)

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