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PO Numbering by Project
Written by Noam Karoly
Updated over 6 months ago


How to setup Purchase Orders to be numbered per Project (and include the Job #) at the company level as the system default and on a project by project basis.


StructShare has the ability to setup Purchase Orders to have a numbering system that will include the job # so that each PO # in your system is tied to a job # for easy reference. You can set this up at the company level for all projects or on a project by project basis.

Things to Consider

  • Permissions - The ‘System Admin’ permission level is needed to configure the setting at the system level in 'System Settings'.

    • A 'Project Admin' can enable the setting on a project by project basis from the 'Projects' screen.


  • How to configure by Project, for all Projects by default via System Settings

  • How to configure on a Project by Project basis via 'Project Settings'

How to configure by Project, for all Projects by default via System Settings

  1. Click on the StructShare 'S' logo at the top left to expand the menu bar.

  2. Click on 'Settings'

  3. Enable the ‘Separate PO Counting per Project with Job#'.

  4. Set the 'Default Counting from' if applicable.

  5. Set the 'Default Prefix for PO #' if applicable.

  6. Scroll down to 'Save Changes'.

This setting will automatically apply to all Projects added or imported into StructShare and will take effect after the changes have been saved.

How to Configure on a Project by Project Basis via 'Project Settings'

  1. Click on the StructShare 'S' logo at the top left to expand the menu bar.

  2. Click on the 'Projects' icon to open the 'Projects' screen.

  3. You can search for the Project by Project Name, Job Number or Address, or scroll to find the Project.

  4. Click on the pencil icon next to the Project name or click on the blue Project name.

    1. If you click on the blue Project name, this will take you to the Project 'Budget' tab. Click on the 'Settings' tab.

  5. Click on 'Project Setup'.

  6. Enter the Job Number.

  7. Enable the 'Show before PO #'.

  8. Enable the 'Serial PO Counting with Job #'.

  9. Enter the 'PO Counting From' if applicable.

  10. Add the ‘Prefix for PO #’ if applicable.

  11. Select 'Update Project' to save your changes.

Changes will apply to all orders created after the setting has been adjusted and changes have been saved.


Contact Support:

  • Live Chat with Support through StructShare:

    • Click on ‘Talk to Support’ on the left side of your screen.

  • Email Support:

  • Call Support:

    • ‪(512) 222-3716‬

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