Our goal is to simplify the reporting process for portfolio companies. Here are a couple steps you can take to make filling out an Investor Report even easier:
Link with your accounting system (see more here).
If you use Quickbooks or Xero, link your accounting system to get key financial KPIs like cash, revenue, opex, and net income updated on a monthly basis.
Metrics requested in an Investor Report are automatically populated, making the reporting process faster and more efficient.
Here is a list of metrics we are able to pull from an accounting integration:
Revenue, COGS, Gross Profit, OpEx, EBITDA, Net Operating Profit, Net Income, Cash in Bank, Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Net Burn, Runway
2. Add your outsourced accountant or financial consultant.
a. If you have an outsourced accountant or financial consultant, you may consider adding them to your account. Many companies have their accountant or financial consultant added as a team member on their account so they can upload files and/or complete the Investor Report.
b. Here are the steps to add a team member to your account.
Need further assistance? Feel free to reach out to support@standardmetrics.io