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Change Subscription Unit Types & Pricing

Learn how to change the unit type or price on a subscription

Updated over 7 months ago

You can easily change unit size or price at any point during a customer's subscription. Navigate to the subscription you wish to change and select Edit Unit Types.

You can then select a new unit size or price. It will give you the option to change to any of the unit types and prices you have created.

You will be asked if you want this change to start Immediately, on the next renewal, or Backdated. You can preview these changes before confirming.

Note: If you select 'immediately,' a pro-rata bill will be generated. If the new unit is larger and more expensive, a bill will likely be immediately due. If the new unit is smaller and less expensive, the customer will likely have credit placed on the account.

Please ensure to change their unit allocation if necessary. This may require you to remove the customer from their current unit allocation and allocate to a new unit.

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