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StructShare Analytics Dashboards
Written by Noam Karoly
Updated over 7 months ago


Learn more about the new StructShare Data Analytics Dashboards. We will discuss how to get included in the beta, and how to leverage the insights.


StructShare is a powerful tool that will help you streamline and standardize your purchasing and material management processes. Leveraging the StructShare system to complete these organizational needs will, over time, amass tons of purchasing data that can be used to improve, enhance, and transform internal business practices.

Introducing StructShare’s new Data Analytics Dashboards! StructShare will now compile your historical purchasing, material management, inventory management, and invoice data into clean, comprehensive, and insightful dashboards that can empower your business to learn from past purchases, projects, and supplier interactions to become a more efficient and effective organization.

Please check out this video for more information:

Things to Consider


  • Once live, the StructShare Analytics Dashboards are accessible to all System Admin users


  • Accessing the Dashboards

  • Executive View

  • Project View

  • Pricing Analysis

  • Accounting View

  • Warehouse View

  • Usage View

Accessing the Dashboards

  1. The option will only appear in your account once they have been enabled by our team. Please reach out to your StructShare point of contact if interested in being included in this beta.

  2. Once enabled, the dashboards can be accessed by clicking on the ‘’ icon on your StructShare homepage

Executive View

This dashboard is designed to give an executive-level overview across the entire StructShare platform. It empowers users to track, monitor, and analyze project spending across all or select, projects and suppliers.

  • Insights

    • See the total spend across the dataset selected

    • See the estimated spend across the dataset selected

    • See the total number of unique items, invoices, and POs created across the dataset selected

  • Spend Analysis

    • Track your company’s committed spend across different months

    • Track the total company spend and change over a given period

    • Apply unique filters to adjust the analyzed time period

  • Spend by Supplier

    • Track how your committed spend is allocated across your suppliers. The dashboard will also show you how many of your suppliers are active.

    • Adjust item categories to gain insights into which suppliers are most prominent in specific budget categories.

  • Actual vs Estimated Spend by Project

    • Analyze the estimated cost of your project (from the BoM) and track how much has already been committed.

    • Adjust Categories to better understand which budget aspects are accounted for, and which ones still need to be committed.

  • Top items

    • Analyze and better understand which are your top items by QTY ordered, Spend, and the number of orders that the item is in.

  • Spend by Category

    • Analyze and better understand your spend breakdown across the Budget Categories you have indicated in the system against items in POs.

  • Spend by Cost Code

    • Analyze and better understand your spend breakdown across the Cost Codes you have indicated in the system against items in POs.

Project View

This dashboard provides similar insights to the Executive View, but empowers users to more granularly drill into specific projects and understand how they factor into the comprehensive, company-wide reporting. This section will also empower users to drill deeper into specific items and how they factor into a particular project (or multiple project) spend.

  • Project Overview

    • See the total spend across the dataset selected.

    • See the estimated spend across the dataset selected.

    • See the total number of unique items, invoices, and POs created across the dataset selected.

  • Committed vs Billed Cost by Supplier

    • Compare the committed project spend to the invoiced amount by suppliers to better understand what payments to suppliers are still outstanding.

  • Item Life Cycle

    • Better understand how a single item (or a group of items) factor into a total project spend

    • Adjust the item name and phase filters to narrow, or broaden, your analysis scope.

Top items

  • Analyze and better understand, within a single project, which are your top items by QTY ordered, Spend, and the number of orders that the item is in.

  • Spend by Category

    • Analyze and better understand your spend breakdown across the Budget Categories you have indicated in the system against items in POs.

  • Spend by Cost Code

    • Analyze and better understand your spend breakdown across the Cost Codes you have indicated in the system against items in POs.

Pricing Analysis

This dashboard provides insights into the individual items that you purchase across the platform to better understand how commonly they are ordered, what portion of your total spend they make up, and how their pricing has changed over time. This section is also full of filters that allow you to granularly analyze one, or multiple items across projects, suppliers, cost codes, categories, and more!

  • Spending Overview

    • Track individual item estimations and spends across one, or multiple projects.

    • Better understand the item’s average price and how pervasive it is in your POs.

  • Purchases

    • Similar to the ‘Line Items’ tool, scroll this section to see all items order, that match your filters, over a designated time period.

