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StructShare: Order Flow
Written by Noam Karoly
Updated over 2 months ago

StructShare's new order flow experience will reduce complexity and clicks, while providing customers with a fluid and a user-friendly way to create requisitions, RFQs, and POs!

Click HERE to see video demo of this feature in action!

Navigating this new feature:

  • Start by Selecting your Order Type, Project, and Supplier*

    *Supplier can only be chosen with 'Submit Order' permissions or greater

  • Then, start loading items into your requisition, RFQ, or Order. Note that you have all the same item databases to choose from, as well as existing functionality like:

    • Free-Text Entry

    • Splitting Orders

    • Adding Chat Messages

    • Adding Attachments

  • From this screen you can add items to your drafted order from a number of different sources:

    • Items Database

    • Project Bill of Material (BoM)

    • Supplier Catalogs

    • Manual/Free-Text Entry

  • After selecting an item from your chosen catalog, you can input additional information like quantity, price, cost code, etc.

    • Note that defaulted fields from the catalog source will auto-populate the chosen item in your order

  • You then have the ability to to:

  1. Access the draft order chat interface

  2. Add attachments to the draft (on mobile you can even take a photo on the fly!)

  3. Access the PO table view (this is a great screen for bulk PO line item updates!)

  4. Add additional items to order via free-text

  5. Add additional items to the order from catalogs


Contact Support:

  • Live Chat with Support through StructShare:

    • Click on β€˜Talk to Support’ on the left side of your screen.

  • Email Support:

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