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Review Your Entire Amazon Portfolio

Review the performance of your Amazon product portfolio, see actionable recommendations, and navigate to keyword level opportunities.

Updated over a week ago

Review the performance of your entire Amazon product portfolio in the Portfolio Tab. Here you can narrow in on actionable recommendations to increase revenue and/or optimize ad spend. You can also quickly identify specific search term opporturtunities that you should focus on.

  1. Portfolio Performance This Month. These charts show your portfolio's aggregate click-through-rate (CTR) and conversion-rate (CVR) performance compared to the Market.

  2. Top 10 Products by Revenue. This chart displays your top 10 revenue-driving products. Easily identify which products to focus on using the color key. Products with a CVR above the market CVR are displayed in blue; products with a CVR below the market's are in pink; and products with a matching CVR to the market are shown in yellow.

  3. Top 50 Search Term Opportunities. This chart displays the top 50 search-term per ASIN opportunities for the most recent available week.

    1. The chart is divided into 4 different opportunity categories:

      1. Increase ad spend: These are search terms with a higher CTR and higher CVR than the market

      2. Decrease ad spend: These are search terms with a lower CTR and lower CVR than the market

      3. Improve preview: These search terms have a below-market CTR but an above-market CVR

      4. Improve content: These search terms have an above-market CTR but a below-market CVR

    2. Hovering over and clicking on any one of the points on the plot will automatically re-direct you to the Search Terms Deep Dive for that term/ASIN.

  4. Portfolio Products. This table shows revenue, CVR, CTR, organic rank, and pay-per-click (PPC) spend for each ASIN in your portfolio. Use the ASIN Selector in the upper righthand corner to filter down to one or more ASINs.

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