    • Note the POs they originated in, the dates in which those orders were placed, the unit price, quantity, and more.

  • Item Unit Price

    • Track how an item’s price has changed month-over month.

    • Select multiple items to compare their prices on the same table.

    • Leverage these insights to better predict price changes over time and leverage warehouse space to store materials before they are needed on site to incur savings.

  • Item Unit Price: Price vs. QTY

    • This shows the average unit price vs. the average quantity which can help you determine the unit price one should pay for future orders.

Accounting View

This dashboard provides deep insights into the invoices received from suppliers through StructShare. This dashboard will empower users to better understand their invoice statuses, invoice volumes over time, allocated payments across suppliers

  • Invoice Life Cycle

    • Gain insight into the total number of invoices received, and their statuses across the account

    • Track the average time to approval on your invoices

  • Invoice by Status

    • Understand how many invoices you have in a particular status across a designated time frame.

  • Invoice Volume by Supplier

    • Analyze the total invoice value across your supplier base

  • Invoices Volume

    • Analyze the total volume of invoices received from suppliers month over month.

    • Adjust the time frames to dig into specific periods.

Warehouse View

This dashboard provides data where the Warehouse is the Project, 'Ship To', and where the Warehouse is a Supplier, 'Ship From' via a toggle. Users can select a specific Warehouse to view and adjust the 'Year' and/or 'Period'.


The 'Ship To' view includes the below sections:

  • Warehouses Overview

    • Total Spend

    • # of Unique Items

    • # Orders

    • Insights based on the above filters highlighting top Item by Spend and top Supplier

  • Spend Analysis- Shows the 'Purchasing Volume' based on filters. 'Invoices Volume' has a separate Year/Period filter showing the total amount of invoices based on applied filters.

  • Orders Analysis by Supplier- Spend and Order view based on the above filters, by Supplier.

  • Item Unit price- Shows average 'Item Unit Price' based on above filters and 'Unit' selection. 'Price vs. Quantity' view shows 'Average Price' vs. 'Average Quantity' based on above filters.

  • All Purchases- Shows all individual Item Names, Quantities, Unit Price, Total Spend, Date and Associated PO based on above filters.

  • Item Life Cycle- Ability to select a specific 'Item Name' based on the above filters and view Ordered vs. Received, Returned, and Billed with insights highlighting the percent Received vs. Ordered, Supplier breakdown and Total Spend.

The 'Ship From' view includes the below sections:

  • Orders by Project- Number of Orders sent from a Warehouse, to the Project

  • Item Life Cycle- Ability to select a specific 'Item Name' based on the above filters and view Ordered vs. Sent and Returned with insights highlighting the percent of items Ordered vs. Sent and Return percentage of selected item back to a Warehouse from a Project.

  • Top Items Ordered from WH- Ability to view top items by total quantity and top items by number of orders based on above filters.

  • All Items Ordered from WH- Shows all individual Item Names, Date and Associated PO based on above filters.


Usage View

This dashboard shows the total usage data of StructShare's main features. Users have the ability to filter usage on a Project by Project basis.

The Usage View is divided into 4 sections:

  • Company Usage- Highlights All Orders, # POs, # Rentals, # RFQs, # Requisitions, # Requisitions Fulfilled, Total Invoices, and # Approved Invoices based on Project filter above. Data can be viewed for the last 7 days, month to date, last 3 months, year to date, all data or by selecting 'Any' and applying a date range.

  • Usage Analysis- Usage analysis of Orders, Requisitions, RFQs and Approved Invoices. Ability to filter by 'Year' and 'Period' in addition to 'Project' filter above.

  • Top Usage- Shows the number of actions (Orders, Requtions, RFQs, Approved Invoices) by specific user name. Can filter by 'Year' and 'Period' in addition to 'Project' filter applied above. Includes an average,

  • Active Users- Shows the number of active users who created Orders, Requisitions, RFQs, or Approved Invoices over the selected 'Year' and 'Period' and based on the 'Project' filter applied above. Includes an average.



Contact Support:

  • Live Chat with Support through StructShare:

    • Click on ‘Talk to Support’ on the left side of your screen.

  • Email Support:

  • Call Support:

    • ‪(512) 222-3716‬

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