I have just installed the app. How long does it take to see the initial results? Is there a demo video? How does Inventory Forecasting Hero work? How far back is the sales data used by the app? Incoming Inventory is considered for calculating forecast? How do I search for a product? Can app exclude certain products from forecast report of IFH app? How do I see my best sellers by revenue? How do I check my Overstocked products? Can we apply growth % to the Reorder forecast? How do I see how much inventory do I have in hand? How do I see the overstocked products and quantity? How do I tell the app how long my supplier takes to ship the products (Lead Time) and how many days of inventory I want to keep on hand (Days of stock) How an I export the forecast result to excel? Inventory Sync happens real time? Does your app have features like Purchase Orders, Seasonal Forecast, Bundle Products? How can I connect this app to multiple Shopify stores? Is your app GDPR compliant?